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What Career did you choose in RL & why

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  • What Career did you choose in RL & why

    I'm asking this question because I've noticed that a lot of the people I know who work in the same field as me ( PC tech/networking) seem to realy hate doing this kind of work. I asked one person why they stayed with it if they disliked it so much and was told it was because the money was good. I don't know about other people but if I don't like a job no matter how good the money is I'll quit. I realy love what I do thats why I stay with it.

  • #2
    Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

    My job is to call the federal version of you guys and talk about your "server enviroment". Anything computer related I'm ok with.
    Lowering Expectations Since Birth...


    • #3
      Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

      Most people hate who they work with not what they do. It doesn't matter if you're doing something you enjoy if the people around you are all backstabbing ass clowns--you'll still hate your job. If you have a job that is sub-optimal wrt tasks, you'll probably still like it if the people around you are more receptive.

      Obviously, there are those jobs that suck no matter who you're working with and those jobs you love no matter how crappy the people around you are.

      Oh, and for your question: I am a programmer/techie/designer--your traditional multi-hat IT Professional. My forte is ergonomics, data mining, and analysis.


      • #4
        Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

        Yeah, can agree with sabaron there.

        I certified for a ton networking stuff, got some certifications for website designs as well. Some reason though seemed like the ones hiring didn't like me so much. I ended up in doing cartography, data mining, and analysis because it was still sort of close to the field I wanted to do.

        Just kind of wish the IT department would quit just resourcing me to solve their problem because of the certifications I have. If they want me as resource then damnit put me into that job, otherwise I tend to get to busy at times handling all these other hats I can't help.

        But nooo, all that IT seems to do is keep toying with me. They admit I have the ability, just don't know what the hell it is that keeps changing their minds.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

          I respect your career choice alot, Kaden. Mainly because I know for a fact that I can't do it. I've built my own machines/network and worked at this stuff freelance for awhile, but I know it's not my bag, man. My moment of realization? I'm in grad school for Communication, and the graduate secretary finds out I freelance as a PC tech. Hey, can I come help her out? It's an "emergency". Seems her screen mysteriously went dark and now she can't find any of her icons.

          Yeah, it's called a "screensaver", you fix it by bumping the mouse. Matter of fact, that's exactly how I fixed it. She actually thought I was magic. When your life starts to mirror the CDW commercial, it's time to move on.

          Now, I'm part owner of a hobby shop/website. We sell toys: RC cars and airplanes, airsoft rifles, figurines, etc. The money sucks compared to IT, but dude, I sell "TOYS" for a living. People are happy to see me wherever I go, and I sometimes work half the night "testing products". I'm covered in airsoft pellet welts, and I couldn't be happier. I really can't wait to marry and have kids, because I'm going to destroy all the rest of you on Career Day.

          Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


          • #6
            Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

            LOL, nice. Well, besides my day job listed above. I am in a Punk band. That's either the most awesoem job I could ever dream of or a one way ticket to home-less.... Either way I have fun doing it, so once I even get a ray of light in that area, then I guess it's dream time.
            Lowering Expectations Since Birth...


            • #7
              Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

              I do Customer Service work. I love it and hate it. It really depends on the customers and the nature of my job. My current gig is a bit more technical support oriented and I enjoy that. Along with that the company I work for actually works to help people. It's a lot easier to come into work every day when I know I'm not just Faceless Rep 21 at Evil Corporation B or anything anymore.

              I got into Customer Service kind of by accident about 12 years ago. I got a job in a call center as a temp and worked a few other temp jobs. I never got my degree (stay in school kids) so I kept taking jobs in call centers. I've sort of built a freelance career out of it moving from center to center, but I think I've settled into a good place now.

              Here's a good write-up on what I do


              Ironically... I got laid off about a week after writing that along with half my team.

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • #8
                Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                Yeah, it's called a "screensaver", you fix it by bumping the mouse. Matter of fact, that's exactly how I fixed it. She actually thought I was magic. When your life starts to mirror the CDW commercial, it's time to move on.
                Lol, now that I've actually had happen hundreds of times. I enjoy it, it's fun playing along and putting on an act. Especially when you know they are like watching you all tense like they think it is some sort of magic trick. In fact my department nicked me "wizard" now.

                I just find it sad that when parts of the IT department leave the person they say to use as a resource for something about the network or databases is always me. That's about the only frustrating part of my workplace.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                  I work as a Medical Insurance Customer Service Manager.

                  I've worked in customer service almost all my life...and I'm 22 started when i was 18 with lifeguarding then its been medical supply companies working frount desk at bowling allies....I went thru many jobs like dirty underwear because i didn't like it there.

                  Now that i'm a manager I can make things possible for my employees that i wanted when i was just a lil representative. I love what i do and i like to help people thats why i kinda stayed in the customer service area. Although it has its draw backs as in since your helping almost everyone in MN understand their health insurance i have trouble helping myself...But then it has its lil satisfactions as in making that person who's been swearing her head off the entire call, call back and apologize about her behavior and how profesional i was with her on the phone. I dunno but that puts a lil shit eatin grin on my face...but then again if you're eating shit and is not your

                  don't forget five is a four letter word.

                  Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                  • #10
                    Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                    I am a systems admin, by default I think.

                    I went to college as any other naive 18yr old thinking bio is a cake walk. 3rd year rolls around, still drunk more than half the week and I realize that this isnt going to work. Change majors to economics. Finish that in 1.5 years and come out not wanting to do anything in the business world.

                    Slacked off for a year after graduating from ucsd and decided to make use of my time and get certified in a bunch of IT related things. Find a job at a parts distributor then find a even better job at a hosting company. Been here for 2 years now.

                    I like my job a lot. doesnt feel like work. i dont like talking to stupid clients that have no business being in this industry but you learn to manage. great boss'/friends. real flexible and i'm always learning new things. cant ask for anything more really, except more pay of course ^^
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #11
                      Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                      lol, Malevolent listens to blink 182
                      Lowering Expectations Since Birth...


                      • #12
                        Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                        I'm in college. Working toward getting a major in mathematics and a minor in computer science. Probably gonna end up working as a mathematician for a major corporation, and if that doesn't work out, I'll probably work as a PC tech. Either way, computers are becoming the way of the future, and I figure I might as well embrace it and combine it with what I love doing most: math.
                        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                        • #13
                          Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                          talk about a rare breed. love and math in the same sentence....
                          Lowering Expectations Since Birth...


                          • #14
                            Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                            Originally posted by Antivomit View Post
                            talk about a rare breed. love and math in the same sentence....
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: What Career did you choose in RL & why

                              Originally posted by Antivomit View Post
                              lol, Malevolent listens to blink 182
                              How'd you get that out of my post?? lol and as a matter of fact i do

                              Also theres always going to be one ass pirate at every job.

                              Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

