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Illegal immigrants.

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  • Illegal immigrants.

    Should they have the same rights as i do?

    45% of Minnesota thinks so...

    396 people we just notified today that they were victims of identiy theives. Just in MN I was one of wonder why i got denied cell phone coverage when i went to renew my verizon contract and also why i can't get any new credit cards.
    But yet there's tax paying people supporting these illegal immigrants. And then these illegal immigrants decide to plant themselves in a meat factory with guns and no reply to police when asked to surrender....Yeah all they want to do is it right become a legal citizen so you don't have to live in fear everyday if not get the fuck out of my state, you're fuckin it up for the rest of us.

    and what is up with parents these days...? Who lets their 1 month old baby sleep with their 4 month old pitbull puppy? in the end the lil baby girl only has 6 toes 4 in some shit outside of the house...

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: Illegal immigrants.

    Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
    and what is up with parents these days...? Who lets their 1 month old baby sleep with their 4 month old pitbull puppy? in the end the lil baby girl only has 6 toes 4 in some shit outside of the house...
    Did they for sure decide the pitbull bit 'em off? They had one person saying it would take a really long time for the dog to be able to do that. Especially w/o the parents hearing the kid cry.

    As far as the immigration thing, yeah, my boss' friend found out like 5 different people were using his social security number.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: Illegal immigrants.

      Hmmmm a dog can be that strong you know.... I've been to one of my friend's place before where his dad trained 2 Dobermans to look over his warehouse. While we were partying in the evening, the neighbor's puddle happen to sneak into his garden. And.....

      Well, here's what happen. 1 of them bite the puddle in its neck, the other bite the stomach and spins..... then I think they tore the puddle into 2 pieces and started eating the inards.

      In the morning, all the remains we found was a few pieces of skin with a couple teeth attached to it.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: Illegal immigrants.

        On topic, we have a major imigration problem here in the Uk. Heres one example how FU this coutnry is.

        A friend of mine is now housebound thanks to a motorbike accident and is confined to a wheelchair. His council flat (discounted house from the Local authority, he pays equivilent of £45 a week for instead of £100) He can't get out of his flat because the doors are too narrow for his wheelchair to go through. Widening openings is not viable and the flat is too small for him to manouver about in so he ends up living in his lounge.

        A 2 bedroomed bungalow which would have been suitable became availiable. he applied for it and got turned down. He later found out that it had been given to an Iraqi couple with 1 kid, the reason? The government pays more money to the council for housing imigrants than their own citizens in need.

        The doors in the Uk are always open to imigrants, its difficult to get a job as they will do them for less money, violent crime is on the increase including gang crime, even in a sleepy small city like mine.

        We don't want them, my taxes are paying for them, and I get nothing back from the taxes I pay, the governments coffers are bilions in the red and yes they still throw money at them like incentives of £3000 (alot to an imigrant) to fly home (only for them to return a month later to take the offer again!!)

        It has got to a stage where my partner and I have even discussed not having children as we don't wish to bring them up in a violent and unaffordable existance, which is the way this country is getting.

        (rant over )
        Last edited by Jarre; 12-13-2006, 03:16 AM. Reason: spelling corrections


        • #5
          Re: Illegal immigrants.

          Sadly most illegal immigrants that reach the US from Mexico (and other countries) are the people who can't make a decent living here (in mx) so the US kinda gets the worst sample of mexican people.

          That being said, going to other countries to work (specially the US) really messes people up, most immigrant that come back from the US bring their bad habits with them. I mean I have plenty of good friends in the US an I really like many aspects of their society, but I wouldn't want my children to grow up in that country.

          Sadly now Mexico is starting to look more and more like the US, specially the gang problems and aids spreading, not to mention other things that were imported from up North. Which is one of the reasons I'm starting to look for options to move to another country myself (and no, there's no way I'll move to the US even though I could legally).

          Right now most cultures around the world seem to be dissapearing and blending into one huge mess, and I'm not liking what that mess looks like.

          Originally posted by Jarre
          It has got to a stage where my partner and I have even discussed not having children as we don't wish to bring them up in a violent and unaffordable existance, which is the way this country is getting.
          I really don't know how all this is going to end but I'm also seriously considering not having children unless I find a safe place to live and grow old. But then again does that place even exist?
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Illegal immigrants.

            I remember a few years ago a politician in Georgia wanted to do something about immigrants. She wanted to pay for them to go to college. She actually wanted people that paid taxes and who were in our country legally to help send people to college who did not pay taxes and were in our country illegally.
            Thanks Kazuki.
            Dragoon Equipment


            • #7
              Re: Illegal immigrants.

              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
              Sadly most illegal immigrants that reach the US from Mexico (and other countries) are the people who can't make a decent living here (in mx) so the US kinda gets the worst sample of mexican people. True i think we do get the end of the barrel when it comes to immigrants from around the globe...

