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The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

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  • #31
    Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

    Originally posted by Rodin

    Number of times a member of LS A, talked down upon LS B (including ALL LSs, Chat, HNM, Dynamis, Limbus, etc):
    136 times.

    Number of racist comments from certain players:
    398 times. (This shocked me. I included the common "Spanish player" jokes from my server, times people said things about Japanese players who only wanted to play with other Japanese people, and people who said any slandering words.)

    The number of times "He/She's a gilbuyer" was said:
    255 times.

    The number of MPK/Attempts, I have seen:

    Number of stolen HNMS:
    1 (This one was a shocker. Supposedly HNMs have the most "Drama" of anything in the game.)

    My comparative data goes as this:

    Number of times somebody spoke well of somebody else:
    107 times.

    Number of times person from LS A spoke well of LS B:

    Number of times somebody took an R1 for the team:
    3 (During XP)

    Number of times people said (Congratulations!) when an LS beat an HNM:
    One of the first things you have to realize is that a game is competitive. When your in such a situation, your bound to "trash talk" about another ls or other ls members. This isn't your everyday interaction with your neighbor/mailman/clerk stuff. So some of the things noted really don't mean a whole lot.

    Racist jokes on the other hand are in poor taste no matter where they are uttered. We had a guy in our ls that would come on vent and spout off racist stuff. Now while he was a fun guy, this stuff just wasn't funny to many of our ls members. They would either leave the server or mute him. Now he wasn't aiming the jokes at anyone in particular because this is the internet and most of the time you don't know the ethniticity of the person on the other end, but why take the chance of alienating someone that could end up being a good friend?

    Other poor behaviors such as stealing a HNM or MPK'ing really is subjective. SE has told us that HNM's going unclaimed is NOT a glitch. It's "part of the game" they said. So therefore, can we really label it "stealing"? MPK'ing is not as easy as it used to be and since its hard to "accidentally" kill someone anymore, you can chalk all those up to rude behavior.
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #32
      Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

      Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
      You are in a shitty LS with shitty people. This study doesn't look like any LS I've been in. Stop hanging out with douchebags.
      Wow, real contribution there BRP. I dare you to point out a single HNM LS that wasn't involved in some kind of drama. No, not even a dare. It's a fucking challenge.

      Anyway, going back to OP:

      I thought that was kind of interesting, but I didn't need that to know all of that stuff already. Pretty much every MMO game I've played thus far always include the kinds of things you find in the real world: drama. Plus, lots of emo when you put a bunch of kids discovering their hormones for the first time in their lives in one setting. Online or not, there's real interaction going on. I hate it when people use the phrase "It's just a game." Bullshit. If everyone was monotonous work drones pre-programmed to do nothing but claim NMs, I can buy that. But you're dealing with real humans and whether or not they think it's just a game is entirely up to them and not to some self-prescribed mantra.

      Remember kiddies, it's always fun and games until someone gets hurt.


      • #33
        Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

        Originally posted by Taskmage
        Don't you want to listen to some Linkin Park first?

        Spamming hotkeys in an Aery, Dominion, or Valley isn't my idea of fun. Join a HNM LS if you want to punch yourself in a face 6 times in 3 hours, 3 times a day. I'm sure you can find a drama-less sky and dynamis LS easy.


        • #34
          Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

          Originally posted by Kailea-D
          a month? for a accurate studdy you need atleast 6 months for this kind of stuff, if you want real results.

          oh yeah and this is not new news :p every MMO is like this........
          Actually, a month does an accurate study of the population. We're not talking 287 million people, like there are in America. We're talking 2500ish people (average number of people on at any given time on Ragnarok.) 1 month was plenty of time, over the course of one party, that lasted from 3-5 hours every three days (I have to make a schedule to XP due to IRL shit and CoP set >_<) To get a good chunk of people's actions jotted down on paper.

          I hate reality shows. Like often do 10 people get stuck on an island somewhere, and have a tribal council every night. WTF? The Real World doesn't interest me really (although I do watch it because of Svetlana ;>.>), it's all just a bunch of hyped up drama. If they just sat down and talked, instead of what IMHO is "acting", there wouldn't be NEARLY as much drama. I just think they're playing something out for the camera because MTV told them that they need to spice things up for ratings.
          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


          • #35
            Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

            Sounds like a totally skewed world view. I would hope you don't buy into his emotional bullshit axioms :/
            Honestly, drama has far less drive than fear. Unless you are somehow subsetting fear into drama, in which case I suppose the point is moot. Not really wanting to get into an argument, I will close by saying:
            don't buy into the things a teacher preaches.
            Originally posted by Rodin
            I was told by my Psych teacher:

            People who don't have drama, seek drama.
            People who have drama, seek more drama.
            Drama is how the world turns, it's how humans interact.
            Drama is the essence of human behavior.
            It's a love hate relationship, people hate it, but they NEED it.

