This is just kind of a lame little questionnaire thingy, because I realized that I talk to a bunch of you every day but I don't know really who you are, not your name, not even if you're a chick or a guy. Seems like this could be interesting.
So basically you can quote me and erase my responses. Just thought this would be kind of fun, and give us all a better idea of who we all are.
Name: Julia
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Location: Pennsylvania
Married: Yes, for two years.
Kids: Two, Eduardo III and Evan Nicholas
School: Art Institute of Pittsburgh
If college, field of study: Interior Design.
Any military background? Army, 2.5 years.
Character names: Aksannyi, main, Luzbell, Luz, and Naalani mules.
Any RL friends who play FFXI with you? My husband plays.
Hobbies (aside from FFXI): Dance, drawing, crocheting, jewelry making.
Favorite sport: Soccer and hockey.
Pets? Two dogs, Ranger and Shadow.
Favorite thing about FFXI: Magic. Oh, how I wish I could have it!
Least favorite thing about FFXI: How much of my life it consumes, it's more addicting than most games.
Post your website, if you have one:
Post your myspace, if you have one:
Post your deviantArt, if you have one:
Post your blog, if you have one: Working on bringing mine back, currently N/A.
Post anything else you'd like us to see: Please just go to my website, take a look at my babies. ^.^
Describe yourself in three words: Dancer, artist, mommy.
If you were to choose an FFXI job in real life, what would it be? I'd have to be a Red Mage. I'm too versatile in real life to decide on one specific type of magic/attack.
Well, that's me ... {Nice to meet you!}
So basically you can quote me and erase my responses. Just thought this would be kind of fun, and give us all a better idea of who we all are.
Name: Julia
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Location: Pennsylvania
Married: Yes, for two years.
Kids: Two, Eduardo III and Evan Nicholas
School: Art Institute of Pittsburgh
If college, field of study: Interior Design.
Any military background? Army, 2.5 years.
Character names: Aksannyi, main, Luzbell, Luz, and Naalani mules.
Any RL friends who play FFXI with you? My husband plays.
Hobbies (aside from FFXI): Dance, drawing, crocheting, jewelry making.
Favorite sport: Soccer and hockey.
Pets? Two dogs, Ranger and Shadow.
Favorite thing about FFXI: Magic. Oh, how I wish I could have it!
Least favorite thing about FFXI: How much of my life it consumes, it's more addicting than most games.
Post your website, if you have one:
Post your myspace, if you have one:
Post your deviantArt, if you have one:
Post your blog, if you have one: Working on bringing mine back, currently N/A.
Post anything else you'd like us to see: Please just go to my website, take a look at my babies. ^.^
Describe yourself in three words: Dancer, artist, mommy.
If you were to choose an FFXI job in real life, what would it be? I'd have to be a Red Mage. I'm too versatile in real life to decide on one specific type of magic/attack.

Well, that's me ... {Nice to meet you!}