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Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

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  • Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

    Okay, this has to stop. You get to quest your AF. We BLU's don't. For the idiots among us: We need to have it crafted at a NPC. There is one ingredient of it that's hard to get: Imperial Silk.

    So what do people do? Sell it for 5 million gil of course! SH is cheaper than a magus jubbah. What kind of asocial, incredibly sick idiot must you be? I can just immagine a 13 year old kid, sitting on his chair and counting his fat rolls with a constipated look on his face. He seems to be trying to think up:

    How can i be an even bigger asshole than i am now? UNNGGGHHHH!!! Thinking... is... tiring *Eats a fat, extra cheese burrito*.

    No, seriously. These kind of people need to get banned so hard, that the only thing they can play as is a WoW character in a wheelchair. There are thousands of ways to make gil. But no. You have to screw over every blue mage in the world. What you need, is a wake up call.

    It's not just a game. You are not screwing over AI controlled NPCs, but people.

    Ok now, everyone please repeat after me:

    FFXI is not just a game.
    FFXI is not just a game.

    That's better.

    Now again:

    Final Fantasy 11 is NOT just a game.

    Thank you

    Assholes everywhere. Leave me the hell alone and stop abusing capitalism.

    If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

    Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284

  • #2
    Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

    Regardless, you can just wait to do your AF until later when the prices settle. You aren't obligated to get it right this second.
    Last edited by Murphie; 07-28-2006, 08:24 PM. Reason: clarity


    • #3
      Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

      Murph's got a point, but still, people shouldn't gouge like that.


      • #4
        Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

        The problem is, it isn't just a game.
        If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

        Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


        • #5
          Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

          No, it is. I assure you.

          As I mentioned in another thread, the gouging sucks. But it's just like when ToAU launched and PUP parts were so damn expensive (man, I bet people regret paying that much for that stuff ). Just wait a bit, and prices will settle.
          Last edited by Murphie; 07-28-2006, 08:31 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

            You go Murphie 6 mil for AF...dang. I'd like to see those silk farmers get BLU AF if they payed that much for it. And, of course, if it were shoved six feet up their ass. That would ease the pain of many players.

            Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
            Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
            Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

            My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

            Susan>> Babies are just like people.
            Susan>> Just smaller.
            [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
            [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
            Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
            [GM]Dave>> ...
            [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


            • #7
              Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

              I kind of doubt prices will go down. I mean, this thing is pretty much THE endgame piece for Blu right now, right? 15 blue magic skill seems alot better than what scorpian harness offers.

              It's only natural that this is going to happen. It's like if SE released any JSE piece that was insanely awesome and better than anything else with tough to get materials, only it happens to be your AF.

              Think about it this way, most of our AF was pretty hard to get when we were only lvl 50-60. And we had to get groups for the coffer keys just like you have to get a group for this item.

              Personally, no way in hell I'd pay it. Get a group together to get it.


              • #8
                Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                Yet ANOTHER pointless diatribe, Bitter Wisp?

                FFXI's economy runs primarily off of supply and demand. You want that silk? Go get it yourself. Don't want to pay exorbitant amounts to get it crafted for you? Go level your craft skills.

                Don't want to do any of the above? STFU and deal with it. Demand is there, which is why the prices are so high. If you don't like it, tough.



                • #9
                  Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                  6 million for BLU AF? /cry
                  I can't make that much. ; ;
                  [Gouging] [No thanks.]

                  It's just a game, but some people are just evil. But hey, questing it will be better than farming 6 mil!
                  Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                  Get creative and pretend these happened.
                  Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                  • #10
                    Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                    It's just a game, but some people are just evil. But hey, questing it will be better than farming 6 mil!
                    People aren't evil, they're just operating in a free market micro-economy. You could argue that capitalism or free market economies are evil, but I don't think that's what you're doing. You just want you're AF, which is why I suggest you make a group for it, exactly like we did for our coffer keys.

                    I'm pretty sure you put stuff up at AH for the absolute maximum it will sell. That's exactly what these people are doing, except you happen to be on the other end of the deal.

                    Still, this isn't an HNM drop or something. It REALLY isn't worth this price. It's just lazy people with far too much money who want their AF right away that is causing this. On second thought, it probably will go down once the really rich people have their AF.

                    Keep in mind I think it took me a week to get my AF in Garliage (which are useless anyway lol). This included a few days of getting into groups that were doing this, and a few days logging in and out behind the door to Gate#2. If you put in the same effort to get the drop, I'm sure you could do it in a week. The only difference is I didn't have the option to buy it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                      Final Fantasy XI is a game. You're supposed to enjoy yourself, generally. Sometimes things can get a bit frustrating, but I just remind myself that it's only gil and then toss some fireworks--the most worthless product available.

                      People seem to get far to caught up in the competition. It's like it's a race to see who can get to 75 faster.... why? There are so many things you can do.

                      The Imperial Silk is expensive, yes, but all new products have been. The only reason you can't afford it is because people with money are willing to pay that much for the silk.

                      What is involved in obtaining this?

                      1. Kill Soulflayers and acquire not 1, but preferably a few Soulflayer Robes.

                      This step appears to be the hard part. Getting a robe requires (as far as I can tell from posts on the Internet) a party of 75th level characters because a Soulflayer cons IT to a 75. These are some pretty powerful hands you're calling down...

