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Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
What, no zappy laser eye beams?
I feel cheated, no /bow from me!
You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.
I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.
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There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Hahaha, that's funny
I don't get the big uproar over teaching the possiblity of intelligent design, evolution is still unproven right? Otherwise we wouldn't be taught about Darwin's Theory of Evolution, it'd be Darwin's Laws of Evolution.
Besides, assuming evolution is real and assuming a God, how do we know that evolution isn't this intelligent design thing and we just don't realise it?
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I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Originally posted by Vyuru View PostHahaha, that's funny
I don't get the big uproar over teaching the possiblity of intelligent design, evolution is still unproven right? Otherwise we wouldn't be taught about Darwin's Theory of Evolution, it'd be Darwin's Laws of Evolution.
Besides, assuming evolution is real and assuming a God, how do we know that evolution isn't this intelligent design thing and we just don't realise it?
I read somewhere in the bible that a day in heaven is like a thousend years on earth and the bible says that God took 6 days to creat the universe so logically wouldn't that mean it took 6 thousend years for us?
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Some people don't like religion, as such they think other people's kids shouldn't be taught about it
Other people don't like evolution, as such they think other people's kids shouldn't be taught about it
I say, teach kids everything we can and let them make up their own damn minds."I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Hahaha, I just found out about this stuff today @_@ It's pretty interesting, and I loved the letter written to the Kansas City school board. XD
Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Originally posted by Ziero View PostSome people don't like religion, as such they think other people's kids shouldn't be taught about it
Other people don't like evolution, as such they think other people's kids shouldn't be taught about it
I say, teach kids everything we can and let them make up their own damn minds.
That is so true.
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
I think the big deal was that they wanted to teach intelligent design in science classes alongside evolution, possibly masqueraded as scientific theory. Personally I wouldn't have a problem with the idea of intelligent design showing up in schools, but to put it in a science class is just ridiculous. Articles of faith and the scientific method are basically incompatible. I suppose there are ways, like mathematically analyzing the possibility that all celestial bodies orbit the earth, or making an archeological study of the historical events of the bible, but you just can't examine Darwin's studies and theories and "on the third day God made seed-bearing plants" in the same context.
Personally, I don't see why religion seems to have such a problem with scientific theories. Isn't it equally feasible that an omnipotent and omniscient diety is responsible for the phenomina of evolution, rather than falsifying evidence of such to see whether we believe what he told us or what he showed us? I think God or, to be more cosmologically appropriate in this case, his adversarial servant have better things to do with their time. Why not just take "The Big Bang" and "Let There Be Light" and call it the same thing? Natural law and divine impetus aren't mutually exclusive concepts.
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Having been taught school in both public and catholic schools I can safely say that the only thing good thing I got from either experience is that knowledge is true power and as Ziero put it, it's only logical and fair to teach all beliefs to children.
I also strongly believe that if you are going to teach theology to your children you may as well include theologies from other cultures whithout bias, even if you personally don't agree. There's much to learn from other's point of view, and there are many similarities in everyone's 'truths', if the younger generations can come to realize this, there may be some hope one day on a global view.
One day anyway ^^
To comment on Taskmage's post, I also think that religion is merely symbolism, and that 'the big bang' IS 'let there be light'. But there's a lot of people who take words written so long ago, edited so many times no one can verify their validity, as fact. *shrug*
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
I like the Flying Spaghetti Monster... FSM FTW.Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Personally, I don't see why religion seems to have such a problem with scientific theories. Isn't it equally feasible that an omnipotent and omniscient diety is responsible for the phenomina of evolution, rather than falsifying evidence of such to see whether we believe what he told us or what he showed us?
I do agree that kids should be presented with all of the facts in an unbiased way and be allowed to make their own decisions.
But I will say that if I think something is a cult or devil worship I'm going to outright say so. There are a few religions out there that I would be very unhappy if my children (whenever I get some) were to go into, even though I have family members in these same religions. I may not like it, but I would support their decision and offer them whatever advice or guidance I could.
That being said, I also wouldn't badmouth or make fun of those religions either, I'd just state my views and why I think that why to my kids. I may not agree with another religion, but I will never make fun of another religion's leaders or beliefs, simply because it is my firm belief to be tolerant and understanding of other's beliefs. It goes much further than that, but that is the core of why I think that way.
I'm not going to name these religions, I realise that I don't know all there is to know about them and I could very well be wrong about them and I am willing to accept that, but I also know that religion is a touchy subject and I don't want to turn this thread into a, "here are the 101 ways my religion is infinetly superior to yours and here are the 2000 reasons why you are going to hell to burn forever you barbaric heathen infidel" thread
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I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.
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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster!
While it is beneficial that children be exposed to all beliefs (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.), I don't think creationism should be taught in science class, because it is not science.
Evolution is science; one can apply the scientific method to the whole process. You can't apply the scientific method to creationism.
Furthermore, with respect to the theory comment, gravity is a theory. The term theory has a very different meaning when used in a scientific context versus colloquial speech.
If people want to teach creationism (in the Christian sense), then create a theology class. However, if Christian theology is taught, then so should all other religions, or at least a significant number of them.BST66
Have you hugged your Taru today =)
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