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Unrelated topic title ftw!

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  • #46
    Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

    Keep it civil folks...

    Title: Sergeant Major
    SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
    Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
    Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
    Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


    • #47
      Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

      Originally posted by FidsSock2
      You Phail at Life.
      That is the type of post I am refering to, an unconstructive post that is pointless and classed as a flame. I am glad the mods are takign an intrest in these and as we can see from just this thread, two people have already been banned for it.


      • #48
        Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

        Bottom line is, if you dont like it here, were not forcing you to stay.

        Like i said many a time, alla is still there, it didnt vanish, if you dont like our rules, you might as well reconsider what you're doing here.

        You like to fool around and have "fun" with irrelevant discussions, we do too, but not to the extent of leaving us with hundreds of irrelevant crap we would have to go through, and again, dont like it here, fine, move on to somewhere else, just dont come here to piss everyone off, you arent superior to anyone here, and your pety attempts will get you nowhere, so dont do it, o wait, you're banned.

        And can i underline for the last time that ffxionline is not alla?

        What about once more...? ffxionline is not alla.

        It seems some of you who transfered are pleased with this place, and some hate it, its bound to be, but please, if you dont like it here, what in the world are you wasting your time for? Once again, welcome and thanks for those who enjoy their stay, and byebye arrevoir to those who dont. Look where your "fun" little thread got you...
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #49
          Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

          Wow... amazing.
          All the people arguing against having a random thoughts thread or 2 on the KUJATA forums here are people from OTHER servers. You guys understand the concept of having friends among the people playing on your own server right?

          As ridiculous as alla can be at times, the people posting on the Kujata boards for the most part are intelligent & insightful. If i needed any info, i could find it, or ask and the info would appear pretty quickly.

          These boards on the other hand, seem to be more like a private club where newcomers are treated with hostile suspicion and sorta seated over by the swinging kitchen doors.
          I was hoping it might be a comfortable fit but this seems to be a fast slap in the face to us.



          • #50
            Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

            Yea, we, instead of separating the community because of server, are allowing everyone to talk amongst themselves, yea, that's a horrible thing.

            If you want to post stuff like "boobs, discuss" threads, please dont, just please dont, ok?

            Any other stuff you want to post on your own servers is ok, but if the mod/admins think its inapropriate, you respect their opinion and go on with whatever you want to do.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #51
              Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

              If i needed any info, i could find it, or ask and the info would appear pretty quickly.
              I'm sorry but what does this have to do with "spam" threads? The same applies at this site, you ask for help with something you will get replies of either helpful info or a link to a thread that has the info you need in it.

              I dont think some people get it...its about having 15,000 threads of useless drivel making people who want info on FFXI have to dig through a bunch of crap to find what they need.

              Everyone here has welcomed the people who came over from alla with open arms and put out the way this sight runs from the get go and when the alla users dont get their way they attack the site and the mods. So you maybe need to rethink this...
              These boards on the other hand, seem to be more like a private club where newcomers are treated with hostile suspicion and sorta seated over by the swinging kitchen doors.
              I was hoping it might be a comfortable fit but this seems to be a fast slap in the face to us.
              I am in no way trying to start any stupid "flame war" just stating the way it is.

              I wasn't trying to get banned, just hopefully suggest something that would be attractive to those allakhazam people you guys seem to be wishing to attract to your forums.
              I dont think anyone from this site was wishing to attract alla users, an alla user ( Feba ) brought most of the people here with all his posts on alla. The admin just made a post to welcome all users to the site. I would assume Feba talked to someone here telling them that he was recruiting people who were leaving alla to come here.


              • #52
                Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                The forums for each specific server are supposed to be for game-related information. If you would like to do whatever random chatting, theres always the off topic forum.

                If you want to only make random chat with people from your own server, isn't that a bit like a "private club" in itself?
                Calin - Ragnarok


                • #53
                  Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                  It certainly seemed to me like there was a concerted effort going on by you guys to attract people upset with alla's turning IGE-owned. I'm sorry if we got the wrong impression, but the big welcome post on the front page, etc. etc. definitely seemed to imply that you welcomed alla people and were happy to be their new home. Guess the right hand isn't talking to the left hand so well huh. At any rate you've done well guys, you've made yourselves come across as totally anal, conceited, full of yourself mods with nothing better to do than be killjoys. Nice work!

