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Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

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  • #31
    Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

    Originally posted by Metastophicleas
    RE: Grizzlebeard

    And what of loyalty to your morals, values, and ethics?

    Please don't come here stiring up more's just moronic.
    It's a free gaming forum on the internet, keep it in perspective and keep the drama llama on the leash. You continue playing a game rife with gilbuyers, gilsellers and users of third party hack software. If your morals are so firm then surely you would not pay a monthly subscription to a company that allows the continuation of these practices.

    I don't know where I'm stirring up crap either as you so eloquently put it. If you can't stand to hear both sides of a story then that's just hard cheese, however, I won't sit back and watch all the cool kiddies ragging on Alla and let it go unchallenged.


    • #32
      Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

      That's funny, Griz. They're just a bunch of drama llamas. Good thing they've got Grizzlebeard, who won't sit back while people rag on a site that's been giving a free service to many gamers for nigh on seven years and let it go unchallenged, to show them what real virtue is. Let me put it in perspective for you. It's a gaming forum on the internet. Let's try to keep the drama in check, shall we? Stop coming here and causing trouble.
      Last edited by Taskmage; 05-08-2006, 10:46 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #33
        Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
        It's a free gaming forum on the internet, keep it in perspective and keep the drama llama on the leash. You continue playing a game rife with gilbuyers, gilsellers and users of third party hack software. If your morals are so firm then surely you would not pay a monthly subscription to a company that allows the continuation of these practices.

        I don't know where I'm stirring up crap either as you so eloquently put it. If you can't stand to hear both sides of a story then that's just hard cheese, however, I won't sit back and watch all the cool kiddies ragging on Alla and let it go unchallenged.
        Ah...ok, let's go in that direction...

        The planet is rife with murders, rapists, child abusers, etc., yet we still live on it, trying to make it better. Much like the planet, many of us try to make the community that we're all a part of, better.

        As to the stirring up did, when you attacked the character of the people that left. Shall I quote it for you...

        "...all that's happend is we lost the people that were incapable of showing little to no loyalty to a site..." Nevermind the "loyalty" they had to their members, that's another topic for another day.

        So please, keep your attacks to themselves, and limit them to alla. I left that site to get away from flame/troll wars.

        Funniest comic ever.


        • #34
          Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

          Originally posted by Jekk
          I don't think I'll even go to the Alla site, it just seems.. dumb
          Allakhazam is a great site. Unlike their forums. They lack in style, moderators and rules.

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • #35
            Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

            Originally posted by Metastophicleas
            Ah...ok, let's go in that direction...

            The planet is rife with murders, rapists, child abusers, etc., yet we still live on it, trying to make it better. Much like the planet, many of us try to make the community that we're all a part of, better.
            So, going down that route loyal members choose not to leave the site and instead remain active contributors to it ensuring many more years of constructive guides and the sharing of ideas.

            Originally posted by Metastophicleas
            As to the stirring up did, when you attacked the character of the people that left. Shall I quote it for you...

            "...all that's happend is we lost the people that were incapable of showing little to no loyalty to a site..." Nevermind the "loyalty" they had to their members, that's another topic for another day.
            I agree it was somewhat inflammatory attacking the character of everyone who took part in the exodus, however, I'm also sick of being on the other side of the fence in as much as hearing constantly that anyone remaining on Allakhazam condones RMT and we're all immoral morons. So, I apologise if that did come across as offensive, it was more of a knee-jerk response that could have been better worded.

            Originally posted by Metastophicleas
            So please, keep your attacks to themselves, and limit them to alla. I left that site to get away from flame/troll wars.
            You've been a member of this site for less than a month, wait a little while longer before assuming you've found a flame-free haven. Whilst the moderators on this board are way quicker at locking threads there are still more than a few flames flying around and surprisingly I don't instigate all of them.


            • #36
              Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

              I'm looking for a flame free Heaven...but I'd like a smarter response, that is actually relevant to me, if you want to flame me.

              Also, not many people have said that they condone RMT on alla...however...I can name names...sad thing is...the % of people are there that condone it, is now greater than the people that don't. It didn't take long.

              I am very happy that the mods here take the "job" seriously, and that was my biggest complaint about alla. Not the stance on RMT that changed...but the lack of effort that the mods put into the site. There were flame wars that went on for several days at a time. Too many topics that were started just for flames, and little effort from the mods to do anything about it.

              I am here, hoping not for a perfect forum, but somthing more intelligent, and with less moronic topics! Besides, by my understanding, many of the best guides are heading this way, so this may become the hub for the better FFXI player base very quickly, and I for one am looking forward to it, just for the faster load times, and custom layout.

              Funniest comic ever.

