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Unrelated topic title ftw!

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  • #16
    Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

    do you guys allow threads that just let people have a bit of fun with each other on the server forums? like word association or random thought threads? they seem to be nice bonding experience threads imho
    Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
    RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
    AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
    Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
    Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End


    • #17
      Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

      Originally posted by Linliel
      do you guys allow threads that just let people have a bit of fun with each other on the server forums? like word association or random thought threads? they seem to be nice bonding experience threads imho
      Going to do that then I'd suggest the Off-Topic section. Server sections here were intended more for players trying to create static groups, looking for members for a dynamis, or things related to the game on that server stuff like that.

      If you want to bonding stuff on here we'd like it to be community related to FFXI Online and Off-Topic works for that. Also helps so we won't cause issues with the current Forum RPG that exists, not anything huge but never know who is actually participating on it...

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #18
        Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

        Originally posted by Omniblast
        It's been getting too noisy around here. I liked it better when it was quiet...
        Where's PotentPotable and his 6 shooter to kill all these newbies...
        you know i was excited too with all the new faces but, im starting to feel the same way too. a bit too rowdy for me sometimes.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #19
          Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

          Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
          you know i was excited too with all the new faces but, im starting to feel the same way too. a bit too rowdy for me sometimes.
          yeah same here hard readding thru a 1000+ new posts but im sure will get used to it

          Which FF Character Are You?

          And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


          • #20
            Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

            There's a server RPG? o_O I notice that some servers have "sub forums", perhaps our server forum could get one of those for off topic server-side things? I mean conversations about people wanting linkshells are all well and good and boring but y'know, there are in jokes and whatnot that people might like to talk crap about occasionally and which moderators might not get

            I mean quite a few of us are like friends and stuff and just want a place to chill and unwind and talk about random crap that's not necessarily to do with FFXI but not ... world-reaching enough to put on an entirely separate off-topic forum.
            Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
            RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
            AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
            Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
            Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End


            • #21
              Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

              then I would suggest the IRC channel

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #22
                Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                Originally posted by Linliel
                do you guys allow threads that just let people have a bit of fun with each other on the server forums? like word association or random thought threads? they seem to be nice bonding experience threads imho
                Theres no point in them to be honest, it just takes up space on the server and reduces bandwith, there is an off topics section which you can post a few things about favourite games etc, but this forum is mainly for FFXI content and discution, there are many hundreds of forums you can post word assiciaton games on etc. This one howver, I'd rather I not get these messages added to the new psots I trawl through everyday.


                • #23
                  Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                  I'm actually a bit disappointed that server forums aren't going to be allowed to have "random" threads.

                  I don't troll other forums. Like, ever. On Alla, all that I read were Kujata forums and - periodically - BST forums. I don't know people from other servers, and I don't want to play silly games with THEM. I want to play silly games with Linliel, Fidant, SCrow, etc. - people that I run into in games and harrass to give me free stuff (/wave Fidant).

                  I dunno. I left VN because of the over-zealous moderating. It rubs me the wrong way when harmless threads are moved or deleted because they're "off topic."


                  • #24
                    Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                    i'm sorry you feel that way karmabum, but please respect the way we do things here. Random and off-topic posts in the server (or other) forums just create clutter. It makes it difficult for people to search for or get help for legitimite issues in the game (because they have to sift through multiple pages/threads to find what they want).

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #25
                      Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                      Well it looks like the Off-Topic section needs its own server subforums or something, I'm sure there is a compromise, but I agree that the majority of conversation should be on-topic. That is, directly related to FFXI.

                      Off topic, ie. non-FFXI should be kept to the off topic forum, thats how it got it's name. The last thing I would like to see is the general state of alla on this forum, with the few decent posts swamped by pointless spammy posts. This place is a goldmine of useful posts - without sifting through flamewars. Please keep it this way by keeping anything non-game related out of the general forums. There are plenty of forums to discuss Life, The Universe And Everything. Let's stick to FFXI here ok?


