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Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

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  • #16
    Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

    yeah im not sure why wow is the top mmorpg in the states i played it all the way till deep in end game and it was all just to easy

    Which FF Character Are You?

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    • #17
      Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

      Maybe you answered your own question?
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

        Originally posted by Caspian
        Were they ever in Warcraft? I played most of 3, but dont recall them.
        yeah the blood elfs are way the elfs that became obseded with magic way back before any of the other races were formed, they were the elfs in wc2

        the link for their wiki page

        Double Post Edited:
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        Maybe you answered your own question?
        i know i just dont know that the point of a game where everything is handed to you hand you get the cap in like 2 months
        Last edited by Deltran; 03-31-2006, 09:45 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

        Which FF Character Are You?

        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


        • #19
          Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

          Originally posted by Taskmage
          Maybe you answered your own question?

          I played WoW myself.. and it's actually fun o.o! But I did get bored after a couple levels, and I only played so far (lv35ish) because I duo-ed with a friend. Maybe that is why leveling went a bit slower than usual.

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • #20
            Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

            try going all the way to 60 it gets really freaking boring the quest all start to mesh togather , instence run, slaying 30 undead, grinding, instence run, slaying 30 gigant bug things, grinding, etc. atleast in ff theres some depth in the exping system

            Which FF Character Are You?

            And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


            • #21
              Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

              from what I see a lot of asian gamers can tolerate the grind. like ragnarok online or recently maple story... almost no contents, just endless grind.
              my brother for example he plays maple story 6 hours a night doing nothing but walking back and forth killing the same monsters. And he does this for over 2 months non stop...
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #22
                Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

                There's something comforting about mindless, repetative activities. It establishes a feeling of normalcy, something we seek outside of our gaming life as well. Unfortunately when we find the need to permeate the nightly tradition with something more challenging or involving we realize it isn't there, and it's frustrating. At least when you're playing World of Warcraft it isn't, or isn't always. I always thought the BG system was a nice way to break up the grind, but it's always been a half-baked in theory and in execution.

                Somebody needs to ask me what I'd change about it, because I'm pretty sure people are tired of me asserting myself.


                • #23
                  Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

                  Originally posted by Deltran
                  atleast in ff theres some depth in the exping system
                  What depth would that be?

                  Thing with WoW is the players have a different ethos to FFXI players. Where the emphasis on FFXI is slow level progression through xp party grind, quests to do just about everything in game, heavy community emphasis, and minimal endgame activity, the focus in WoW is a fastrack levelling system aided by quests that give xp and often times facilitate entrances to new zones, minimal community spirit, and high end instanced dungeons players must repeat an insane amount of times to get those pair of boots that have a 1% chance of dropping. I can't comment on the PvP aspect other than the battleground instances that are vaguely like Ballista but this is another huge part of the game on the PvP servers. While most players in FFXI don't seem to mind seeking for hours and xp'ing for hours to advance the same can be said of WoW players' readiness to do a specific instance 80 times for that one item that completes a set of armour. End of the day, they're two seperate games catering to two seperate playerbases. Their number of subscribers alone points to the fact that over 5-6 million people enjoy this style while 700k or so enjoy FFXI's style.

                  Impaction just needs to stop taking everything so seriously. The funny thing is the more I see him posting WoW topics on this site the less I believe he is a FFXI fanboi insulting the competition. Now I feel I'm seeing someone who is coming to the FFXI forums to post his frustrations about a game he'd sooner be playing but in his mind is riddled with bugs. Otherwise why make this thread and complain bitterly about the developer's time being used for constructive purposes as opposed to seasonal fluff like April Fool's events on a game unrelated to FFXI on a FFXI board? Regardless of it being in Off Topic the fact remains it's odd.


                  • #24
                    Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

                    Originally posted by Deltran
                    try going all the way to 60 it gets really freaking boring the quest all start to mesh togather , instence run, slaying 30 undead, grinding, instence run, slaying 30 gigant bug things, grinding, etc. atleast in ff theres some depth in the exping system
                    as much as i hate to shift this thread towards another ffxi v. wow thread.. i have to point out that ffxi is even more of a grind than WoW (unless you actually soloed your way to 60, which i don't see why bother playing an MMO in the first place..). in fact, you move through an even larger variety of things you kill in WoW as you shift through more instances/exping zones faster than FFXI. i had fun in FFXI before going to WoW, had fun in WoW, and am now still having fun in FFXI >.> easy getting to 60? sure thing - as the death penalty is near to nil, but that is what makes it fun. as the biggest complaint against FFXI is that it becomes a "job" and no longer a game... so i really dont see logic in your statement. but hey, to each his/her own :D

                    oh and WoW is nothing near related to typical xp-grind-no-content asian MMO's >.>


                    • #25
                      Re: Blizzard is starting their April Fools early?

                      you have to solo your way to 60 there really are no exp pts in wow, by depth i guess i mean really having to work togather with others to get to your ends even if it is just 1 lvl

                      but i really dont want to turn this int a wow vs ffxi thread either, sorry if i sorta did
                      Last edited by Deltran; 04-01-2006, 09:29 AM.

                      Which FF Character Are You?

                      And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

