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yay hospital trip -.-

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  • yay hospital trip -.-

    Over the last six months, I've had seizures manifesting themselves in different ways.

    Don't really pass out or have convulsions, I just kinds stare off into space, cold sweat and feel fatigued. It can happen in my sleep, too. I wake up feeling like a ton of bricks when it happens. Then it escalated to brief spans of memory loss, mood swings and such. Fun stuff.

    So we started with Keppra as my first medication to remedy this. The problems I experienced practically doubled in effect. Not good, so I was moved to using Lamictal. We sloooowly ramped up the dosage until settling on 200mg.

    So I'm settled on 200mg... and now I can't sleep. Seizures are gone, but can't sleep well. i'll collapse for all of an hour and then get back up and not sleep for many more hours. Mood swings are back too. Had a evening when I felt toyally depressed and had no basis to feel that way. Another night I lashed out a good friend, had to profusely apologize for it the next day.

    Haven't really be allowed to drive. Well, no one can stop me actually, but I refuse to drive to the city at the moment, just stay in town.

    First doctor wasn't really helpful. I'd describe the issues, he'd nod, give me a prescription and send me on my way. Doctor today listened , even interrupted me at times to explain some things.

    So now we're trying to figure out what kind of seizures I'm really having. I'm going to the hospital and going off the meds so they can see what happens. Otherwise I just stick to what I do every day.


    They said I could bring my PS2... they said nothing about an internet connection.


    I'm bringing my keyboard just in case, I got merits to get here and WHM sub to level. But in the event there is no internet.. I could stand to finish FFXII and sort through some DS games, watch some movies.

    Pretty unusual hospital trip and the food is going to be bad, maybe I can pay off my sister to go to Wendy's <.< Four-Alarm Chicken Sandwich ftw.

    Could be a few days, could be a few weeks... I don't want FFXI withdrawal, so hopefully it is a few days.

    Meh I don't want to go, but w/e. Just don't give me the roomate that needs a bedpan.

  • #2
    Re: yay hospital trip -.-

    Well, seems like you still have your sense of humor; don't forget to bring that to the hospital.

    Take care, and hopefully the hospital can figure out what's going on in that head of yours.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #3
      Re: yay hospital trip -.-

      I hate going into hospital,, but the main thing is they may be able to work out what these seizures are and hopefully give you the correct med to help you live a resonably normal life, put up with the testing crap, chin up and soon you will be able to get back to a reasonably normal life. In Uk hospitals there ain't any internet or TV's (other than the highly expensive patientline service of £2.90 a day for tv (thats about $6)


      • #4
        Re: yay hospital trip -.-

        Wow, that makes my morning spent in the ER the other day seem like a walk in the park. I hope they figure things out for you. /em prays for internet connection for Omgwtfbbqkitten

        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


        • #5
          Re: yay hospital trip -.-

          I just don't enjoy the "let make him have the seizures again" part. When I miss a day on the medication, I can really feel it. There were so many ways I can be set off to, some I'm aware of and some not.

          When I was still going though the dosage adjustment, I started up the diswasher and something about the noise for the sloshing of water just set it off. And playing FFXI, as if I didn't hate HNM camps enough, something just isn't willing to process the visuals through the lag, its like my mind requires fluid animation or something. Flashing, however, doesn't seem to do a thing, so having Pikachu in a game is safe.

          My prior job had a lot of water sloshing, too. I filled up giant vats every day, moved 40 pound bags of ceramic fiber, gallons of silicone. Basically I made what we called Thermal Ceramics, stuff you line heaters, ovens, kilns and such with. Sometimes you placed coils into them, sometimes not. Then there's the forklifts, moving the complete product onto a rack and shoving it into an oven. its sometimes feels like taking 20 pounds of clothing and having to carry them while they're mostly went.

          So having a job that was so physical was not a good thing, they let me go and I'm looking for a new job while taking online classes in the meantime. I seem to have mental blocks when it comes to being creative, or just have fleeting moments whereas I used to be creative all the time. I don't know if its part of this or not, but I'm gonna try to fight it on my own by doing little photoshop projects as I can when I get back.


          • #6
            Re: yay hospital trip -.-

            Here's hoping for the best.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: yay hospital trip -.-

              Try not to die in a fire at the hospital.


              • #8
                Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                Bad Murphie.... -100 respect points...


                • #9
                  Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                  Spare the rest of us from this childish bickering. If you want to go at each other, cramp your fingers in PMs. I dont know the whole feud between the three of you, and I dont care. So stop making a public spectacle.

                  Ive given enough warnings today...

                  75 BLU | THF | PLD


                  • #10
                    Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                    Good luck with the Hospital visit and I hope everything gets figured out and taken care of.

                    Created by Eohmer


                    • #11
                      Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                      Good luck with that, here's to hoping that they can find some way to help you without sticking you on drugs.

                      I highly dislike drugs of any kind, but I happen to be overly sensitive to their effects/side effects, so I strongly dislike the strong meds.

                      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                      • #12
                        Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                        Hope they can get to the bottom of your troubles and sort it all out. I'm honestly not sure whether I'd be less comfortable with seizures or psych meds.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                          I hate relying on medication for anything, to be honest. Funny thing is I never really get sick, only had one broken bone my entire life and that was really just a fracture.

                          But when there is a problem, oh man, its always a big one.

                          Was really lucky on the fracture, too, because I was hit by an SUV... crossing in a crosswalk with the "walk" signal up. I was in college at the time, had a bad habit of carrying my backpack on my shoulder.

                          They say that's bad for your back... well, the textbooks (many of them all huge) absorbed most of the impact, so I disagree.

                          Got a nice settlement. It was the son of a preacher that hit me, just for kicks I went to his father's church to listen to a sermon. After getting out, the preacher was shaking hands and talking to folks. I came along and shook hands, he asked me for my name.

                          So I told him.

                          I've never seen someone turn so pale in my life XD


                          • #14
                            Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                            I'm lucky. Only real injuries I've had in my lifetime are scraped knees and bruised egos.

                            Well, mental illness I suppose, but that doesn't really count... chances are I'd only be slightly less odd.

                            Do be very careful of what your doctors do, especially when they're messing with medication. When I was around 7-9ish, I had a psychologist who was very, very irresponsible with prescribing me medication, which still has negative affects on me today.

                            Best of luck though. And Murphie does have a bit of a point, there was that nurse a couple weeks ago, she lit her workplace on fire because she couldn't complete some paperwork.


                            • #15
                              Re: yay hospital trip -.-

                              I wouldn't count on a broadband connection at the hospital. Not sure how the phone conneciton on ps2 works, but you could always get a cheap (free) month of AOL or something and jack the phone line in the room.

                              Good luck on getting it all figured out.
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian

