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DOAX2 trailer... a little much

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  • #16
    Re: DOAX2 trailer... a little much

    What it looks like to me is they took the old engine and tried adding new dynamics for the environment to function off of. They just did a bad job though as you can see not only their juggs that move around a lot but lot of other things move to unrealistacly (Hair, loose parts of clothing, etc..).

    Looks like a failled attempt to give the environment more control of free-flowing objects.

    To add yeah, girl from XIII does look really good. Got to face it just about no other gaming company can seem to match Square Enix's talent with Character design. There are definatly people that can equal their talent but not to many of them that have done work for the gaming industry.
    Last edited by Macht; 10-25-2006, 05:45 PM.

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    • #17
      Re: DOAX2 trailer... a little much

      As long as men keep buying them, Team Ninja will sell them. Why dont they go into virtual porn buissness? Lol...

      I dont watch anime. Sorry.
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      • #18
        Re: DOAX2 trailer... a little much

        From the video, I saw the hair cut through the shoulders, arms, bodies, clothes, etc. Seems that there is a problem with the collision detection with the hair.

        I don't seems to notice any shadows for objects in the trailer video. The older game DoAU has shadows... which is odd.

        The clothing is very nice. I don't see other games put so much efforts in clothings.

        A lot of detail is lost in the compressed video, it is hard to judge more for the graphics.

        This trailer only demonstrate one aspect of the game, has not reveal any detail of gameplay yet.

        For gamers, I believe gameplay is the 1st priority. This game is for fan-service
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