Quick story, my lil sis just moved into an apartment in Harlem. She and her roommate are the only "crackers" on her block. Lately, she's been calling me to complain about all the negative comments and looks she gets heading to and from work every morning. I'm still trying to decide whether racism in this case is something she should actually be concerned about, or just silly. As I live in Salt Lake City, a town you could hit with a hydrogen bomb and not harm a single African American, I'd like the opinions of people who actually have experience. How do the rest of you deal with racism or discrimination on a daily basis? Should she just suck it up, and grow a spine? Is this just the price she paid for choosing to live somewhere she doesn't belong?
I'm not sure what to advise her. So far, my best idea has been comically overplaying every white stereotype I can think of to mock her neighbors. Things like buying a wife-beater tee, staining it with ketchup, and making sure she wears it every time she heads down to get her mail. I'm thinking of having her point to her roommate and yell, "I swear, officer, she hit me first!", whenever they pass one of her neighbors on their way out on the town. From there I thought I'd have her progress up to using a giant fake phone and shouting "Buy" and "Sell" into it at random intervals.
Granted, no one's burned a trailer in effigy outside her apartment yet, but I'd appreciate a better answer to give her than I have. It's been a long time since my Marine days, and I doubt sucker punching anyone who uses the word "honkey" around you really works as well in the civilized world, (or when done by a mousy little female accountant). What would you suggest?
I'm not sure what to advise her. So far, my best idea has been comically overplaying every white stereotype I can think of to mock her neighbors. Things like buying a wife-beater tee, staining it with ketchup, and making sure she wears it every time she heads down to get her mail. I'm thinking of having her point to her roommate and yell, "I swear, officer, she hit me first!", whenever they pass one of her neighbors on their way out on the town. From there I thought I'd have her progress up to using a giant fake phone and shouting "Buy" and "Sell" into it at random intervals.
Granted, no one's burned a trailer in effigy outside her apartment yet, but I'd appreciate a better answer to give her than I have. It's been a long time since my Marine days, and I doubt sucker punching anyone who uses the word "honkey" around you really works as well in the civilized world, (or when done by a mousy little female accountant). What would you suggest?