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The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

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  • #16
    Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

    Looks skewed.


    • #17
      Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

      I think people are taking this the wrong way. This was a study I conducted over the course of a month. NOWHERE did I say ALL FFXI players are evil. I said to interpret this information as you would like; I should have been a lot clearer and said to not take this as bitching.

      Locus>> I've been studying Psychology for about 3 years now. I'm applying for internships, and I'm thinking of becoming a full time clinical psychologist.

      I'm not new to the internet community. I know how people will act when they're online, and anonymous to other people.

      Yes, I should have used the plural form of Stigma, which is stigmata. Again, I'm studying psychology, not English..

      BloodRedPoet>> Don't make fun of Linkin Park. I like them, yes, they have ONE emo song. Instead, make fun of other bands, such as: Fall Out Boy, Simple Plan, Hawthorne Heights, or any other pure EMO bands. Also, I'm not french, so it would be /cry, instead of Le Cry

      Kailea-D: This "mind bullcrap" is a real science. These types of studies are done all the time. And yes, you CAN break down players' personalities into types. If you could interview a certain number of players, and find out their opinions about certain things, then work that into a ratio, you would have a somewhat accurate percentage of players' personality types. They do this in real studies, they do this in games.

      Also, don't give me any, "people act differently online" crap. This is known in psychology, that the only time a human being is truly themself, is when they are alone, and know they aren't being watched. You can say different, but everyone; EVERYONE wears a mask when they're with friends, family, strangers, etc. So people act differently when they're not online as well.

      I wasn't trying to bitch, but peopel are taking this the wrong way. I wasn't giving an opinion, I was presenting data for a discussion for others. And people started taking it the wrong way. This is a discussion about the data I presented. This is not a discussion about me being "le cry emo", or if this is bullshit. It's NOT bullshit, because I sat for a month, and tallied this.

      Now, since that's over, let's get on with the discussion.

      "I'm sorry I took your post to rant like this, but I don't know it somehow triggered something inside of me to speak my opinions"

      It's okay, this is what I wanted to see, people's opinions about what I've posted, and what they think about the data.

      Reincarnation>> Thank you for an intelligent, relevant response. I've seen a lot of animosity towards players in this game. I'm just wondering, why? Seriously, is this game such a big deal and so consuming, that we need to start putting people down for either having nice gear, or not having nice gear? Why do people take this game as such a big deal, that they have to "flame" somebody they don't know. This also reflects their real life actions. Most assholes in this game, are probably assholes IRL. You can sense a person's anger in themselves when you meet them (at least I can, I don't know if anyone else can read people like this). And if a person is angry, I tend to avoid these people. Same in-game. I stay away from people who seem to be angry.

      Atma>> My uncle is a Vikings Fan. >_<

      Double Post Edited:
      Originally posted by Impaction
      Looks skewed.
      Can you provide an example of how my data looks skewed?
      Last edited by Rodin; 04-17-2006, 06:27 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
      Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
      90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

      Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


      • #18
        Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

        you know if the japanese are all about politeness and respect, why would they talk crap about us? not every american or english speaker is disrespectful and unpolite, I do my best to be as polite as I can so that they respect me back, but as I said the communication boundaries makes it hard to get anything other than game related stated. it's not quite fair because in japanese schools they require you to take english (wether you decide to learn it is up to to you I guess) and I never say anything bad about them ever... if they are saying anything bad about me I wish they'd tell me somehow directly, if it's my performance, let me know and I'll fix it... and I noticed how the japanese prefer to fight the safer mobs and prefer a lower experience, but at the same time, most of my parties as my bard, my parties have taken down "tougher" mobs relatively quickly, earning more experience per hour and noone at risk of dying. i guess they're right in that sense, but bard anyways make sit easier to take higher things than normal. just them speaking badly about americans in a language most of us cannot understand isn't fair to us and kind of goes against their 'respect and politeness" as i said not all english speakers are disrespectful or unpolite, to assume as much is unfair to us.


        • #19
          Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

          Originally posted by Rodin
          Reincarnation>> Thank you for an intelligent, relevant response. I've seen a lot of animosity towards players in this game. I'm just wondering, why? Seriously, is this game such a big deal and so consuming, that we need to start putting people down for either having nice gear, or not having nice gear? Why do people take this game as such a big deal, that they have to "flame" somebody they don't know. This also reflects their real life actions. Most assholes in this game, are probably assholes IRL. You can sense a person's anger in themselves when you meet them (at least I can, I don't know if anyone else can read people like this). And if a person is angry, I tend to avoid these people. Same in-game. I stay away from people who seem to be angry.
          People will TRY to find a reason to hate someone. You heard of Yin and Yang, the coexisting demon, etc.? There's always gonna be a down to balance out the curve. This game like most other things is taken to new levels; if you take a mob someone was planning to get they act as if they just stole their credit card. 'It's just a game' apparently means nothing to them. People flaming each other is just a habit you do when you got into a teeny fight with some:
          '<name> you disgust me... >.>'
          '<name> you disgust me too'
          There was a little battle like this going on in Jeuno not too far off, and it just plainly seemed stupid! For one thing, why shout the freakin' thing all across Jeuno, you got a problem /tell it to them. Secondly, who cares?!
          Sometimes it's impossible to avoid angry people but you just gotta deal with them, like in parties, LS, etc. It's not exactly easy to go running around with an idiot who's nagging on you but I've learned to love with them and give as little attention to them as possible!
          I never liked to ignore people because it always makes me feel bad, but I understand there are times when you just gotta say enough is enough; however, doesn't mean you have to hate the person forever and flame them. _._