                      • #26
                        Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                        I suppose it is rather unfortunate, seeing as some of the most entertaining, fun, and prolonged posts are often those of people just shooting the breeze - with other people they know from in-game. Thus, on the same server.

                        Oh, well. No point bucking the system. I'm sure those of us accustomed to being treated like adults capable of deciding for ourselves if we want to read the random threads or skip them (since they usually have titles like "The Thread of Randomness") will find somewhere suitable for doing so.


                        • #27
                          Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                          Karma, posts of that nature are fine, but try to keep it in the offtopic forum rather than the server specific game forum.
                          Calin - Ragnarok


                          • #28
                            Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                            Since I do all my forum reading via the "New Posts" feature, I'd really hate to have to sift through a bunch of nonsense just to get to real FFXI related info. If you really have a need for that sort of thing, you can always make your own server forum or make an LS forum. I don't see why it's necessary to have here.

                            I hated sifting through that sort of thing in my own server forums at Alla, and I really hated it in the Job/Quest/Trade/General forums. When I first started posting at Alla years ago, there were a group of folks who essentially bullied their way into "controlling" the main forum, and you couldn't find any information worth reading on the main page for a while. It was ridiculous, and because the mods there don't get involved, there was nothing an average poster could do. This was before they agreed to make server forums, which did help matters, but even then much of the spam moved to those forums, rather than off the site altogether. Unfortunate.


                            • #29
                              Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                              Meh. It's just the way our server in particular - Kujata - pretty much gets along. Between all the drama, the flamewars, and the general childishness, we entertain ourselves with "/random" threads. (Literally, a thread where people /randomed in game and then posted the results. And it was harmless fun.) The difference being, in a general "off-topic" section, we wind up reading posts from people we'll never, ever meet in game - which makes it utterly boring. In a server-only forum, we "know" the people.

                              Anyway. Like I said, not trying to buck tradition. A lot of us know perfectly well where we can enjoy that kinda thing and - obviously - where we can't.


                              • #30
                                Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                                Yeah, I agree exactly with Karmabum here, I guess we'll just go somewhere else that allows us to unwind and talk to our server friends.

                                Clyde, you missed KB's point completely. We don't want to chat off topic with people we don't really know, we're friends on the same server, talk about in-game jokes that only those on our server would know about, etc. We're not trolls (well fiddy can sometimes be but he's mostly a good guy ) or spammers, or flamers (for the most part), but we just like to mix up the boring old "I want a world pass" "I want a linkshell" "I want someone to help me kill avatars" posts with something a bit more interesting for us server-goers. If you look through my posts here so far and on alla forums you'll see I'm not one to stir up trouble (I guess that's why I have Guru status on alla, but I don't really care about that) and am generally helpful when it comes to actually getting information across to people. On topic stuff is all well and good, but this game is a social game, so there is a huge aspect of that which essentially boils down to hanging out and chatting with people about random stupid stuff like you do IRL. But maybe that's just me and all you guys do is talk about FFXI seriously all day long, idk.

                                Seems silly one would be annoyed at random interesting posts when viewing all the "new posts" but not at yet another request for yet another world pass/linkshell/mercenary on some random server you'll never visit. Most "legitimite issues" in server forums would most likely be way out of date or not interesting to search through anyway. Let's see, on the front page of the Kujata forum we have the majority of posts requesting a linkshell or advertising a linkshell (which people will just re-post because linkshells break and form all the time), requesting help with something (which will go out of date very quickly), and the couple of stickies at the top which are obviously stickied for a reason. I don't understand quite what people will want to search for in this forum that isn't out of date or not particularly interesting. There just doesn't seem to be anything here to clutter

                                I guess ffxionline is just not the place for us, with moderators unwilling to let people be free with their creativity/interests in making new friends on their servers. Moderation should be that -- done in moderation; not stifling things that are in essence good. It's a pity, I was hoping to find us anti-gilseller fun types a new home. /sigh back to alla I guess. Take care.
                                Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
                                RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
                                AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
                                Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
                                Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End