            He explained that's why reality shows are HUGE right now. Not because of some stupid bullshit about, "OMG, they're gonna win a million dollars." People want to see the fights, the crying, the screaming, the heartbreak, the joy, the triumph, the love, and the sex. People are just bored I guess.
            "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"

            " Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."

            -Jack Handy


            • #36
              Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

              Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
              This thread and the fact people are comparing internet drama to real life makes me want to commit suicide.
              Maybe because internet games are played by real people and actions and frustrations in game can, and do, carry over into people's lives. Saying they don't or they shouldn't is extremely naive and assumes people are capable of switching their emotions on and off.


              • #37
                Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                Your study seems very skewed. If the number of times people took an R1 for the team is onry 3 you seriously need to consider getting a new LS. FFS, I took 3 R-1s for the team alone last weekend and at a sky run when a tank goes down against a god the usual cry from that tank is "I'll take an R-1 just get me up!"

                Just noticed you put (During XP) in that section but still. During exp isnt' a good measure of when people are taking one for the team. Taking one for the team is volunteering to kite Seiryu when half your WHMs are dead and you know for a fact you will die but you LS needs time. ^^
                Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
       - Bahamut Endgame LS


                • #38
                  Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                  moving this to off topics.

                  again i remind you all to keep things civil (/stare BRP). carry on.

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #39
                    Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                    Though badly stated, I happen to agree with one aspect of the poster's comment. It seems in a course of a game day more peop-le on my server show hatred towards others. Though I see a lot of good too. The stats he gave, we have to remember vary as to his own scientific study and his server. I was on Fenrir for awhile and saw how different Fenrir is to Irfit's server. So it all may just vary as to each server or each individual study.


                    • #40
                      Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                      Originally posted by Impaction
                      Looks skewed.
                      Depends. Did he have expectations going into the undertaking? Did he desire one result? Does he himself feel victimized? If you want an accurate study, you need a third party person, new to FFXI who has access to players in all the different level ranges.

                      A scientific newbie
                      Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                      • #41
                        Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                        Originally posted by DieselBoy09
                        If you want an accurate study, you need a third party person, new to FFXI who has access to players in all the different level ranges.

                        A scientific newbie
                        You don't really need a 3rd party person. Just make sure you're not biased, and mark everything down the way you want it to turn out. Now, anyone that plays FFXI, will not be 3rd party in any way. Because there's all sorts of drama at all levels. If you want, I can do another study over the course of leveling my BLM from 65 to 75.

                        Another thing. Before anyone calls somebody else a scientific newbie, you should look at his credentials. While not haivng a degree in psychology, I have taken different class levels for 8 semesters at my high school. I have gone through honors, college, and lectural psychology courses. As well as interning for a friend's father for six months. Not to mention that I have also taken college level Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses. I feel that I am qualified to take a small survey based upon the actions of people on Ragnarok. I know very well how to conduct a survery, being that I've actually done one which involved going to different counties in Pennsylvania. This was done by classifying peoples actions under those categories that I have posted. This is an observational survey, not a question-based poll. Which many people seem to think is the only type of survey that counts for anything. Now, would you please let this thread die, seeing as many people aren't discussing the results, rather critiqing the style in which I took the survey.
                        Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                        90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                        Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                        • #42
                          Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                          Not that I don't respect your work, Rodin, but citing high school classes as credentials probably isn't going to buy a whole lot of respect from your detractors.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Oh, would you like me to close this? It sounds like it.
                          Last edited by Taskmage; 05-09-2006, 03:58 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #43
                            Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                            They were college courses, and I believe the lectural classes actually count as college credit. And actually, I'm in what you can consider a loose apprenticeship right now. Learning from a Psychiatrist with a Ph. D. in the field. I'm also a member of the American Psychological Association. Not only am I listened to, but I have held my own in debates against actual psychologists about stuff that I'm not going to get in to. I have also understudied in many behavoiral experiments. While "having a high school education" at the moment seems to turn other people off, what really counts is the knowledge. A degree is just a piece of paper.

                            Yes, please close this post, because people just don't seem to be on the ball with what I want them to discuss. :/
                            Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                            90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                            Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                            • #44
                              Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                              Well, you don't really need to perform an experiement or be college educated to figure out that FFXI is home to the largest number of elitist, immature, judgemental, bitter, and overall anal players. Those types of people are everywhere, but because of the difficulty and learning curve of FFXI, it's moreso here than anywhere else. I respect the point that you're trying to make though, and you're right, it's horrible. What's even more horrible is that it's probably not going to get any better unless a large number of people band together and try to make a difference while recieving support from another large number of players. The odds of that happening are small.

                              The best thing that WE can do as individuals is to not contribute to it and try our best to be decent players and human beings. I'm definately trying to do my part. ^_^


                              • #45
                                Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                                It sounds like you're in an excellent program. At any rate, here's your lock.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