          Double Post Edited:
          Originally posted by Kuroen
          you know if the japanese are all about politeness and respect, why would they talk crap about us? not every american or english speaker is disrespectful and unpolite, I do my best to be as polite as I can so that they respect me back, but as I said the communication boundaries makes it hard to get anything other than game related stated. it's not quite fair because in japanese schools they require you to take english (wether you decide to learn it is up to to you I guess) and I never say anything bad about them ever... if they are saying anything bad about me I wish they'd tell me somehow directly, if it's my performance, let me know and I'll fix it... and I noticed how the japanese prefer to fight the safer mobs and prefer a lower experience, but at the same time, most of my parties as my bard, my parties have taken down "tougher" mobs relatively quickly, earning more experience per hour and noone at risk of dying. i guess they're right in that sense, but bard anyways make sit easier to take higher things than normal. just them speaking badly about americans in a language most of us cannot understand isn't fair to us and kind of goes against their 'respect and politeness" as i said not all english speakers are disrespectful or unpolite, to assume as much is unfair to us.
          Um... Since generation X came into play the whole 'respect' and 'politeness' kinda went out. Lately it's all about 'whos' better', 'who can kick who's behind', all that pointless, meaningless stuff. Besides, monkey see, monkey do, y'know? Is it really that bad that they say such things about us as we do them? From place-to-place things are going to change, just like climate, y'know? For JP it's safety, for American and what not it's kill anything with large sums of XP; so what? You're satisfied with how you work right, why care what some other person thinks? If you want everyone to be happy with what you do then you won't really get anywhere! ^-^
          Last edited by Reincarnation; 04-17-2006, 06:41 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          There once was fish,

          Whom made a perfect dish

          To a giant fish.

          The giant fish was caught,

          By a Mithra which sought

          To fill her hunger.

          The Mithra was slayed,

          By a monster whom would raid

          The land.

          What have we learned?


          • #20
            Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

            You are in a shitty LS with shitty people. This study doesn't look like any LS I've been in. Stop hanging out with douchebags.


            • #21
              Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

              Originally posted by Rodin
              I'm not new to the internet community. I know how people will act when they're online, and anonymous to other people.

              Yes, I should have used the plural form of Stigma, which is stigmata. Again, I'm studying psychology, not English..
              T'sok, that's why I corrected your grammar in a Postscript, since it added nothing to the discussion. More a FYI than anything.

              Glaring sarcasm aside, how do you feel FFXI compares to the real world or other online communities? That's what I was interested in. Provide your opinion, please.
              I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


              • #22
                Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                Well, to me, FFXI has more of a similarity to high school. There's much un-needed drama, and back stabbing. A friend of mine got screwed over by another friend of mine over dynamis currency. Words were said, now there's drama between two LSs on my server. All stemming from somebody doing something stupid to a friend. In my high school, (and I'm sure as anything, many others) this was a daily occurrence. Somebody said something to somebody else. Somebody hooked up w/ somebody else's girlfriend/boyfriend. And now groups of people hate eachother. Everyone who has been through highschool knows what this is like, but for some reason, they repeat these things in Final Fantasy, no matter what age they are. I don't know what the average age of an FFXI player is, but I'm willing to say around 23-25. These are supposed to be "mature, adult" people, yet some of the things I see, are just childish, and what I'd expect from a freshman. IMO, this game is like high school. Bigger HNMLS > Popular Kids | Smaller HNMLSs > Unpopular Kids.
                Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                • #23
                  Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                  Simply put:
                  Most people on FFXI reinact Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet.
                  -Capulets and Montagues (LSs) going against each other because of what happened long past.
                  -Servants (Don't take it the wrong way, others in the LS) following along not even knowing what they're hating against.
                  That explains only half of it, y'know?


                  There once was fish,

                  Whom made a perfect dish

                  To a giant fish.

                  The giant fish was caught,

                  By a Mithra which sought

                  To fill her hunger.

                  The Mithra was slayed,

                  By a monster whom would raid

                  The land.

                  What have we learned?


                  • #24
                    Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                    I was told by my Psych teacher:

                    People who don't have drama, seek drama.
                    People who have drama, seek more drama.
                    Drama is how the world turns, it's how humans interact.
                    Drama is the essence of human behavior.
                    It's a love hate relationship, people hate it, but they NEED it.

                    He explained that's why reality shows are HUGE right now. Not because of some stupid bullshit about, "OMG, they're gonna win a million dollars." People want to see the fights, the crying, the screaming, the heartbreak, the joy, the triumph, the love, and the sex. People are just bored I guess.
                    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                    • #25
                      Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                      I always thought people who watched reality shows were just too bloody lazy to live an actual life... ;>.>


                      There once was fish,

                      Whom made a perfect dish

                      To a giant fish.

                      The giant fish was caught,

                      By a Mithra which sought

                      To fill her hunger.

                      The Mithra was slayed,

                      By a monster whom would raid

                      The land.

                      What have we learned?


                      • #26
                        Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                        Yeah, it always baffled me why people would sit at home and watch a show called "The Real World."
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #27
                          Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                          This thread and the fact people are comparing internet drama to real life makes me want to commit suicide.


                          • #28
                            Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                            it's not really a direct comparison. there's many similar things about this microcosm w/ real life. obviously it's no where near as complex and deep but lots of the basics are still there.

                            but hey, no one's stopping you from hanging yourself. go for it.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #29
                              Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                              a month? for a accurate studdy you need atleast 6 months for this kind of stuff, if you want real results.

                              oh yeah and this is not new news :p every MMO is like this........
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                              • #30
                                Re: The hatred, racism, and overall stigma of FFXI players.

                                Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                                This thread and the fact people are comparing internet drama to real life makes me want to commit suicide.
                                Don't you want to listen to some Linkin Park first?
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

