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I'm dying to share this!

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  • I'm dying to share this!

    Okay, I doubt many of you will truly care one way or another, but I finally got my baby to giggle for the camera, and I just had to share it with anyone who will listen. Evan Laughing

    If this is the wrong forum to post this in, I'm sorry, please point me in the direction next time. Enjoy the cuteness. ^.^
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

  • #2
    Re: I'm dying to share this!

    Lol that's so cute.. Having a baby has been in the back of my mind, in a couple years perhaps. I feel kinda bad not having a baby, because it feels as if i'm gonna miss a part of my life then.. Deffinately because i'm a woman. I don't know though, i'm ~only~ 20 :p, so I guess it gets better later.

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


    • #3
      Re: I'm dying to share this!

      Well, I'm 25 and I have two, and I'm not quite done yet ... but you've got plenty of time.
      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
      ~I has a blog~~
      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


      • #4
        Re: I'm dying to share this!

        No, cause of circumstances... I don't think I'd ever get more than 1 or 2. I kinda need a lot of attention myself from my boyfriend() and I don't think I can manage more than 2 kids. x.x

        Double Post Edited:
        Actually I just thought that having 1 son or daughter sooner or later might be a good idea and... "nice".
        Last edited by Kittyneko; 05-12-2006, 03:16 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

        War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


        • #5
          Re: I'm dying to share this!

          awww i love babys, sucks that im only 16, tho my gf is older...... okay got that thought out my head

          Which FF Character Are You?

          And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


          • #6
            Re: I'm dying to share this!

            Lol. Yea they're cute but... they will be on your mind 24/7 @_@ ... 1 kid... sounds like an adventure, something to archieve in your life, trying to raise him good.. but I don't know. I need to find someone with knowledge about raising children to talk about my situaton sometime.. Cause I really need to get it solved. But I do know, right now, I deffinately couldn't handle it.

            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


            • #7
              Re: I'm dying to share this!

              Originally posted by Sweetkitty
              Lol. Yea they're cute but... they will be on your mind 24/7 @_@ ... 1 kid... sounds like an adventure, something to archieve in your life, trying to raise him good.. but I don't know. I need to find someone with knowledge about raising children to talk about my situaton sometime.. Cause I really need to get it solved. But I do know, right now, I deffinately couldn't handle it.
              yeah ill prob wait till i get out of school

              Which FF Character Are You?

              And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


              • #8
                Re: I'm dying to share this!

                that was really cute. I'm 25 and married i can't wait to have a kid.


                • #9
                  Re: I'm dying to share this!

                  Originally posted by Deltran
                  yeah ill prob wait till i get out of school
                  Wait till you're atleast 21-25 or so... for real. x.x 16 is way too young to even think about it.

                  War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                  • #10
                    Re: I'm dying to share this!


                    Have two more kids, then you can do this infamous bit.

                    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                    • #11
                      Re: I'm dying to share this!

                      Note: Many of british girls are about babys and marrying quite early... I don't know why, I noticed that though. 14 year old girl, gets a bf, and wants a baby... There are so many young mothers too in Brittain. Do they get not enough education about that subject, or just too insecure for some reason? I really don't know.

                      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                      • #12
                        Re: I'm dying to share this!

                        Nice, most of my friends are married now, and I can completley understand the joy and excitement you see to watch your kids grow, and do new things.\



                        • #13
                          Re: I'm dying to share this!

                          Yeah, if you and your gf are going to attend college, the last thing you need is a baby to look after.

                          Like kitty said, the earliest age should be 21ish.
                          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                          • #14
                            Re: I'm dying to share this!

                            Well, im male 29, with a nice full time job and i dont want any kids in the near future!!! Freedom is a beauty. But on the other side, i see my friends, with their own and i like it.. so... well.. who knows


                            • #15
                              Re: I'm dying to share this!

                              Originally posted by Rodin

                              Have two more kids, then you can do this infamous bit.

                              Why was the mom so tired? CAUSE SHE HAS QUADRUPLETS *_*

                              Poor women. It's a miracle she can even walk now. The vagina is a magical object.

                              I love my cousin, he's like 2 now, but I enjoy playing with him and stuff. He's a handful!

                              But when he makes a mess of himself, I give him back to my aunt. I dealt with my brother who was 11 years younger than me, and I'm still not ready to wipe poop off someone. I guess I'll get plenty of practice when my parents get older!! ^.^
                              The Tao of Ren
                              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                              Originally posted by Kaeko
                              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