                  By the way, none of the topics we like to talk about are "boobs discuss" topics. You seem to think we're really immature or something, but we're not for the most part (well until you inspire the wrath of the FidSock, but he's just doing it to piss you off cos he finds it amusing to poke raw wounds). I mean honestly, don't you mods have anything else to do with yourselves other than get off on destroying peoples conversations? Surely you could at least see how things go, and if you get like a million and one complaints about the Kujata forum then wind it back? It wouldn't hurt just to give something new a go, surely? I've pretty much given up any hope though, I just want to make sure my point is made completely clear so maybe next time you might think again before dismissing a new concept.

                  edit: Clyde: oh and because I forgot to reiterate: we don't want to talk stuff on the off topic forums, for the most part they are ON TOPIC for the Kujata people, because they involve Kujata people and are conversations based on the Kujata community. NOONE ELSE ON OTHER SERVERS CARES if someone in Kujata might think X is a gilseller or Y is a bad player or Z is a funny movie about some in-joke. Don't you understand why we might want to do this?! Don't you have any friends on your servers?!
                  Last edited by Linliel; 05-08-2006, 04:12 AM.
                  Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
                  RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
                  AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
                  Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
                  Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End


                  • #54
                    Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                    It certainly seemed to me like there was a concerted effort going on by you guys to attract people upset with alla's turning IGE-owned. I'm sorry if we got the wrong impression, but the big welcome post on the front page, etc. etc. definitely seemed to imply that you welcomed alla people and were happy to be their new home. Guess the right hand isn't talking to the left hand so well huh. At any rate you've done well guys, you've made yourselves come across as totally anal, conceited, full of yourself mods with nothing better to do than be killjoys. Nice work!
                    Now I'm no mod, so if I'm overstepping my bounds, I apologize. I personally saw no effort to try to draw alla's crowds here. However, when the mod's noticed quite a few alla people coming over here, they decided to post a welcome for anyone that wished to come. Kind of like when you have a guest come over to your house to stay for a while, yo usually give them a little welcome. However, it seems you want the rules that have been established for these forums for many years changed just to comfort what you are used to. When a guest stays over at your place, how would you feel if they asked you to change all of your personal house rules to how it was at their place?

                    Sure, sure, this is not IRL. However, there is a community of real people here that has built up over the years, just like a community IRL, with tried and tested rules that have worked. If you do not like this forum, that's perfectly fine, you are entitled to your opinions. Just don't start pulling out the whole "holier than thou" speech just because you do not like a forum in which you choose to visit.

                    If you wish to dicuss random off-topic things, that is fine. There is an off-topic forum just for that. The server forums here are meant for server specific in-game issues.
                    Last edited by ClydeArrowny; 05-08-2006, 04:18 AM. Reason: spelling errors (sorry, 5 am)
                    Calin - Ragnarok


                    • #55
                      Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                      Okay, I guess I expect a host to at least explain the rules before rudely shoving me out the front gate (i.e. moving Fidant's topic).
                      Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
                      RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
                      AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
                      Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
                      Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End


                      • #56
                        Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                        When the post was moved to the offtopic forum, Pai Pai Master posted
                        This thread has been moved to the Off-Topics sections. Anything not related to FFXI and FFXI servers does not belong in the Server forums.
                        To me, this is a very clear statement of the rules.

                        Also, in responce to your analogy that you "expect a host to at least explain the rules before rudely shoving me out the front gate (i.e. moving Fidant's topic)" Keep in mind, shoving someone out the front door would be like banning them for just posting in the wrong forums. This would be more like if you were watching TV in someone's home office, they might move you out to the living room, since in their house thats where they watch tv. /shrug
                        Calin - Ragnarok


                        • #57
                          Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                          Sorry, but that doesn't really make it clear to me. As far as I was concerned, it was related to the server community. Maybe it's just an interpretation thing, I don't know, but it seemed to me to basically be a "sorry, we don't want your fun conversations on this forum" kick in the guts, not a "sorry, we'd prefer it if off topic things were kept in the off topic areas because then we can foster a wider community of friends and interests, here's what's appropriate for the server forums exactly: 'looking for static/mission/help/linkshells/mercenaries/world pass/etc.', 'lists of crafters/etc.', 'introductions', '<insert other things that may be acceptable, I can't really see anything else that has been posted and not moved>'. Sorry but we don't want other threads for the reasons x, y, z (where you can insert reasons ... well, I haven't actually heard any good reasons for not allowing such threads yet except for odd ones about 'clutter' which seem to be more a last ditch reason than a real reason to me -- but whatever)" gentle prod.

                          I mean it's not like we were offensive or rude or flaming or anything, it was just a simple "hey guys" thread. There are threads like it in the Midgardsormr forum too, I'm not sure why those have been left there, since they seem to be much the same sort of thing as this one. /shrug.

                          As I've said, whatever. This is your turf, you can do what you will, but you've kinda got a bad reputation now, and your dominion over your somewhat dead forums, whatever that's worth to you. Sayonara.
                          Linliel: Tarutaru of Kujata
                          RoZ: Complete ~ CoP: Complete
                          AF2: 5/5 ~ AF+1 Body, Hands, Legs, Musical Earring [x]
                          Alchemy: 60 ~ Clothcraft: 77+1 (Spinning) ~ Fishing: 34
                          Linkshells: Covenant ~ Journey's End


                          • #58
                            Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                            Originally posted by Linliel
                            By the way, none of the topics we like to talk about are "boobs discuss" topics. You seem to think we're really immature or something, but we're not for the most part (well until you inspire the wrath of the FidSock, but he's just doing it to piss you off cos he finds it amusing to poke raw wounds). I mean honestly, don't you mods have anything else to do with yourselves other than get off on destroying peoples conversations? Surely you could at least see how things go, and if you get like a million and one complaints about the Kujata forum then wind it back? It wouldn't hurt just to give something new a go, surely? I've pretty much given up any hope though, I just want to make sure my point is made completely clear so maybe next time you might think again before dismissing a new concept.
                            I was refering to this one thread here, the one were posting on, the one that shouldve been locked at the first sighting.