              That being said, going to other countries to work (specially the US) really messes people up, most immigrant that come back from the US bring their bad habits with them. I mean I have plenty of good friends in the US an I really like many aspects of their society, but I wouldn't want my children to grow up in that country. Honestly you really can't judge any country from another. No other country is better than the next. To say the least...Mexico brought their bad habits to the US. When did spanish become a 2nd language we had to learn in highschool? Its now a required class in all schools in Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan. Why when my dad wants to make a bilboard advertisement he has to scale the lettering down to accomodate the spanish and hmung language and to pay more for the interpretation and the extra lettering...just to cater to legal and ILLEGAL immigrants? The worst gangs in MN are the mexican and hmung gangs. MN national guard depot in St. Paul just replaced their windows with bullet proof windows and barred up other windows just becasue they're constantly being broken into and shot at.

              Sadly now Mexico is starting to look more and more like the US, specially the gang problems and aids spreading, not to mention other things that were imported from up North. Which is one of the reasons I'm starting to look for options to move to another country myself (and no, there's no way I'll move to the US even though I could legally).

              Right now most cultures around the world seem to be dissapearing and blending into one huge mess, and I'm not liking what that mess looks like.

              I really don't know how all this is going to end but I'm also seriously considering not having children unless I find a safe place to live and grow old. But then again does that place even exist?
              read in the red

              Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


              • #8
                Re: Illegal immigrants.

                Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                I remember a few years ago a politician in Georgia wanted to do something about immigrants. She wanted to pay for them to go to college. She actually wanted people that paid taxes and who were in our country legally to help send people to college who did not pay taxes and were in our country illegally.
                Yeah Democrat Amy Klobeschour wants to do the same thing here in MN and she's a lawyer fro christ sakes. isn't there something wrong with that??

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #9
                  Re: Illegal immigrants.

                  Being a lawyer does not necessarily connote a particular moral or ethical stance. Lawyers flock to money. Illegal immigrant/Mexican-American advocacy groups have deep pockets and lawyers like to stick their hands in them to pull out fistfulls of cash. Just because a lawyer says something doesn't mean that it is necessarily in keeping with the law or that they necessarily agree with what they, themselves, are saying. Lawyers are a lot like TV personalities--they get paid to say things. Unfortunately, lawyers get paid to convince judges and other officials that what they say should be made into law. The last person I would trust would be a lawyer I didn't know personally. The second to last being police and other state-funded dog soldiers, but at least they're relatively predictable insofar as that they generally don't attempt to change law but simply enforce it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Illegal immigrants.

                    lol.... when is another language a bad habit?
                    you dont have to accommodate anyone in those billboards. the only reason why is because you want their money too. if you didnt care for their business, you wouldnt care for putting in the extra lettering. obviously, if you want their business they need to understand the billboard.
                    lets not mix up another language with all the bad things bad people do. thats almost like me saying youre backwards because youre from the midwest. not quite convincing, reasonable or true is it?
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
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                    • #11
                      Re: Illegal immigrants.

                      Originally posted by Malevolent
                      Honestly you really can't judge any country from another. No other country is better than the next. To say the least...Mexico brought their bad habits to the US. When did spanish become a 2nd language we had to learn in highschool? Its now a required class in all schools in Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan. Why when my dad wants to make a bilboard advertisement he has to scale the lettering down to accomodate the spanish and hmung language and to pay more for the interpretation and the extra lettering...just to cater to legal and ILLEGAL immigrants? The worst gangs in MN are the mexican and hmung gangs. MN national guard depot in St. Paul just replaced their windows with bullet proof windows and barred up other windows just becasue they're constantly being broken into and shot at.
                      It is true no country is better than the other, but bad habits are bad habits depending on your culture.

                      Now, maybe the worst gangs are "mexican", but it was the US culture that spawned them, we never had such kind of problems here. That is until the US started sending gang members they cought back to their countries instead of punishing them in the US (sending the US gang style with them).

                      Also, these gangs were not really from Mexico, even if people generalize and refers to them that way, their leaders and founders are in fact from southern countries, which is why even though we have some gang problems here they aren't anywhere near as bad as it is in some southamerican countries where gangs in fact defy (and in some cases take) the goverment.

                      And while I see why you don't want to spend extra resources to make your advertisements friendly to other languages you can't really complain about the Spanish language having such a presence in the US. After all, what? like 1/3 of the US territory used to be from Mexico, and mexican families have lived there longer than US families.

                      The US might've taken the territory from mexico, but the mexican/spanish presence was there to begin with.

                      Like it or not both countries are tied by more than a century of shared history, both good and bad. And the way things are looking in a few decades the difference between the US and Mexico will pretty much dissapear.

                      It kinda is a century or so too late for both countries and cultures to remain separated by putting a huge fence between them.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #12
                        Re: Illegal immigrants.

                        They take away much of our menial opportunities. They're menial, yes, but we already have our own poor of character that could do well for everybody with the position. Now we can't assist our own poor and downtrodden because the rungs on the ladder are filled with people who don't legally belong here.

                        It's like adding spice to a soup while at the same time adding water. You're going to run out of spice before you run out of water, and it's going to be a weak soup.

