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/panic O.O

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  • /panic O.O

    A few days ago I had this sharp pain in my abdomen for 30 seconds or so. Ever since it's been this ache like a bruise that hurts when I move. The nurse practitioner suspects it's my gall bladder, and thinks it'll need removed.

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Friday to find out (I hope it's a boy!). I've never had surgery before. /panic /panic /panic!

    Actually, I'm not that worried. This hurts, and it sucks having to wait that long to find out (and then longer to get it taken care of), but I could care less about the surgery. I'm just not looking forward to the bill & missed work (especially because I just know there'll be maintenance while I'm home).
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .

  • #2
    Re: /panic O.O

    Always the same with maintenance :/
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


    • #3
      Re: /panic O.O

      I hate it for you. Hope it doesn't put you out for long.
      Thanks Kazuki.
      Dragoon Equipment


      • #4
        Re: /panic O.O

        It might be a gall bladder. Could also be a kidney stone, but the x-rays will show it one way or another.

        Don't worry about FFXI - it'll still be here either way. Your health is way more important than a game!

        Hope you feel better soon!



        • #5
          Re: /panic O.O

          Hey relax, take it easy, rest. You shouldn't try to be posting or playing ffxi post surgery anyways. What your body needs is REST. Sleep it off. Don't fight your body, it knows you better than you do.
          Hacked on 9/9/09
          FFXIAH - Omniblast


          • #6
            Re: /panic O.O

            Get better. Your health is much more important than a game.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: /panic O.O

              In this dy and age with all teh technoology etc if you do ahve to ahve surgery it is a routine one, so nothing to worry about, It is most likley to be a kidney stone which they can remove or you can pee it out over time.

              Hope it gets sorted soon and good luck.


              • #8
                Re: /panic O.O

                It's most likely your gall bladder. You prolly have Gall stones which have blocked the exit for the bile (which the gall bladder makes). Same thing happened to my mom. She was in the hospital for a day. Two days after, she felt a lot better.

                Gall Stones are formed by the "American Diet". Too much red meat is bad for you. Remember to get more things like Fish and Chicken in your diet. Protien and Fiber are very important to your diet. Don't eat fast food that much, only like once a month or so.
                Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                • #9
                  Re: /panic O.O

                  What the hell are all you doing that FFXI is so stressful for you?
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • #10
                    Re: /panic O.O

                    I certainly hope it's not kidney stones, if only because those bitches are painful. Then again, they don't require surgery. So, six of one, half a dozen of another, I guess.

                    Anyway, I hope things aren't too bad, and that you get back to FFXI pretty fast.^^ Or at least the forums. If you played on my server, I'd be all "OMG LOG IN", but for the forums, I can just be like "OMG POST", which is somewhat less urgent. I think.

                    Feel better!


                    • #11
                      Re: /panic O.O

                      Originally posted by Mhurron
                      What the hell are all you doing that FFXI is so stressful for you?
                      What if I don't get Alchemy to 50 by Monday? MY GOD MAN! The horror!

                      Thanks, everybody. I'd almost prefer kidney stones. Yeah, painful, but I've never had a problem with pain, and it'd mean (probably) lower medical bills. Either way, what's getting to me most right now is having to wait a week to even find out, much less get anything done about it.

                      I do plan to rest. But come on, I had to throw an FFXI joke in there somewhere.
                      Ellipses on Fenrir
                      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                      . . .


                      • #12
                        Re: /panic O.O

                        Originally posted by Ellipses
                        I've never had a problem with pain, and it'd mean (probably) lower medical bills.
                        Ya anesthesia is expensive, just skip it and save some money.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #13
                          Re: /panic O.O

                          Real man perform the surgery themselves using a rusty knife and some whiskey.

                          To seal the wound afterwards you gotta use gunpowder and a flare.

                          Happy cutting!
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #14
                            Re: /panic O.O

                            ok Raydeus

                            I'd prerfer not to be a real man then if you have to do that.

