I'm in the process of re-designing my site, for that reason i would like to get some feedback from you guys, seeing as we all have somewhat similar tastes, we all visit forums, and we all spend some time online.
So if i may bother you for a minute, could you answer me some of these questions?
1. Do you check for info on games on the net?
2. If so, can you give me a couple links you visit more often? Or do you use google or other SEngines? If not, disregard this question.
3. If so, how often? If not, disregard this question.
a) Daily
b) Couple of times per week
c) Nothing worth mentioning
d) I check info from titles I already know, I dont particularly hunt for news, I get to know of new titles by other means, like my friends or by random browsing the net, like forums and whatnot
e) Other (specify please)
4. Do you like games all around, or would you say you have a love for a special genre/series that makes it worthwhile for you to have a community devoted to that genre/series?
1. Do you happen to frequent music/movies/games related community websites?
2. Do you happen to frequent websites of generic content? Those that have no unique genre, but are unique in a way where they allow any sort of discussion and topic? Both in website content and forum discussions?
3. Do you frequent "myspace" type websites? Like livejournal, myspace, blogger, etc?
4. In regards to the previous question: Do you have accounts on all of them, none of them, some of them, or only one of them?
5. Are you into design and art websites? Like deviantart, flickr, sxc, etc, and do you frequent them often?
6. Are you into webdesign and programming for the web in a general way?
7. Do you have your own website?
8. If so, do you have plans to expand it, or is it just a casual hobby, or none of both? If not disregard the question.
Thanks for the time :-3
I am asking these questions because i have been pondering the re-design of my website, to give more incentive for people to come there, and because we all grow up and move on, to deliver content casually but still interestingly enough for mostly everyone.
The last and most important question of all:
1. What is your opinion in regards to the direction of online communities, and what do you believe keeps a community alive, what sort of content, what types of interaction, what sort of crowd, etc?
Thanks guys
So if i may bother you for a minute, could you answer me some of these questions?
1. Do you check for info on games on the net?
2. If so, can you give me a couple links you visit more often? Or do you use google or other SEngines? If not, disregard this question.
3. If so, how often? If not, disregard this question.
a) Daily
b) Couple of times per week
c) Nothing worth mentioning
d) I check info from titles I already know, I dont particularly hunt for news, I get to know of new titles by other means, like my friends or by random browsing the net, like forums and whatnot
e) Other (specify please)
4. Do you like games all around, or would you say you have a love for a special genre/series that makes it worthwhile for you to have a community devoted to that genre/series?
1. Do you happen to frequent music/movies/games related community websites?
2. Do you happen to frequent websites of generic content? Those that have no unique genre, but are unique in a way where they allow any sort of discussion and topic? Both in website content and forum discussions?
3. Do you frequent "myspace" type websites? Like livejournal, myspace, blogger, etc?
4. In regards to the previous question: Do you have accounts on all of them, none of them, some of them, or only one of them?
5. Are you into design and art websites? Like deviantart, flickr, sxc, etc, and do you frequent them often?
6. Are you into webdesign and programming for the web in a general way?
7. Do you have your own website?
8. If so, do you have plans to expand it, or is it just a casual hobby, or none of both? If not disregard the question.
Thanks for the time :-3
I am asking these questions because i have been pondering the re-design of my website, to give more incentive for people to come there, and because we all grow up and move on, to deliver content casually but still interestingly enough for mostly everyone.
The last and most important question of all:
1. What is your opinion in regards to the direction of online communities, and what do you believe keeps a community alive, what sort of content, what types of interaction, what sort of crowd, etc?
Thanks guys
