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  • #31
    Re: Marijuana

    Originally posted by neighbortaru View Post
    so, err, we know who the stoner is on this forum eh?
    And we know who those clearly ridden with ignorance on these forum are.

    The only weapon stoners have is endless and pointless arguing. There's never a resolution.
    You guys are a gag. What, are you better than me because I get high and you don't? You don't need to waste your time debating because I'm just some lazy stoner who can't think right because his brain is for sure too fucked up?

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #32
      Re: Marijuana

      Yay for stereotypes.

      So lock because no one will actually debate its just gonna be a im right your wrong pointless thread.
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #33
        Re: Marijuana

        Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
        And we know who those clearly ridden with ignorance on these forum are.

        You guys are a gag. What, are you better than me because I get high and you don't? You don't need to waste your time debating because I'm just some lazy stoner who can't think right because his brain is for sure too fucked up?
        It all started because someone wanted aproval for what they were doing, and it turned out not many aproved it.

        As you may have noticed by now no one really cares if you do drugs or not (it's your call), but if you keep trying to change people's opinion on the subject all you will acomplish are pointless fights.

        After all you are looking for people's understanding and acceptance for something that's clearly bad for you, so it's never gonna happen. They will respect your choices and leave you alone, but don't expect any kind of acceptance and encouragement if you bring the subject as a topic of discussion.

        Edit> And yes indeed, this thread is getting really close to joining the Locked Threads hall of fame.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #34
          Re: Marijuana

          Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
          are you better than me because I get high and you don't?
          Why yes I am, but for so many reasons.

          Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
          no one will actually debate its just gonna be a im right your wrong pointless thread.
          You're wrong.

          Exactly what is there to debate anyway?
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #35
            Re: Marijuana

            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
            You're wrong.
            Exactly what is there to debate anyway?
            NO I'm Right, You're Wrong!

            I think...

            That was my point there is nothing to debate on the subject. People who smoke, are going to feel it is fine due to their doing it "safe". People who only smoke at home and don't leave, are "safe" when it comes to harming others. People who are against smoking are going to say it is "bad", even tho you can argue medical marijuana is used in many cases (tho misused in more cases). And people like me really don't care if you smoke or not.

            So lock the thread please!
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #36
              Re: Marijuana

              Locking the thread only allows you to be content with not actually listening to the other posters on this topic. Instead of requesting a lock (thus effectively preventing the dissemination of otherwise previously sited thread-appropriate information), why not just stop clicking on the thread? The only reason you'd want it locked is to "lock in" your opinion and prevent others from responding.

              The OP post is not particularly thoughtful or interesting, but there's plenty of interesting material in the thread.

              Let's start here:
              Originally posted by neokaril
              I think the largest road block to someone respecting your choice is that your choice is illegal.
              Just because something is illegal doesn't necessarily indicate a moral wrongness. Speeding is illegal for instance, but it has been statistically shown that people who travel at a higher rate of speed than the surrounding traffic (within reason) actually have fewer accidents. Therefore, in this respect speeding is actually good but we couldn't do it if society wasn't set on the idea that it's "wrong". Sometimes it's good to tell people things are wrong just to modify the demographics of opinion to create favorable situations for government.

              I do agree (somewhat) with the position that marijuana has "no positive benefit" in that recreational use of the product doesn't really make you a better cog-drone for the corporate machine. However, there is a darker side to the illegality of this particular plant, and this is one that I, my family (including my staunchly temperant grandparents) and friends are completely opposed to. That is the industrial use of the plant for fiber product. This is illegal as well, but why? There are two industries in this country that are generally responsible for this: Cotton and Paper. Both clothing fiber and paper can be produced from the hemp plant (cheaply) and hemp has an extremely broad growing area (e.g. everywhere, that's why the call it "weed"). This would allow cheap, wide-spread competition in these markets.

              Moving on to recreation, remember that even if you think it's "bad for you", that the government is not supposed to be slapping your hand every time you pound down a bag of greasy potato chips, so why should they when you smoke up? They don't punish you for drinking or smoking (cigarettes)--they just tax you. The liquor and tobacco industries have a vested interest in keeping less dangerous competitive recreational products off the market. Plus, as above, the plant is in fact a weed which means that you could grow it at home if you wanted and that really puts a damper on the tax machine... Therefore, it's illegal.

              Illegality does not equate to Morality (e.g. Abortion). It is a disservice to the idea of personal liberty to suggest that a person may not select their own mode of recreation as long as it does not harm others--regardless of whether or not you personally like smoking pot.


