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WoW movie...?

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  • #16
    Re: WoW movie...?

    Its not even about the image of the character, the moment Samus becomes a talking head, they've pretty much ruined what was special. Metroid's story wasn't so much spoken, things were iust left to be interpeted by the player. They data logs found in the Prime games added some lore, but you were still left to experience and interpet the story for yourself rather than have it spoonfed to you.

    A lot of games still haven't struck a chord with me like Super Metroid did.


    • #17
      Re: WoW movie...?

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      Its not even about the image of the character, the moment Samus becomes a talking head, they've pretty much ruined what was special. Metroid's story wasn't so much spoken, things were iust left to be interpeted by the player. They data logs found in the Prime games added some lore, but you were still left to experience and interpet the story for yourself rather than have it spoonfed to you.
      If, they had a good writter who was also a real fan of the series (not like those who magically become old fans of the series when they land the job) I'm pretty sure they could pull it off and make an Alien (ok, maybe more like a mix between Alien and Aliens) kinda movie which could be potentially really good.

      Aside from some kinda intro you don't even need to see Samus' face, the same way we didn't get to really see the Alien much on the first (Alien) movie.

      Too bad the chances of that happening are close to zero.

      PS > I guess I'll settle for RE: Extinction in the mean time. I've been waiting for a long time to finally see that one.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #18
        Re: WoW movie...?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        If Advent Children isn't the best video-game based movie ever, please tell me what is.
        Being best of the worst is hardly an achievement. I have to admit I struggled long and hard to think of any decent movies in the genre and none came to mind. Not Doom, or Mortal Kombat, and even Kylie couldn't save Streetfighter.


        • #19
          Re: WoW movie...?

          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post


          • #20
            Re: WoW movie...?

            Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
            Being best of the worst is hardly an achievement. I have to admit I struggled long and hard to think of any decent movies in the genre and none came to mind. Not Doom, or Mortal Kombat, and even Kylie couldn't save Streetfighter.
            I'm not a big FFVII fan, but as far as this "Compilation of FFVII" stuff goes, I don't think any of the story/cinematic side has been off-the-mark.

            The most important thing about a video game movie is to stay true to the universe and its characters. Its pretty say when something like Dead or Alive (with no story) can sink beneath the low bar set by other movies (Streetfighter, Super Mario Brothers).

            I look at movies based on games like I do movies based on comic books. It can't be good if it can't be faithful to its source. Would any of us forgiven I wouldn't say FFVII: Advent Children wasn't the best movie ever, but it was very good considering how faithful it was to its source.

            Just as another example: Superman Returns. They could have totally stuck to the comic book and did it like they did Batman Begins, but instead of jettison was was good about the 80's flicks, they kept those elements while humanizing Superman/Clark Kent a bit more like they do in the comics. They kept it true to the direction of the comics, but made choices that would feel natural to a Superman comic. One of them was really bold, too, but made sense in the context of the existing story from the 80's films. The directer just understood Superman on both levels.

            I personally think The Compilation of FFVII has accomplished what multi-verses like The Matrix, Riddick, Shenmue and .hack have failed to do - perserve a good story without its transitions to different formats feeling like an absolute cash-in. I could say the same about the Invalice Alliance Project, though that's more multi-platform than multi-format.

            When someone shows they care about the source material, even if its not the best/game movie ever - its one step ahead of the pack.


            • #21
              Re: WoW movie...?

              James Earl Jones is gonna voice a Tauren War Chief, I just know this ...

              I see the same fanbois flogging their rhetoric in this thread. Can we just drop the idiocy? Stop beating the horse, it's already a liquid mess.


              • #22
                Re: WoW movie...?

                Oh god a WoW movie.

                See this s what i hate about WoW, no matter how totally shit and crap that movie will be, it's going to become the "best" just because the loyal zombies of blizzard are going to watch it (God i hate them all!)


                • #23
                  Re: WoW movie...?

                  Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                  I see the same fanbois flogging their rhetoric in this thread. Can we just drop the idiocy? Stop beating the horse, it's already a liquid mess.
                  Where the hell did this come from? We're talking about video games being made into movies in a thread about a video game being made into a movie.

                  This is madness!


                  • #24
                    Re: WoW movie...?

                    Sad. Of all the MMOs that should have a movie, it should be FFXI, nothing else comes close to it's story.
                    Woah. FFXI has way to much plot to cram into one 2 1/2 hour movie. The plot would probably be way too frantic and there wouldn't be much character development at all. WoW wouldn't exactly do well either for the same reason. But it has more of a central plot that I'm aware of.

                    I was a WoW fan since before release up until a few months ago. I got tired of it. But regardless of my attraction to the game, I know for a fact that the movie won't be good. Unless Blizzard is capable of making movies as well as they make games.


                    • #25
                      Re: WoW movie...?

                      I will admit I am interested in the WoW movie. I don't play the games but I've read a lot of the backstory online and such, it could be interesting if the team at Blizzard has a lot of control in what happens.

                      The question is will the movie be able to stand on its own as a story or will there be so much drawn from the other games I'd have to play to understand it. That's a big thing movies based on games face. Some just assume you played the games and start from there, which isn't always a good thing.


                      • #26
                        Re: WoW movie...?

                        FFXI has way to much plot to cram into one 2 1/2 hour movie.
                        Well as it is, yes, but it would be like a quest, you could just leave a lot of references to the storyline in it for people to tie up loose strings with.

                        An FFXI anime would be all sorts of awesome, although I still have horrible memories of FFU


                        • #27
                          Re: WoW movie...?

                          Originally posted by Kuro View Post
                          Oh god a WoW movie.
                          See this s what i hate about WoW, no matter how totally shit and crap that movie will be, it's going to become the "best" just because the loyal zombies of blizzard are going to watch it (God i hate them all!)
                          We all get that you hate WoW but please try to check the childish angst at the door, the adults are trying to have a conversation.


                          • #28
                            Re: WoW movie...?

                            Originally posted by Feba
                            An FFXI anime would be all sorts of awesome, although I still have horrible memories of FFU
                            They've already put out a Manga. I don't quite understand what's going on yet, as I'm still a novice in Japanese. I don't think it would be hard to make an anime. But let it be better than all the other anime crap they've put out.

                            Originally posted by Kuro
                            See this s what i hate about WoW, no matter how totally shit and crap that movie will be, it's going to become the "best" just because the loyal zombies of blizzard are going to watch it (God i hate them all!)
                            I had the same feeling about Transformers after it happened.


                            • #29
                              Re: WoW movie...?

                              As much as I think the Metroid movie will be awful, I would watch it if Milla was cast as Samus. >.>;

                              As much as I don't really care for the Warcraft games, I do enjoy the stories a lot. Well maybe not even the stories so much as the way they're told. If they can balance their storytelling with their pretty graphics, they've got a good movie. Not that they even have to make a good movie .. People will go see it because of what it is.
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                              • #30
                                Re: WoW movie...?

                                im not certain but does WOW even have a story line i mean FFXI has a easy to tell story line i plaied wow for awhile and i found no such story line and how do you make a movie off a game that doesnt have a story line?
                                i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!

