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WhOW -

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  • WhOW -

    Just wanting to share this.

  • #2
    Re: WhOW -

    Psh, I made one of those last night.

    Easy easy lemon peasy.


    • #3
      Re: WhOW -

      Thats pretty sweet looking. From the way it started, I thought it was gonna end up with 'they make all this money and the stiffed us (or didn't pay us near enough) on the project.'
      I've always liked watching movie special effects stuff, and other things like that.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: WhOW -

        Diane Yoo is a looker!

        Now if only everything else in that game looked even half as real as that it wouldn't be such an eyesore. I think those guys did a really great job on it.


        • #5
          Re: WhOW -

          Offtopic, wtf is Illiden? Is it a new badguy from the expansion or something? A nightelf with horns?
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: WhOW -

            From having played the game I believe he's a Satyr? Knowing Blizz he's some sort of 'exception', rather than the rule, and will be fought in another incredibly long instance.

            At any rate, he lacks my lobster-like tenacity. (\)(=´∇`=)(/)


            • #7
              Re: WhOW -

              Illidan? He's been a part of the Warcraft universe since the old RTS games.

              Apparently he's some sort of Badass. I dunno.


              • #8
                Re: WhOW -

                wow that's so awesome.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: WhOW -

                  Hes like an elf demon hunter isnt he? I seem to remember some of the scenes in Warcraft.


                  • #10
                    Re: WhOW -

                    That painting and sculpture look really cool.

                    Illidan is the brother of the leader of the Night elves. Illidans actions led to the return of the burning legion whom where fought back by Arthus whom was the protagonist in Warcraft 3 after teaming up with the orcs. Illidans actions which involved using old night elf magic that was not supposed to be used, in combination with demonic magic gave him that demonic statusas and look. He is hunted down by the night elves for his actions and his brother is resurected to help kill him but they fail.

                    In the expansion Illidan serves as a sort of second antagonist as he is in a race with Arthus whom is evil from grabbing the demonic sword in the end of the story in Warcraft 3 before the expansion. So in the expansion Arthus controlls the undead instead of the humans and is evil and in competition with Illidan whom controlls the Naga whom he has summoned to the surface after centuries of exile by surface elves to help him gain alot of controll through the use of ancient demonic magic which would be attained at the Frozen Throne from a magically locked up demon god whoms name I forgett. The whole game the night elves try to track town Illidan but fail, the humans and orcs fail to stop evil Arthus, and Arthus and Illidan in the end of the game face off and one of them dies.

                    This is sort of a sum up from what I remember from playing the RTS Warcraft 3 and the Frozen throne, there is definately alot more to the story.


                    • #11
                      Re: WhOW -

                      story is continued in WoW. check out the official WoW site if you want to know more.

                      Thanks Yyg!

