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[GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

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  • [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

    Well, it all starts with my LS camping fafnir. We pretty much sit there, together with 2 other linkshells (One of which is japanese). We expect mrargus, so i call a GM... The GM says she will stay and watch.

    A gods gift we think, finally a GM who observes the claim. Well, the JPs blatantly get claim with argus (Leader warps to claim of faffy, and provokes.) So we await for him to just dissapear... What happens?

    She warps me and the other person (Another officer) to GM jail. She starts interrogating how we knew that they would use 3rd party tools, and why we were there... That's retarded.

    Anyway, i get off with a warning (For god-knows-what) and my friend gets 72 hour ban for windower... While MiyIV gets kill on fafnir. Maybe 3 hours later, the leader of MiyIV gets warped to GM jail, and gets off with a WARNING.

    Now let's get this straight. My friend gets suspended 72 hours for windower, same as a damn claim hack user that claimed a HNM with it. Not only that, the useless bitch kindly gave him time to kill the damn dragon before warping him away. Not only that, after my linkshell requested a talk with a sGM, she promptly refused and left the server. 12 hours later, i discover that the person asking for a Sgm has been perma banned.

    If you read this Janehaka, i hope you get cancer.
    If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

    Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284

  • #2
    Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

    If you read this Janehaka, i hope you get cancer.
    *yawn* im sure gm's frequent this site very often. you tell em!
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #3
      Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

      I didn't say she frequented it. I'm merely warning everyone about this GM, because it seems we have a new JBcue(sp?).
      If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

      Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


      • #4
        Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

        Step 1- Call POL
        Step 2- Complain
        Step 3- Fight Club rules apply to windower


        • #5
          Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

          Originally posted by Bitter Wisp
          I didn't say she frequented it. I'm merely warning everyone about this GM, because it seems we have a new JBcue(sp?).
          then why even write "If you read this Janehaka, i hope you get cancer?"

          Also, your "rant" is incredibly one sided. Without any screenshots of the log, who's to say you didn't provoke the whole thing. You haven exactly shown yourself to be "calm."

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

            Originally posted by neighbortaru
            Also, your "rant" is incredibly one sided. Without any screenshots of the log, who's to say you didn't provoke the whole thing. You haven exactly shown yourself to be "calm."
            Agreed. Got logs?


            • #7
              Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

              Man, when something doesn't go right for me in a game, I also enjoy wishing cancer upon the object of my anger. It's so level-headed.


              • #8
                Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                I didn't provoke or insult the GM/Opposing LS in any way. And no, i don't have logs, but take my word for it i did not insult the GM in any way. I might be bitter and angry, but not stupid like most people.
                If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

                Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


                • #9
                  Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                  Well, the jury is out on that one, actually.


                  • #10
                    Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                    Originally posted by Murphie
                    Well, the jury is out on that one, actually.

                    take my word for it, i already have 75 all jobs and merited all the new abliities.

                    no, you cannot have a screenshot.

                    sorry, but if you are looking for sympathy, i dont think you are going to get any here. if you want people to believe you, you'll need more than a heated anecdotal replay of what happened and an obnoxious sig.
                    Last edited by Omni; 07-25-2006, 11:11 AM. Reason: spelling
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                    • #11
                      Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                      Originally posted by Bitter Wisp
                      If you read this Janehaka, i hope you get cancer.
                      Yes. Let's wish what would likely be a terminal illness on someone because we didn't get our way in a game. That's reasonable, and definately makes me not look like a total jerk!
                      The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                      Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                      • #12
                        Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                        GMs can enforce the ToS as they see it. Unfortunately, there might be more to the story than you know. The guy who got suspended could have had previous marks on his account, and the guy who was permanently banned might have been caught using a windower and had already had a black mark on his account.

                        It's my guess Janehaka couldn't speak Japanese and give the botter a suspension to avoid communicating with him.


                        • #13
                          Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                          You'll get a better reaction to your post here.
                          Generic Info!


                          • #14
                            Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                            Yes. Let's wish what would likely be a terminal illness on someone because we didn't get our way in a game. That's reasonable, and definately makes me not look like a total jerk!

                            Don't think i was just ranting there. If i had it my way, she would have cancer now.
                            If you disagree with anything in this post, you are wrong.

                            Leader of the Unbroken Guard, the last line of defense against Sylph RMT. Current Members: 284


                            • #15
                              Re: [GM] Janehaka is a hypocritical mass of bitch.

                              Hehe, this is why I hated being GM... Cannot please everyone. Oh well.
                              *Under Construction*