                            Please, notice:

                            You can (and are encouraged to) create conversations on your own servers, things that you want to keep to your server's population, things you have no reason to share with other servers, things that in your judgement have no place anywhere else.

                            You can't however create stupid threads anywhere, no please just no, ok? "boobs, discuss" was a stupid little example of what we want to avoid. With this said, im not saying you did or did not create stupid threads, im not accusing you of anything, but _this_ particular thread is stupid, isnt it stupid? i find it very stupid. And please understand im not accusing you of anything Lin, i was refering to this thread's author, whom i find extremely unpleasant and retarded.

                            You're all very welcome, all that i am saying is: Dont post irrelevant crap.

                            With saying that im gonna repeat: im not accusing you or anyone that you did indeed post irrelevant crap, im telling you to simply not do it in the future, and im not telling _you_ Linliel, im telling everyone that joins the forum, anyone at all.

                            So this Fids person was a bad egg, look what happened, he was removed, why hasnt anyone else been removed? because no one else is posting crap, this is infact the first stupid thread i found since you folks moved in, there just seems to be a huge misunderstanding, and ill be honest with you, i thought it would be chaotic, because its not my fault alla (and KI) has a bad reputation... now i see beyound the rumours: not everyone is a dumbass there, and im glad to know this.

                            ps. Reading your reply:

                            You can also make "hey guys" threads in your own servers, eventually you will have everyone saying "hey guys" in your server, wouldnt it be much better if you could make a search for a particular topic on your server, without having to go through tons of "hey guys" threads? You, the server members, should create a _main_ "hey guys" thread where everyone replied to with their hailings. Now that would be the right thing to do.

                            Double Post Edited:
                            And to further add: everyone has different ways to do things, over here theres the sense that Alla + KI have bad rep.

                            KI prolly thinks FFXIO and Alla have bad rep.

                            And now it seems Alla thinks FFXIO has bad rep.

                            So this is just a huge hate-fest we have going on, but you know what, there are many communities because there are many types of people, dont tell a christian to worship budda, ya know...
                            Last edited by Balfree; 05-08-2006, 05:07 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #59
                              Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!


                              I believe this is my first post on this site. It will also be my last. I am a refugee from Alla as well, I enjoyed posting and I enjoyed the friendly, loosey-goosey atmosphere on that site's forums. Like a lot of people on Allakhazam, I was distressed at the IGE/Alla connection and decided to stop posting there and turned off my automatic renewal. It was only on principle, I really didn't want to, because I knew a lot of people there and I felt at home.

                              I have been reading with interest the posts here, especially this thread, and I have a few early impressions.

                              It seems to be that the posters coming over from Alla will always be treated as outsiders and not welcome in this exclusive little "club". The Moderators (how many are there? 20? 30?) hover over every post like a group of thought police and leap into action if they spot something that even varies in the slightest from the "serious FFXI subject matter". I guess the majority of the regulars here treat FFXI as seriously as they do this forum. This is a game, people! It's supposed to be FUN. Forums are supposed to be fun too, or so I thought.

                              I know Fidant and Liedra from Kujata and they are quality people and are excellent players that know when to be serious and when to have a good time. Fid likes to push buttons (don't we all, from time to time?) but he's a good guy and an amusing poster on Alla. It seems like they, along with anyone else who came here hoping for some comraderie and to have a little fun outside of game are going to be treated as red-headed stepchildren. I, for one, don't feel welcome here in the least, which is a shame. And I don't think former Alla posters are plotting to barge in on your little personal space and try and change a the way that the regulars here have been doing things. Suggestions, perhaps, which have, so far, fallen onto deaf ears. As far as directing any of the "fun" or "non-ffxi" posts to the "Off Topic" section, that's fine, I guess--it will only be buried among a bunch of other non-essential (in the eyes of the mods, apparently) mish-mash. So why bother posting such a topic in the first place?

                              So I guess it boils down to a choice: I can continue to post on alla for free, use their bandwidth and try and convince myself that I am not supporting a gilselling company; or else continue to post here in an unfriendly atmosphere and feel afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting the locals.

                              The choice is obvious.

                              {Take care.}



                              • #60
                                Re: Unrelated topic title ftw!

                                So, after what i said, you are still convinced of that? Like i said, you can create conversations.

                                And god damnit, everyone is welcome, just how hard is it for you to understand that we dont like spam!

                                In your eyes, what would be a thread worth closing?
                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

