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stupidist Question/Comment asked/made to you in game/ RL work

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  • stupidist Question/Comment asked/made to you in game/ RL work

    Ok, its quite funny lookin through the various forums, runnigna round in game and in RL to be asked stupid pointless questions and being told stupid pointless things. so come on share, what stupid questions / stupid comments have people made to you in game and in RL at work?

    I'll start...

    In Game Lvl 38 PLD got a tell from a lvl 47 WAR in quicksand Caves... "PL Please" I was like WTF? I'm to low a lvl to even exp in their!!, and got the reply "Your the only white magic caster not in a party" I just don't think they understood the game....

    While I was a firefighter, we were being called to a big 20 pump warehouse job 30 miles from the station we could see the smoke from 10 miles back (our part of the country is flat!!) at 1 mile you could clearly see the flames licking through the roof. We arrived at the scene as the 12th pump and was greeted by an enthusiastic member of the public, he stopped us and pointed saying "its over there" (we were 20m from it!!!!!) I being in my usual sarcastic move eplied "no shit, I though I could see smoke somewhere aound here!"

  • #2
    Re: stupidist Question/Comment asked/made to you in game/ RL work

    In Game: "What's a Subligaria?"

    At work, recently.... not said to me, but I heard it: "Volcanoes under the ground."



    • #3
      Re: stupidist Question/Comment asked/made to you in game/ RL work

      "Why would you want a laptop? They're so small."


      • #4
        Re: stupidist Question/Comment asked/made to you in game/ RL work

        Thats a classic Feba.

