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The return

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  • The return

    Of me has people missed me and my improper typeing and spelling and i just decided that i wanted to come back for no flipping reason at all and was woundering if people have missed me since i last posted and lately i havent been able to play bc of money issues and i have been wanted to play more than any thing and currently i have a head ache and its makeing me mad and i might also tell you im now in 11th grade and currently a cheerleader and thats another reason i have left ffxi bc cheerleading is really demanding with all my cheerleaders being fat and me haveing to lift there fat butts.....but any way that was a bit over the top so tell me how yall been and what has been added to ffxi since i left 7 months ago
    i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!

  • #2
    Re: The return


    Jesus Christ, I hope you don't write papers like that. Seriously it is not that hard to use proper grammar.

    edit: no, I didn't read it, and no I won't, it's a freaking wall of text, and I really hope you don't post again.
    -Baka Inu!
    Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
    Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
    Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
    Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


    • #3
      Re: The return

      Originally posted by Darkages View Post
      im now in 11th grade and currently a cheerleader and thats another reason i have left ffxi bc cheerleading is really demanding with all my cheerleaders being fat and me haveing to lift there fat butts

      You left 7 months ago? Anyway... all is the same pretty much.


      • #4
        Re: The return

        Originally posted by Darkages View Post
        Of me has people missed me and my improper typeing and spelling and i just decided that i wanted to come back for no flipping reason at all and was woundering if people have missed me since i last posted and lately i havent been able to play bc of money issues and i have been wanted to play more than any thing and currently i have a head ache and its makeing me mad and i might also tell you im now in 11th grade and currently a cheerleader and thats another reason i have left ffxi bc cheerleading is really demanding with all my cheerleaders being fat and me haveing to lift there fat butts.....but any way that was a bit over the top so tell me how yall been and what has been added to ffxi since i left 7 months ago
        I don't have much against obese people, but are you serious about most of the cheerleaders being obese? It's just I've never imagined a highschool with that. Well, as long as their happy, it's cool. Welcome back and best wishes to you.

        Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

        I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


        • #5
          Re: The return

          Originally posted by Rain_Blade View Post
          I don't have much against obese people, but are you serious about most of the cheerleaders being obese? It's just I've never imagined a highschool with that. Well, as long as their happy, it's cool. Welcome back and best wishes to you.
          His bad spelling/grammar is rubbing off on you.


          Originally posted by InuTrunks View Post

          Jesus Christ, I hope you don't write papers like that. Seriously it is not that hard to use proper grammar.

          edit: no, I didn't read it, and no I won't, it's a freaking wall of text, and I really hope you don't post again.
          QFT . . . but, then again, it's Darkages you're talking to.
          Originally posted by Armando
          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
          Originally posted by Armando
          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
          Originally posted by Taskmage



          Originally posted by Taskmage
          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
          Matthew 16:15


          • #6
            Re: The return

            As much as I detest reading Darkages' writing, I have have to say I can't recall him being mean or abrasive toward anyone, ever.

            Thus, I begrudgingly welcome him back, atrocious writings and all; this forum can use more nice people. >_>; (And, better writing--but between the two I have to chose niceness first, don't I?)

            Welcome back, Darkages.
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • #7
              Re: The return

              As annoying as horrible grammar is (especially endless run-on scentences), Darkages isn't all that bad a guy. Just throw huge freaking grammar clue-bats at his head.


              • #8
                Re: The return

                And, better writing--but between the two I have to chose niceness first, don't I?
                No, no you don't.

                Darkages, you are in insult to 11th graders. I've been held back once for being too lazy to do my work, and I've barely put any effort into my schooling at all- hell, the main reason I got a GED was because I hate school in general- and I can STILL speak ENGLISH well enough that people realize IT'S MY NATIVE LANGUAGE. It's not hard, people!

                You know what's really sad? I've spoken to gilsellers, living in China, that have better English than that post has. Darkages, you can't possibly be that stupid, take the extra time to write a post that won't draw insults like a light draws moths. Hell, personally, it's HARD for me to write a post like that, because good language skills are a habit you should hardly EVER break.


                • #9
                  Re: The return

                  awww feba missed you lol, Darkages is probably the only person here whose post grammar annoy feba more then mine. Wb Darkages
                  [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                  • #10
                    Re: The return

                    here whose post grammar annoy feba more then mine

                    Did you actually TRY to make more grammatical errors than words?


                    • #11
                      Re: The return

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      Did you actually TRY to make more grammatical errors than words?
                      Problems you seem to have, yes.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #12
                        Re: The return

                        Problems you seem to have, yes.
                        I'm going to pretend that my post said "Have you got mental problems?" and tell myself you're responding to that.


                        • #13
                          Re: The return

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          Did you actually TRY to make more grammatical errors than words?

                          Just for you
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • #14
                            Re: The return

                            I agree with Feba. For an 11th grader, that's horrible grammar.
                            I'd hate to see what his resume will look like when it comes time to make one. ; ;


                            • #15
                              Re: The return

                              Whoa, wait. Darkages went to school?
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


