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Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

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  • Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

    So I had a rather amusing dream, that I thought I'd share. It started out with me as an extra or something on some show, and evolved into a dream about the perfect job (being a perminant extra that was paid to do nothing) and somehow evolved into me being in a lead role on this show.

    So what was the show in my dream? Welll.... Created by Michael Criton, think E.R. only more drama-emo-y like a day-time soap, only not as soapy as a day time soap.

    In the pilot episode, I starred next to none other than Tom Selleck of Magnum P.I. fame, who was the chief surgeon/know it all/boss/whatever of the hospital. In this episode, I was the new guy come in to the hospital who was told to do something by Mr. Selleck's character, and was fired for doing it (succesfully) my way anyhow.

    In my dream, I spent the remaining years (7 season in all) sitting in the waiting room of the E.R. making comments like, "I wouldn't do that if I were you... Sorry," or sometimes, "Well if -I- still worked here I would do [insert instructions]... But I don't so I'll shut up know..."

    Tom Selleck's character hated it because I never left, but no one would kick me out because they couldn't run the hospital without me. So as season seven comes to a close, the final episode has Tom Selleck come up to me, thank me for all my work, and give me a check (curtesty of the hospital, not him of course) for all my last seven years of work.

    That was it really, except that the dream had a sort of "Look Back" at the most prominant episodes from the perspective of a very saddened entertainment reporter (he was a fan of the series). This recap inlcuded a small featurette on the most controversial episode of the long-running series, in which Tom Selleck (with my witty commentery of course) successfully saved the life of a Chinese Gilseller.

    Then I woke up.

    Anyone else have gilsellers (or FFXI) make cameos in thier dreams? I'm not talking dreams about FFXI... but you know... walk on roles as it were.

  • #2
    Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

    lol. From the title i thought this was going to be some emo thread, about how you were being out camped by CGF on some item that you really really wanted.

    This thread was much more amusing ^^
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


    • #3
      Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

      Thanks. I haven't laughed that hard in a LOOONG time.


      • #4
        Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

        Oooh, honey, you gotta stop eating right before bed ;D

        That was a very cute read :D


        • #5
          Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams


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          San d' Oria 0 | Bastok 0
          Current: Apocolypse Nigh


          • #6
            Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

            Your dream spanned a time period of 7 years? My dreams always follow real time.


            • #7
              Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

              Originally posted by Maju
              Your dream spanned a time period of 7 years? My dreams always follow real time.
              Same here. I do sometimes go 3rd person though, like I'm the 'camera,' and I'm watching me do and say things.

              I almost always get those stupid dreams where you're say, in a house, and it's deserted, and then you hear an answering machine go off, and then you wake up, and realize your answering machine's just gone off...

              Or such as:

              -I'm doing something unexciting, like watching a TV show, or waiting for something in real life, and the dream just has me doing the exact same thing, watching the TV show, or waiting. I've been told I was asleep when I could have sworn I was wide awake listening to a lecture, or doing other random things.

              So yeah, no Tom Selleck I'm afraid, as much as I like Magnum PI.
              Wevrain - Shiva


              • #8
                Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                I dream in third person usually when I do dream.

                Usually my dreams are climbing up big things (like super-super high jungle jims, buildings, radio towers) and then falling.


                • #9
                  Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                  Originally posted by Feba
                  I dream in third person usually when I do dream.

                  Usually my dreams are climbing up big things (like super-super high jungle jims, buildings, radio towers) and then falling.
                  Clearly you're destined to become a mountain climber.


                  • #10
                    Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                    Don't you hate it when you can hardly remember what you dreamed last night? D:

                    Mine, their always in first-person. Just like today. And I have yet to wonder, why Link from Legend of Zelda and me were in a dark, rocky room. And he was tapping on a steel door with his sword...

                    Oh. And of course, thanks for the awesome read! X3


                    • #11
                      Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                      yeah, I hate when I can't remember dreams, although I don't dream very often (once a month?) and it's typically the same falling dream (which is very simple)

                      The worst is when you wake up and remember it, then think about it, and forget about it nearly directly afterwords.

                      Anyone else had a murder dream? Where you kill someone, or someone you know kills someone.


                      • #12
                        Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                        Originally posted by Feba
                        Anyone else had a murder dream? Where you kill someone, or someone you know kills someone.
                        My mom had a dream last week that she was on trial for a murder that she couldn't remember whether she committed or not. She doesn't tell me what her dreams are about very often, so that being one of worthy notice kinda creeps me out. Anyway...

                        Originally posted by Feba
                        I dream in third person usually when I do dream.

                        Usually my dreams are climbing up big things (like super-super high jungle jims, buildings, radio towers) and then falling.

                        I normally dream in 1st person, but I've had a LOT of dreams like you describle. Usually involving mountains though, and a car. I'm sitting in the backseat of a car that's going around and around a mountain on an upward slope and the path that we're on gets more and more narrow as we climb. And eventually near the top the car is too wide to stay on and tips off >,>. Fog covers the area around the mountain so I can't see anything while I fall, but I definetely know when I hit the ground because I wake up >,<; and it feels like I just fell 5 ft and landed on my bed.

                        [e d i t] Can we get a psychiatrist in here?

                        With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


                        • #13
                          Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                          Wow, Tom Selleck. I always get Bill Cosby as a guest star in my dreams. Last night I had a recurring dream of mine. It was pretty crazy when it started, but now it's become pretty normal.

                          I'm in a hospital at the age of about 5. It's late at night, and most of the lights are off except for one in the room near the end of the hall. Walking up to it, I notice the number is scratched from the plaque on the wall, and I can hear what sounds like 2 people crying inside. Opening the door, I notice the curtain is pulled around one of the beds. The bed that I can see is empty, and I can see someone sitting up on the occupied side of the room. It sounds like a little girl crying, but there's something behind it that sounds much deeper; some voice I can't place. I walk up to it and draw the curtain. What I see behind the curtain isn't the face of a little girl though, it looks as though it's been worked over with a hammer and reconstructed sideways. Anyways, when she realizes that I'm in the room she begins screaming at me in a language I can't understand. She's chained to the bed, trying desperately to escape and get at me with her clawed hands. She screams random swearwords that I'm able to understand, and then tells me she's going to kill me while I sleep. Then I wake up.


                          • #14
                            Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                            Originally posted by Feba
                            Anyone else had a murder dream? Where you kill someone, or someone you know kills someone.
                            All the time. In one dream, I beat two naked fat guys to death with their own arms, after I ripped those out. I've beaten some guys head to a mushy pulp with my hands in another. Lots of different stuff. I'm never persued by the police or anything like that either.

                            The most common reocurring theme I dream, much like Feba's climb/fall dreams, is running on all fours at high speeds. At least once a week I dream that I get down like a bear and go 60 mph, kicking up dirt and junk. Those dreams are actually nice.


                            • #15
                              Re: Chinese Gilsellers Are Camping My Dreams

                              My dreams have always represented what I have done in the day. For example. This last weekend I was playing RE4 a lot and I had a dream I was with Leon and we were trying to escape the Training facilty of RE Zero and found out we were on the Island of RE4. I had a handgun and shot lots of infected people :D

                              My dreams are almost never the same though and most of them are in "2nd Person" like RE4.
                              37WHM/25BRD/17BLM/16THF/07WAR/05MNK All other Jobs 1.

                              Gilgamesh Server

