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What's in a name?

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  • What's in a name?


    My first thread after defecting from Allahkazam.

    So, something light seems in order. (I'll save the presumptuous rants for some other time.)

    How did you come about your toon's name? Literature? Significant meaning? Random whim? Final Fantasy knock-off?

    My toon's name came from the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. If I'm not mistaken, it translates to "Sire of Light," or "Son of Light." Either way, it just came to me when I was making my toon way back in '03, and I've been more or less happy with it ever since.

    So what's the story behind your toon's name? C'mon Siren folks. Let's make this forum our own.

    75 RNG/NIN
    Master of the Silver Bullet
    Ammunition Dealer and Ex-Con
    "If you can't beat 'em, shoot 'em."

  • #2
    Re: What's in a name?

    My brother... Before I realized how much it sucked I didn't feel like starting over lol. Now I wish I did it.

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


    • #3
      Re: What's in a name?

      Here are a few sites about Mozyr: - This site is in Russian. I can read it, but doubt anyone else can. It's just a history of the city. - This is a wikipedia site that gives some basic information on the city.

      Mozyr is a small town in Byelorus.

      And gives the following description for the name Mozyr.

      "Although the name Mozyr creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, worry, and mental tension. Your first name of Mozyr has given you a rather quiet, reserved, serious, studious nature. You have sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things of life, the beauties of nature, music, art, and literature. The people who mean the most to you are those who can offer you intellectual companionship. It is only when you are among those who understand your deeper nature that you can really be yourself. The experience of having your remarks taken lightly or belittled, particularly during the early years of your life, has caused you to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You do not express yourself spontaneously when conversing with others; hence other people may often regard you as being aloof, and even unfriendly."

      I originally found the name listed on this site -- how odd is it that it turned out to be a small town in Byelorus? LOL) I've been using this name for my cat-human type RP characters for years now. I didn't know about it being a town in Byelorus until a year or so ago, and figure that with my interest in Russia, the name was a good name.
      -- Sarah
      Mozyr, Mithra, Siren Server
      75 RDM/(37) WHM/BLM
      75 DRK/(37) WAR/THF
      San d'Oria: Rank 10, RoZ: Done, CoP: Done, ToAU: Done
      Assault: Corporal


      • #4
        Re: What's in a name?

        i wanted to be different. Now i sort of regret it because i get questions like "why would someone name theirself after a ant-acid" all the time lol


        • #5
          Re: What's in a name?

          I wish i spoke more russian =( My grandparents passed before i could really start to grasp the mechanics of the language.

          As far as my name is concerned. Well its was actually an auto-assigned name..........after about an hour of re-selecting.

          My mule Zentomie however is a Ranger i have in D+D (yes i still play table top RPGs).


          • #6
            Re: What's in a name?

            Munkey.. me my ex,(not at the time) and my roomate used to play Mario Party 4 all the time. we always set the Computer as Donkey Kong on hard.. and no matter what he always screwed over my ex (thank you DK) so she would yell at him jokingly Stooopid Munkey.. and then i'd make fun of her and she started calling me Munkey... it just kinda stuck...


            • #7
              Re: What's in a name?

              My name, Aletta, means "Winged One" in Spanish.

              To tell you the truth, this wasn't my first choice as a name. I was going to go with "Eshe" which means "Life", but my friend liked Aletta better. So, I picked it, and stuck with it.

              Now that I think back on its meaning, I would love to say that the reason I picked the name was because of its meaning and me going back to BST post patch. Even though BST has gone through so much, I am (and so many others) are able to "rise above it" and keep on going... or something deep like that. But yeah, thats not the reason. I just liked how "Aletta" sounds. XD


              • #8
                Re: What's in a name?

                Forum name pretty obvious(FF6), joined forums while waiting for my FFXI to come in from japan and wasnt sure what my char was gonna be. Char name, minor (elven) character from The Riftwar Saga (series of books) by Raymond E. Feist.
                Calin - Ragnarok


                • #9
                  Re: What's in a name?

                  I got my name drecan from the random generator lol after about 15 minutes of trying everything i thought of lol. and in DnD I'm a half-orc name Dregon lol.

                  62THF, 51WAR, 36NIN, 31BLU, 19SAM
                  I am the taru that doesn't like any mage class; only brute strength comes from my heart and soul.
                  Rank 6
                  CoP Mission: The Lost City
                  Zilart mission #4


                  • #10
                    Re: What's in a name?

                    I ripped my name from FF Origins manual from the thief. Sometimes I wish had given it more thought as sometimes it gets annoying to be called kitty and being male in-game AND real life.
                    Kitfox / BST69/THF47/WHM42/NIN32
                    Server: Siren / Linkshell: Aequitas


                    • #11
                      Re: What's in a name?

                      Originally posted by Otovyoto
                      I wish i spoke more russian =( My grandparents passed before i could really start to grasp the mechanics of the language.
                      I could try teaching it to you! I love Russian. I was just going through my hundreds of pictures from Russia earlier this afternoon (found some of them that I thought were missing). It's a tough language to learn -- you have to marry yourself to it to learn it. Takes a lot of dedication.
                      -- Sarah
                      Mozyr, Mithra, Siren Server
                      75 RDM/(37) WHM/BLM
                      75 DRK/(37) WAR/THF
                      San d'Oria: Rank 10, RoZ: Done, CoP: Done, ToAU: Done
                      Assault: Corporal


                      • #12
                        Re: What's in a name?

                        Ugh. The tells I get with my name. Some people asking if I'm Itallian. . . Or was it French? Others think I took it from Shakespear. I've even got a few people asking if I'm Japanese.
                        I actually took it from an anime. lol. One of the less-than-main characters thankfully.

                        Anyone want to guess? Meh, I'll just tell you. Kiddy Grade.

                        Cesario - Not Ikaridono.

                        San d'Oria 8-2 :: ZM14 :: PM Storms of Fate :: ToAU 15
                        Want an Optical Hat? 1M (Your cluster) / 2.5M (Cluster suplied). /tell Cesario, Firedevil, or Duong. (Siren)


                        • #13
                          Re: What's in a name?

                          Well I didn't know much about MMO's when I picked my name, much less realized it was going to be so permanent.

                          It's a real name, and it's not my real name

                          I so wish I could redo it with something more creative. Oh well, at least I have a small alphabetical edge when seeking party.


                          • #14
                            Re: What's in a name?

                            Well I couldn't decide on name for this game I used to play, so I pushed random letters. It was "djkghy", so I added some letters to it, made it "Desjekghy". I used that name, but didn't like it, people kept thinking I was a guy =/ then I used Jek (middle part in desjekghy), and somehow it turned into Jekk... I think someone had the name Jek already so I just added a "k".

                            I'm not sure what name I'll pick for FFXI, I want a meaningful name... or I can just use Jekk =P Won't be suprised if it's being used already.

                            And I won't put any numbers in my name.. it always ruins the game for me. "Oh hello there person34329842!"


                            • #15
                              Re: What's in a name?

                              Bitucus was a famed White Mage of Vana'Diel. In the early centuries, Bitucus was befriended by the Goddess Shiva, who, because of his kindness towards others, gave Bitucus the gift of immortality. With this gift, Bitucus decides to travel the world so that others may learn from his experiences, and this, he still does.

                              Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off of your goal

