Re: Clinton says spouse will be an 'asset'
I'd vote for her...hell, after the disgrace of a president we have now, I'd vote for a bag of corn chips if it'd end the war. I fully support our troops (step-father served in both gulf wars, brother and sister-in-law served in the most current) but I can't support our policies over there, and from the stories I've heard first hand from them, it seems like a lot of the military doesn't at this point, either...
People talk about the scandal that's been associated with the Clinton's like it's a big deal, but I'm enough of a pessimest to say that the only reason it's a big deal is because people know about it. Every President this country has ever had has been involved in some sort of scandal, but people pull some shady real-estate deals they were involved in 30 years ago as evidence against their character like it was mass-genocide. If anyone thinks that ALL politicians aren't shady they are seriously kidding themselves.
And oh man, the State of the Union was freakin hysterical. They need to dub in a laugh-track and start repeating it on Comedy Central. Thank God that man can't run for a third term...
I'd vote for her...hell, after the disgrace of a president we have now, I'd vote for a bag of corn chips if it'd end the war. I fully support our troops (step-father served in both gulf wars, brother and sister-in-law served in the most current) but I can't support our policies over there, and from the stories I've heard first hand from them, it seems like a lot of the military doesn't at this point, either...
People talk about the scandal that's been associated with the Clinton's like it's a big deal, but I'm enough of a pessimest to say that the only reason it's a big deal is because people know about it. Every President this country has ever had has been involved in some sort of scandal, but people pull some shady real-estate deals they were involved in 30 years ago as evidence against their character like it was mass-genocide. If anyone thinks that ALL politicians aren't shady they are seriously kidding themselves.
And oh man, the State of the Union was freakin hysterical. They need to dub in a laugh-track and start repeating it on Comedy Central. Thank God that man can't run for a third term...