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Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

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  • #31
    Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

    I'd vote for her...hell, after the disgrace of a president we have now, I'd vote for a bag of corn chips if it'd end the war. I fully support our troops (step-father served in both gulf wars, brother and sister-in-law served in the most current) but I can't support our policies over there, and from the stories I've heard first hand from them, it seems like a lot of the military doesn't at this point, either...

    People talk about the scandal that's been associated with the Clinton's like it's a big deal, but I'm enough of a pessimest to say that the only reason it's a big deal is because people know about it. Every President this country has ever had has been involved in some sort of scandal, but people pull some shady real-estate deals they were involved in 30 years ago as evidence against their character like it was mass-genocide. If anyone thinks that ALL politicians aren't shady they are seriously kidding themselves.

    And oh man, the State of the Union was freakin hysterical. They need to dub in a laugh-track and start repeating it on Comedy Central. Thank God that man can't run for a third term...
    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

    Check out my blog! =>


    • #32
      Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

      Originally posted by Effedup View Post
      And oh man, the State of the Union was freakin hysterical. They need to dub in a laugh-track and start repeating it on Comedy Central. Thank God that man can't run for a third term...
      I loved the bit about the no child earn a dime act being a huge success.
      That whole thing was disgusting BS.
      and lol @ the fox news text poll about how 85% of the country thought it was an excellent speech.

      fk yes


      • #33
        Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

        I think we should go with Lewis Black's plan for the next election: "When the winner of American Idol is selected, that person is immediately blind-folded and handed a dart that they throw at a large map of the United States. Wherever the dart lands is where we send the monkey. We take a monkey and strap a parachute to him, load him in an airplane and when the airplane is over the spot on the map where the dart landed, we shove the little fucker out of the plane. The first person's hand that the monkey grabs is the president!"

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #34
          Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

          Not in the US, not voting.

          Clinton has quite a huge anti-videogaming stance. Hopefully her being elected won't harm the industry, and turn all of America's parents into anti-videogame paranoid gits.

          ...Oh, wait. Nevermind.


          • #35
            Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

            The President of the United States has a lot more pressing concerns to worry about than videogames. I doubt it'd be an issue.


            • #36
              Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

              Originally posted by Skoal View Post
              I got this in an email. I would love to know how much of this is true. I am very skeptical of the validity of information that is sent to me sometimes. Maybe someone a little more savvy in politics can verify if any of this is true.
              I did a Google search on a majority of the names listed in your post and had no trouble whatsoever finding information from news sources about the murders and then supposed theory behind Clinton's participation in them.

              One interesting aspect of checking into all of this seems to be that Clinton has connections to the mafia and that the murders usually appear to be execution style, covered up as suicide.

              I know there is always alot of hearsey and strong opinion circulated through the internet when it comes to polictics. However, these news sources are like, and

              So, if you ask me, I tend to think there is some weight behind the proposed ideas of "Clinton's death hands."


              • #37
                Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

                I guess no one read the Snopes link that was posted above. Very little of that stuff has any validity to it.


                • #38
                  Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

                  Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                  I guess no one read the Snopes link that was posted above. Very little of that stuff has any validity to it.
                  From Snopes:
                  Q: How do I know the information you've presented is accurate? A: We don't expect anyone to accept us as the ultimate authority on any topic, which is why our site's name indicates that it contains reference pages. Unlike the plethora of anonymous individuals who create and send the unsigned, unsourced e-mail messages that are forwarded all over the Internet, we show our work. The research materials we've used in the preparation of any particular page are listed in the bibliography displayed at the bottom of that page so that readers who wish to verify the validity of our information may check those sources for themselves.

                  I believe as much of what Snopes has to say as I do the email that was sent to me. Its kind of like watching cnn or fox. They only give you the side of the story that matches their political view.

                  And no, I still wouldn't vote for Hillary.

                  Thanks Kazuki.
                  Dragoon Equipment


                  • #39
                    Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

                    Actually, the paragraph you just posted is why I'm more likely to believe what I read at Snopes than somewhere else. They post their work and resources. Those random email folks don't.


                    • #40
                      Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

                      I checked up on a few sources. Some of them I was unable to access online. It seems to me like the ones I have found are nothing more than obituaries, and just reports that people are linking Clinton with these deaths.

                      It seems to me like the Snopes article is opinion with a few sources to make it look credible. Just look at the last paragraph.

                      It seems like people are smart enough to realize that an email is 99% going to be some BS. You throw a few sources at the bottom of the page, its as good as gold.
                      Thanks Kazuki.
                      Dragoon Equipment


                      • #41
                        Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'

                        I'm not saying they are irrefutable. I'm just saying that I'm more inclined to believe them than some random email.

