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Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

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  • #16
    Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

    It would've really been funny if Cole snuck into the room after Tom Sellack saved the gilseller and Cole pulled the plug on the gilseller's life support.


    • #17
      Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

      Originally posted by Feba
      yeah, I hate when I can't remember dreams, although I don't dream very often (once a month?) and it's typically the same falling dream (which is very simple)
      Actually, you always dream. You just can't remember it.

      PS. Some of you have sick dreams. o_o;;


      • #18
        Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

        Gotta say, that hospital dream freaked me out >_>

        My dreams are never the same, occasionaly i wake up with a start and wonder why... usually a random falling in a dream. I used to dream about getting tickled occasionally, not fully sure why but it wasn't in a pleasent way. As in laughing to the point where its hard to breath .

        Er... other than that i have very few dreams i can remember. One that comes to mind was aaaages ago where i dreamt about my middle school getting taken over by wearwolves... that was pretty odd >_> Especially as when i finally got out and started walking home I wasn't getting anywhere D:
        Last edited by Saerik; 07-19-2006, 02:32 PM. Reason: spelling


        • #19
          Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

          Lucky. I rarely remember my dreams.

          And also, everybody has 40+ dreams/night, it's just remembering then.

          But there are times when I remember a very vague dream then it happens sometime later. It's really weird, and even I'm skeptical about it.


          • #20
            Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

            Eh, if there isn't a trace of it when you wake up, it might as well have never happened.

            Although the weirdest dreams come when you remember like three or four seperate dreams, and your brain connects the dots between them.


            • #21
              Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

              **edit** Page 2, DING!

              i had a really crazy dream last night, and i don't remember dreams very often......

              So i remember my friend had this... rubber circle thing that he stepped into (come to think of it, it looked like a condom) Well it worked like a portal into another dimension...... it was a backyard of some restaurant... people were playing soccer and having a good time in the restaurant too. But i remember looking over the backyard and seeing a familiar city nearby... with people that i knew... I could see them but they could not see me. But everyone in this little dimension was happy and didn't care. I left it at some point... (through the magic condom.. yes.) and went to work then sometime later i re-entered the special place and it had become a full futuristic city.... full of people and businesses. Everyone was very rude and on their way somewhere, and i remember a bad feeling.......
              Thats about all i can remember... very graphic though.

              Didn't seem to be too specific on time frame... dreams seem like they last forever then they just drop off.

              Maybe i'm stressed out about stuff.... or maybe it means something more... like i'm worried about an opportunity passing me by.

              Or maybe i want a portal condom.

