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Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

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  • #16
    Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

    Originally posted by OnionWarrior
    Ahhh... dude, why so hostile? Just trying to tell what happened and you keep challenging me. ; ;
    Btw, that statement is impossible-- because there would have been no time for anyone to even read the thread.
    You said it was five minutes later, right? That's plenty of time for lots of people to decide they don't want to read your whole thread and rate it Awful and get it below the filter.
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #17
      Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

      Yeah...Onion....I posted in that first was drivel. Funny as hell, but still drivel.

      Funniest comic ever.


      • #18
        Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

        um, yeah...
        just behave yourself here ok?

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #19
          Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

          We undersand there's a certain amount of anger and frustration out there over recent events, and the fact is that threads like this can and will appear. It hasn't crossed the boundaries of what's allowed (and bless you Feba for sanitizing your posts here).

          As long as things stay that way, we're OK with a certain amount of venting as long as everone understands and respects the baseline rules about profanity and respect towards other forum members even when you disagree with their viewpoint.



          • #20
            Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

            Hahaha, okay wow, just clairfying this then leaving the thread to rest.
            I've been on these boards for what, 3 years now? Don't usually post angry, childish posts. Don't really post much at all to be honest, only when I have something that really needs to be said. But, today, I feel it was justified. :D

            And, just to clairify, there were 4 posts: ^^

            1) Asking a question.
            2) Conspiracy theory.
            3) Angry account-seller spin-off.
            4) Nazi post.

            I didn't deny any of these, so don't make it sound like I did.

            So, to wrap it up...

            To Sweetkitty, happens to the best of us. xD

            To Feba, thanks for santizing my posts (I guess), but selectively chosing what to quote, and what to misquote (see: wrong title of third post) isn't entirely fair.

            And to you, Mr. Stubbeh, I'd caution you not to pass judgement on those you hardly know, especially when you don't have all the details, as I wouldn't do it to you.
            «» "I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief." «»


            • #21
              Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

              Sorry you got banned from Alla. No biggie though. Seems we'll have decent people here. Even though I can be a retard sometimes. I'm nice most of the time, unless you flame me. Then I turn into a Diabolita >.>


              • #22
                Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                Hmmm Diabolos with breasts... (I'm interested.)
                Hacked on 9/9/09
                FFXIAH - Omniblast


                • #23
                  Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                  To Feba, thanks for santizing my posts (I guess), but selectively chosing what to quote, and what to misquote (see: wrong title of third post) isn't entirely fair.
                  Those are the logs Kao gave me. And, I can speak for the validity of the title, I saw it myself. All I did was turn itches and ucks into *s


                  • #24
                    Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                    I don't know about everyone else, but I'd really prefer it if we could keep the Alla drama at Alla .


                    • #25
                      Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                      Lol, Feba, I read your blog thing... I bet now your mind is changed about being rude to Onion (after being banned too). =/

                      I don't think I'll even go to the Alla site, it just seems.. dumb

                      And on a random note: It seems you're Kao's little man whore to me =P


                      • #26
                        Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                        No, because I asked for my ban. Besides, i'm the first 10k poster to get banned, so i'm like Forum History. or something. All of IGE's little nublets can talk about it in a few years .

                        And no, Kao and I are friends.


                        • #27
                          Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                          Originally posted by Feba
                          Besides, i'm the first 10k poster to get banned, so i'm like Forum History. or something. All of IGE's little nublets can talk about it in a few years.
                          They've forgotten about you already. If anyone does remember you it'll probably be to question how someone with over ten thousand posts could never manage to post something that warranted the community keeping him from teetering on the borders of default rating.

                          As for the boards. they are back to discussing the various games Alla covers just as they did long before you knew the site existed and will continue to do so long into the future all being well. People are already starting to return after the little bit of drama and essentially all that's happened is we lost the people who were incapable of showing little to no loyalty to a site that's been giving a free service to many gamers for nigh on seven years.


                          • #28
                            Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                            Wow, even though I took time out from Alla for months at a time I saw you each and every time I went back Feba. All the best for you and.. I never envisioned you as a Taru to be honest. XD

                            | WHM 75 | BRD 25 | SMN 40 | Cooking 63.7 |


                            • #29
                              Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                              RE: Grizzlebeard

                              And what of loyalty to your morals, values, and ethics?

                              Please don't come here stiring up more's just moronic.

                              Funniest comic ever.


                              • #30
                                Re: Hahaha! Wow! Just got banned from Alla!

                                I don't know much about this; I didn't see the threads, but I share Aelathir's sentiment.