              • #37
                Re: Marijuana

                The US Government is a business. Once the local and national law enforcement agencies curb the inflow of illegal drugs from other countries it'll be profitable for the government to make marijuana legal. Sike.

                The effects are obvious. Some people deal with them better than others, but legalizing it just because other substances that are bad for you are legal is taking a step backwards. Alchohol can be bad for you in large quantities, junk food is bad even in small quantities, and from what I've seen it doesn't take much marijuana to mess you up for life. It's like stepping out the back door of a concert and realizing there's no handle on your side of the door as it slams shut, except the realization never comes.


                • #38
                  Re: Marijuana

                  So, uh, hmm. What does everybody think of the Immigration reform debate?

                  I don't think minds are being changed on either side of the OP, if that's even the point, but for the love of all things holy, I'm only goofing about the Immigration thing.


                  • #39
                    Re: Marijuana

                    but if you keep trying to change people's opinion on the subject all you will acomplish are pointless fights.
                    I have no interest in changing yours, or anyone else's, opinion on any subject matter. I do, however, wish to eliminate the stereotypes and discrimination drug users face. Whether you agree with someone's desire to take a drug has little effect on the situation. Drug users a going to get high whether you approve or not.

                    I do not wish force my opinion down other people's throats, but merely to present it in a mature manner that can be debated with some civility. Using stereotypical words like 'stoner' and 'burnout' show a real lack of respect for other people's opinion. Just because you disagree with someone's idea, doesn't mean you have to instantly oust them and not give their opinions a minimal amount of respect.

                    Moving on to recreation, remember that even if you think it's "bad for you", that the government is not supposed to be slapping your hand every time you pound down a bag of greasy potato chips, so why should they when you smoke up?
                    This is possibly the smartest thing I've read posted in this thread so far. The government makes laws to protect our individual humanistic rights, such as right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The government should have no control on the substances I, or anyone else, choose to take.

                    "If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
                    -Terence McKenna

                    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                    • #40
                      Re: Marijuana

                      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                      The effects are obvious. Some people deal with them better than others, but legalizing it just because other substances that are bad for you are legal is taking a step backwards. Alchohol can be bad for you in large quantities, junk food is bad even in small quantities, and from what I've seen it doesn't take much marijuana to mess you up for life.
                      Well, to take this point of view, you seem to think that everything "bad for you" should be made illegal. Therefore, all people should be forced to watch only educational documentaries and training videos pertinent to their particular life station. All forms of gaming and sports should be illegal. Being engaged in a sport of any fashion subjects you to injury. Obviously, being in the military is also not good for your health... Let's get rid of that too.

                      The above is a bit overdone, but the point is, that sometimes we need to take a "legal step backwards" because when we stepped forward in the first place, what we did was wrong. If you make a mistake and continue along the same line, you end up with an entire philosophy of government which is founded upon an initial bad notion, and if what you've seen of Marijuana use involves propaganda from various sources you should re-examine your sources. Do you have any friends who use it? Are they any worse off than the ones who drink beer? Any friends that watch TV every waking non-work moment of their lives? Perhaps you know someone who plays video games for inordinately long times... Anything you do too much of can f up your life. I'm not really certain what you mean by "it doesn't take much marijuana to mess you up for life." Did you have a friend who hit a pipe, went insane, and then killed 6 people? I would prefer a specific example to a sweeping generalization. I know a lot of people who lead otherwise normal lives who occasionally partake of "The Reefer". I know people (mostly in college) who spent every last penny they had on it and failed because of it. I know people who use it responsibly (they say that in beer commercials) and people who use it irresponsibly. Both kinds of people occur in basically every form of recreation known to man....

                      "Dude... don't you think you've had enough Chess?"

                      "F you man, get off my back! Pawn to Queen's Rook 4!"


                      • #41
                        Re: Marijuana

                        Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                        Do you have any friends who use it?

                        Are they any worse off than the ones who drink beer?
                        None of us drink beer.

                        Any friends that watch TV every waking non-work moment of their lives? Perhaps you know someone who plays video games for inordinately long times...
                        No and no.

                        Well, to take this point of view, you seem to think that everything "bad for you" should be made illegal. Therefore, all people should be forced to watch only educational documentaries and training videos pertinent to their particular life station. All forms of gaming and sports should be illegal. Being engaged in a sport of any fashion subjects you to injury. Obviously, being in the military is also not good for your health... Let's get rid of that too.
                        Yes, if it's bad you should generally stay away from it. Why would sports be illegal? There's only risk of physical injury, something that'll heal over a few days or weeks, possibly months or years depending on the severity of the injury. The obvious benefits far outweight the risks.