                      I think it was a mistake on SE's part to make this the only way (thus far) to acquire this material. Other jobs don't have to enlist the assistance of end-game characters in order to obtain their 50th level AF... why do Blue Mages? Hopefully SE will remedy this. For now, this item will be restricted to very high level characters and you'll have to pay for that.

                      2. Desynthesize the Robe into Silk.

                      The skill cap for this is not yet known because there is no synthesis associated with it. There will be a 50% failure rate, unfortunately, and the clothcrafters who are making this will make up for their high failure rate by incorporating the extra cost into the price. Since the robes will be in low supply, a clothcrafter cannot rely on statistics. If he buys a robe and breaks! To me that is like breaking a Dragon's Heart or a Hakutaku Eye Cluster... I won't touch 'em with a 10-foot pole unless you bought it and you incur the risk.

                      My recommendation is to check the robe price. I think you'll probably find them cheaper. Buy one or two and shout in lower jeuno for a high-level clothcrafter. Pay them a modest sum to desynth them for you (I'd suggest 15-20% of the item's cost or offer to allow them to keep any silk they make over the one you need. Each robe produces at least 2 silk.

                      Right now, on Asura, there are 9 Imperial Silk in the AH. The first one on the list sold for 2.5 million. The last 5 that sold were at 500,000. 500,000gil is extremely reasonable for such an item on Asura as I paid 300,000gil for my 20th level Baron's Saio (which is now down to around 175,000). Why did it drop so much? People look at these new items first sales and they say "OMGWTFBBQ!!!!111!!!one gilz!!!" and then they all run to the area where the Soulflayers live and beat the ever-loving crap out of every single one within a minute of spawning. What happens? The market becomes so bloated with Imperial Silk and Soulflayer robes that there aren't enough people who are willing to pay such high prices for the item. The people who paid 6mil are rich and they want to have the luxury of being the first one on the block sporting their new duds.

                      You have to wait--that's why your pissed. You're pissed because their money got them something you can't have. You wanted to be the cool one...the winner...the dude in the fancy blue suit, but you haven't earned that priviledge...yet. Maybe next time around, you'll be the one with the 80 mil bank roll with nothing to blow it on but really expensive silk...then you can stand in Lower Jeuno and flaunt your pretty new dress just like you wanted to instead of waiting until everyone and their brother has it and you're just one of the crowd.


                      • #12
                        Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                        This step appears to be the hard part. Getting a robe requires (as far as I can tell from posts on the Internet) a party of 75th level characters because a Soulflayer cons IT to a 75. These are some pretty powerful hands you're calling down...
                        That's true, but when I was doing my AF, the top NAs were also 50 (at least the ones I knew), so it also required the highest lvls to beat the mobs for the coffer keys. The difference I guess is that multiple jobs needed the same coffer key so it was probably easier to do this.

                        I don't know what the drop rate is like on this, but it can't be worse than coffer key drops.

                        Maybe if bitterwisp wasn't such a bitterwisp he could have some friends to help out. The other thing is alot of blus have 75 jobs which they can change to to get this item.

                        I'll admit that this can be harder than coffer keys were for me, but SE has pretty clearly wanted the new jobs to be harder than the others, and I think for sure they factored in that most of the people that would do them already had high jobs that could help with things like this.

                        The synth adds another lvl of difficulty. It's hard, I'll give you that, but that just adds to the prestige. If you don't like things that are hard you definately shouldn't play ffxi.

                        Oh, and if the silk goes for 300-500k, suck it up and buy it, that's nothing for endgame gear. Wamura cacoons cost that much for a few weeks after they came out, and pups needed them for LEVEL 10.


                        • #13
                          Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                          Originally posted by Sabaron
                          You have to wait--that's why your pissed. You're pissed because their money got them something you can't have. You wanted to be the cool one...the winner...the dude in the fancy blue suit, but you haven't earned that priviledge...yet. Maybe next time around, you'll be the one with the 80 mil bank roll with nothing to blow it on but really expensive silk...then you can stand in Lower Jeuno and flaunt your pretty new dress just like you wanted to instead of waiting until everyone and their brother has it and you're just one of the crowd.
                          Keep in mind that no one has yet to help me with my WHM AF, so I am 67 without AF.
                          I can't even get THAT. =D
                          Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                          Get creative and pretend these happened.
                          Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                          • #14
                            Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                            Keep in mind that no one has yet to help me with my WHM AF, so I am 67 without AF.
                            I can't even get THAT. =D
                            That sucks. If you were on Midgar I'd help you out. I think that comic you posted with the made up HNM was bizzare enough to merit me spending some time to get your hat.

                            Also, that seems worse than the blu, because at least with blu you could farm for it (or even just wait 2 weeks, and farm 1/3 as much for it, if that)


                            • #15
                              Re: Would people still pay 6 million for that silk if i shoved it up your ass?

                              it costs that much, because of the rarity of the drop, and the desynth chance, which is about 50% at best. also, soulflayers are no joke, they DO require a PT of 75s, and 1 can easily wipe a good PT due to AoE blind/bio, aoe curse, and resisting spells. i was there for about 1-3 hours killing flayers and only 1 robe dropped. just wait for the hype to go down, they should fall in price
                              WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

                              "The man all the ladies want."

