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Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

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  • Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

    Seriously, it seems like almost every time I see someone criticize someone's work on the internet, this is their first defense. What I want to know is, why the hell does anyone think this is a good defense?

    If you go to a restaurant, and the food tastes awful, do you eat it happily because you know you couldn't be a chef? If a dealership sells you a car that barely drives, do you never complain, since there's no way you could build a car? This defense makes it impossible for you to complain about practically any consumer product.

    I mean, almost anyone who's ever said that they dislike any movie, game, artwork, should not be using this defense, but I doubt that's true. Is it ok for you to criticize a 150$ million movie? I'm *sure* you haven't made one, and you have no directing experience, so are you going to just ignore the fact that it was a waste of your time and money, instead of telling other people the same?

  • #2
    Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

    It shouldn't be used as a first defense, and I think the round-a-bout meaning is a little misunderstood. Basically if you don't like what's going on, and you can't do better or change it, then you can move on instead of whining about it. Though if somebody brings it to you then I believe that defense is pointless.


    • #3
      Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

      I hate to reply to long posts with one-liners, but it really comes down to...

      Because it's convenient.


      • #4
        Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

        Of course, there is a difference between criticism and just outright complaining. Criticism is something we all provide, be it positive or negative. But so often someone (especially on the internet) just wants to complain about something, with little knowledge or understanding (or even just reasons) to back their claims up.

        Saying that you didn't care for a book is criticism. Saying that a film was muddled, and it's message was hard to understand is criticism. Saying that a dish wasn't cooked well, or that it's flavors didn't work together is criticism.

        Using hyperbole "Worst movie ever!" "That tasted like crap" "This game blows" and generally not having reasons for why you didn't like something, or felt it didn't work, is just complaining. At least, to my mind.

        Basically, if you can provide reasons why you didn't like something, and can accept that not everyone agrees with you, then I'm not going to have a problem with your opinion. But if you're just going to ignorantly bash something, then I'm going to suggest you do better if you know so much (knowing all the while that you don't).

        Or something. Maybe not the best way of expressing what I'm trying to say. Maybe you can do better?


        • #5
          Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

          I'd say it depends on the context of the discussion.

          There are many people out there who are really good at criticizing and complaining about anything you can imagine, yet they are unable to deliver the standards they ask for in whatever it is that they do.

          As a consumer you can ask for things to work better or choose another provider. You are paying for the service/item/etc. after all; so if you see the company is failing to deliver what you were offered then you have all the right in the world to complain about it.

          You as a costumer can say you don't like the product, the book, the movie etc.

          But, if you are demanding for people to meet your standards and telling them how to do their job (just because you say so), then it means you are fully capable of understanding the process of creating/manufacturing/etc., and have real plausible ways to improve things.

          In other words that if you were in the same position you could do it better (and not just some kiddy bravado, but actually do it better) and because of that you are demanding for people to meet said standards.

          Otherwise you are just taking cheap shots at something even though you have no idea how to do what you are demanding for.

          And of course there are also many people out there who simply fail at whatever they do, and yet they wont accept any suggestions about how to improve the situation.

          The line is very thin but it's all about respect for other people's work and skills really.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

            Seriously, it seems like almost every time I see someone criticize someone's work on the internet, this is their first defense. What I want to know is, why the hell does anyone think this is a good defense?
            Well now are we talking using this defense in a debate or in a game? Like, "We want you to do better by not going drk/smn in exp parties!"?

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #7
              Re: Why do people use "I'd like to see you do better!" as a defense?

              I don't think he means in-game. Hence the posting in off-topic, and his reference to "someone's work."