                        Marijuana's obvious damage to the personality, and mental stability far outweight any kind of retarded benefit. Don't want to eat? If you want to live you will. Stomach issues? Sit on the toilet and have your mommy get you some Pepto. Can't see very well? Buy a cane. Don't be so pathetic.

                        I'm still earning my education, so I shouldn't have to say I've seen plenty of these people zombie through the halls trying to salvage what little brain cells they still have. They don't even understand how they're being treated differently. They just complain about it all being unfair and the world is out to get them and the government blah blah blah. Some of them can't even get through the day without lighting up in the morning. It's a crutch for a problem that doesn't exist, and it's pathetic.


                        • #42
                          Re: Marijuana

                          I haven't seen this show in ages, but it was pretty entertaining. This doesn't necessarily reflect my views, but here it is none the less:





                          • #43
                            Re: Marijuana

                            The only thing that's bullshit is Penn and Teller's career. I'm not even sure what they're arguing. They admit drugs are bad, and then they interview people who say drugs are good, and some that say drugs are bad, then bitch about the war on drugs.
                            Last edited by DakAttack; 06-14-2007, 02:24 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Marijuana

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              None of us drink beer.
                              A member of the Temperant Society, this will be my last post on this subject as it is basically a pointless topic every time it comes up

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              Yes, if it's bad you should generally stay away from it.
                              There is a great difference between should and must. Making things illegal is not a good solution.

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              Marijuana's obvious damage to the personality, and mental stability far outweight any kind of retarded benefit.
                              First of all, I completely disagree with this idea--I really think you have less experience with the culture than you put on. Second, I never said there was a benefit--merely that it is a voluntary recreational past-time.

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              Don't want to eat? If you want to live you will. Stomach issues? Sit on the toilet and have your mommy get you some Pepto. Can't see very well? Buy a cane. Don't be so pathetic.
                              I fail to understand the purpose of this paragraph, and the direct insult is rather...inappropriate.

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              I'm still earning my education, so I shouldn't have to say I've seen plenty of these people zombie through the halls trying to salvage what little brain cells they still have.

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              They don't even understand how they're being treated differently. They just complain about it all being unfair and the world is out to get them and the government blah blah blah. Some of them can't even get through the day without lighting up in the morning. It's a crutch for a problem that doesn't exist, and it's pathetic.
                              Everyone complains about their situation. They're no different. I didn't say that there weren't people who are addicted to it did I? What I did say is that if it weren't there it would just be something else equally ruinous. You cannot save those who are doomed, only they can save themselves. Watch "Intervention". Don't call them pathetic, you don't know them and it's unfair of you to denegrate others in this manner.

                              I will refer you to replace every reference to "pot-smoker" in your post with your choice of the following: Jew, Gay, Black, Woman, etc. You are being unnecessarily hateful, and you fail to understand the mechanisms of personal addiction. You should have a chat with a psychologist who studies these types of behaviors--you might find it enlightening.

                              Also, how come everyone always skips over the industrial portions of my argument and focuses on the drug aspect? I intended for the industrial portion to be of equal weight, and yet...ignored completely...

                              Does that mean that you agree that we should be able to grow industrial hemp for product, or is it immoral to make paper and textiles from a plant which also produces a drug?


                              • #45
                                Re: Marijuana

                                Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                                I will refer you to replace every reference to "pot-smoker" in your post with your choice of the following: Jew, Gay, Black, Woman, etc. You are being unnecessarily hateful, and you fail to understand the mechanisms of personal addiction. You should have a chat with a psychologist who studies these types of behaviors--you might find it enlightening.
                                Uh-huh, let's all tell each other to do pointless things. That's pretty much what I expect from a stoner. If anything, I'm being dislikeful, which is quite an accomplishment seeing as how these people degrade our society. Jews, gays, blacks, and women, as you put it, don't. It's hard to see the box itself when you're on the inside.

                                Also, how come everyone always skips over the industrial portions of my argument and focuses on the drug aspect? I intended for the industrial portion to be of equal weight, and yet...ignored completely...

                                Does that mean that you agree that we should be able to grow industrial hemp for product, or is it immoral to make paper and textiles from a plant which also produces a drug?
                                Nobody cares. Really. You don't care either, it's just on your checklist of things to bring up to give marijuana some credit.

