Oh noes! I need gillz!!
I hear it every day. Now to apply my policy for life: Do something about it. So i will post lucrative ways to get your haubergeon in a week.
The best gil guide in the universe
Rule 1:
This means, items such as beehive chips, silk, slime oil, etc.
Don't do it on purpose. Save it if you level on the jobs. Save the items, sell them. Should net you decent gil.
Actively Making Money.
Abusing Stacks
Look for items that sell more expensively as a stack, or as a single. These are usually items that nobody farms, and usually end up with 1-3. For example, shall shells. Ever seen anyone farm shall shells? No.
Yesterday, i looked them up on AH. There were 73 up, 1k for a single. 33 k for a stack. Bought 6 stacks of them (as singles), and made about 80k+ in 10 minutes tops.
Popular items that can be abused this way are:
Shall shells
Demon horns
Orihalcum ingots
(pricy, but on my server one goes for 800k, while a stack goes for 12 mil. More than a 2 million gil profit.. Usually 5-6 single up and 2-3 stacks, so have patience.)
Yagudo Feathers (Vica-versa. A stack goes for 3 k, and a single goes for 2 k. Singles sell extremly often. This is a low level one)
Tama-Hagane (3k single, 80k stack on my server)
Darksteel ingots (400k stack, 25k single)
Silver beastcoins (1k singles, 30k stack) NOTICE: usually there are 70+ silver beastcoins up, from people that got 3-4 from camping hoo mjuu.
Pebbles (2 k stack, 1 k single). Another low level one. I have no idea why anyone buys single, but the AH history is full of singles of today, so yes..
Taking advantage of the gilsellers.
Gilsellers are bad, but might as well milk them for all they are worth! After all, it's your job to make them give back to the community what they took by endlessly raping ffxi.
Method 1: Flat, out scamming.
Items Require:
Item 1 Item 2
Rangers necklace - Peacock Charm
Copper Ring - Serket's Ring
Mercenary captains belt - Speed Belt
Scorpion Claw - Venomous Claw
Steel Ingot - Orihalcum Ingot
Insect Wing - Emperors Hairpin
More to be Added
Now offer the Gilseller a trade for item 2. Make it a bargain, but not too low. For example, if a venomous claw goes for 3500k on your server, make it 2800-3000k. Chances are (About 60%) they will say Yes. Trade them the actual item. Make them put the gil and accept trade. Cancel, and make a lame excuse (Was D/Cing, full inventory, had to trade LS member, etc.)
Repeat 4-5 times until the RMT gets annoyed and plans to leave. Appologize, and ask him to trade again. The annoyed RMT will just want to get done with it, and will instantly accept (Worked for me 4 out of 6 times.) This is where you swap item 2 with item 1.
Method 2: The double Deal
Offer a RMT a very good service for low gil (PL for 10 hours, charge 30k for example, Help to get sky only 50k)
Most of the time, they accept. PL them/guide them to mission for 5, 6 minutes, than abandon them when you know they will die without you. This deal is extra good because you both help the community by killing RMTs, and you get gil.
Reselling from NPCs
Simple. Buy at NPC, resell at AH. Use items that sell fast.
Items to use:
Watermelons. Buy in rabao for 2500 a stack. Sell in jeuno for 10k a stack. Usually sells 7 stacks/2 hours
Cure III scrolls. 8 k in selbina, 25 k in jeuno. Also a fast seller due to new WHMs leveling in qufim.
Thundermellons. See watermelons.
Gyshal greens. 700/stack at npc, 6-10 k on AH.
Low level armor
I hear it every day. Now to apply my policy for life: Do something about it. So i will post lucrative ways to get your haubergeon in a week.
The best gil guide in the universe
Rule 1:
This means, items such as beehive chips, silk, slime oil, etc.
Don't do it on purpose. Save it if you level on the jobs. Save the items, sell them. Should net you decent gil.
Actively Making Money.
Abusing Stacks
Look for items that sell more expensively as a stack, or as a single. These are usually items that nobody farms, and usually end up with 1-3. For example, shall shells. Ever seen anyone farm shall shells? No.
Yesterday, i looked them up on AH. There were 73 up, 1k for a single. 33 k for a stack. Bought 6 stacks of them (as singles), and made about 80k+ in 10 minutes tops.
Popular items that can be abused this way are:
Shall shells
Demon horns
Orihalcum ingots
(pricy, but on my server one goes for 800k, while a stack goes for 12 mil. More than a 2 million gil profit.. Usually 5-6 single up and 2-3 stacks, so have patience.)
Yagudo Feathers (Vica-versa. A stack goes for 3 k, and a single goes for 2 k. Singles sell extremly often. This is a low level one)
Tama-Hagane (3k single, 80k stack on my server)
Darksteel ingots (400k stack, 25k single)
Silver beastcoins (1k singles, 30k stack) NOTICE: usually there are 70+ silver beastcoins up, from people that got 3-4 from camping hoo mjuu.
Pebbles (2 k stack, 1 k single). Another low level one. I have no idea why anyone buys single, but the AH history is full of singles of today, so yes..
Taking advantage of the gilsellers.
Gilsellers are bad, but might as well milk them for all they are worth! After all, it's your job to make them give back to the community what they took by endlessly raping ffxi.
Method 1: Flat, out scamming.
Items Require:
Item 1 Item 2
Rangers necklace - Peacock Charm
Copper Ring - Serket's Ring
Mercenary captains belt - Speed Belt
Scorpion Claw - Venomous Claw
Steel Ingot - Orihalcum Ingot
Insect Wing - Emperors Hairpin
More to be Added
Now offer the Gilseller a trade for item 2. Make it a bargain, but not too low. For example, if a venomous claw goes for 3500k on your server, make it 2800-3000k. Chances are (About 60%) they will say Yes. Trade them the actual item. Make them put the gil and accept trade. Cancel, and make a lame excuse (Was D/Cing, full inventory, had to trade LS member, etc.)
Repeat 4-5 times until the RMT gets annoyed and plans to leave. Appologize, and ask him to trade again. The annoyed RMT will just want to get done with it, and will instantly accept (Worked for me 4 out of 6 times.) This is where you swap item 2 with item 1.
Method 2: The double Deal
Offer a RMT a very good service for low gil (PL for 10 hours, charge 30k for example, Help to get sky only 50k)
Most of the time, they accept. PL them/guide them to mission for 5, 6 minutes, than abandon them when you know they will die without you. This deal is extra good because you both help the community by killing RMTs, and you get gil.
Reselling from NPCs
Simple. Buy at NPC, resell at AH. Use items that sell fast.
Items to use:
Watermelons. Buy in rabao for 2500 a stack. Sell in jeuno for 10k a stack. Usually sells 7 stacks/2 hours
Cure III scrolls. 8 k in selbina, 25 k in jeuno. Also a fast seller due to new WHMs leveling in qufim.
Thundermellons. See watermelons.
Gyshal greens. 700/stack at npc, 6-10 k on AH.
Low level armor