Did you know the word "Nerf" (Used to describe something that was weakend) was invented in Ultima Online?
At one point, the game developers weakend sword damage in melee combat so much that the players complained that it was like they where hitting each other with Nerf Bats.
Nerf is an anagram for non-expandable recreational foam (nerf), used in things like stress toys and as projectiles of some toy guns. See image below:

Popularity of the phrase made it so that whenever something was made worse, it was considered 'nerfed.'
At one point, the game developers weakend sword damage in melee combat so much that the players complained that it was like they where hitting each other with Nerf Bats.
Nerf is an anagram for non-expandable recreational foam (nerf), used in things like stress toys and as projectiles of some toy guns. See image below:

Popularity of the phrase made it so that whenever something was made worse, it was considered 'nerfed.'