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  • #16
    Re: killingifrit?

    Originally posted by Jei
    that makes majority of FFXI players the sand I guess ^^
    Some of them can be cacti...I guess.


    • #17
      Re: killingifrit?

      They even have a section for flame wars.
      I go there and post retarded 1word-replies to retarded topics.
      Only time I actually posted more than a sentence was when I got into a argument about DESIGN (on a FFXI board).

      KI is basically where everyone engage in a repetitive opinion war on emos and WoW.


      • #18
        Re: killingifrit?

        Originally posted by tazirai
        Yes been that Way since 2002 and I am happy because of it. The mods here are interactive and talk to each other and the forum visitors/members. is one of my preferred boards.... buuut...

        I dunno about that. When I came here in 2003-04 there were some real asshats from Ragnarok who would constantly flame each other and derail threads from other boards.

        There was a period of time there when threads were constantly locked on the Main forum and Ragnarok because for a while there, the JP client players really resented the NA players in general. I would constantly see remarks on threads about how bad NAs were(including from mods), please make JP and NA server, etc when they were in fact themselves... NA players, just on the JP client. So there was definitely a period of JP Client Elitists vs NA Clients. It got bad when people started flaming the Mods for putting a stop to the bickering and a sticky was made for Ragnarok about "Issues with Moderators? & Plea for sanity"

        The two topics I remember several posts and flame wars starting over was some player named... Arvy? and some guy who charged people to tank Avatars with his PLD (he never heard the end of it especially after he bailed on a run). This was back when you couldnt get all the avatars until your 60s. This really came to head when a SMN on this board managed to leech the avatars on their low level SMN and people went off on them. (There was a period of time when people felt SMN was one of those jobs you had to earn through leveling another job into the 60s to get the avatars, otherwise you were just endangering others needlessly.)
        Last edited by Kaickul; 03-10-2006, 07:32 AM.

        75 BLU | THF | PLD


        • #19
          Re: killingifrit?

          I went from here, to KI, now I'm back again. The NIN forums in KI isn't that bad really, I'll also go into the Underground section because their dat and mod info is pretty comprehensive. But yeah, KI is a den of depressed and know-it-all 12 year olds. Dreams I think is the "Mature" people's FFXI forum. Everyone here is courteous, helpful, and more positively inclined than anywhere else. Plus our super mods don't take any bullshit either. I remember Cetra coming in here not too long ago and teh bad cop put him in check with his moogle night-stick.


          Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


          • #20
            Re: killingifrit?

            I KI's Midgardsormr. FFXIOnline used to be very active, and full of idiots, but after WoW's release that number seemed to drop a lot. I remember the era of WoW vs FFXI wars. I only recognize Tav from those days, I don't know if anyone else was there. Funny because Vinen(one of two of the main FFXI bashers) now bashes WoW everytime he gets the chance. Good times.


            • #21
              Re: killingifrit?

              Originally posted by net.drifter
     is one of my preferred boards.... buuut...

              I dunno about that. When I came here in 2003-04 there were some real asshats from Ragnarok who would constantly flame each other and derail threads from other boards.

              There was a period of time there when threads were constantly locked on the Main forum and Ragnarok because for a while there, the JP client players really resented the NA players in general. I would constantly see remarks on threads about how bad NAs were(including from mods), please make JP and NA server, etc when they were in fact themselves... NA players, just on the JP client. So there was definitely a period of JP Client Elitists vs NA Clients. It got bad when people started flaming the Mods for putting a stop to the bickering and a sticky was made for Ragnarok about "Issues with Moderators? & Plea for sanity"

              The two topics I remember several posts and flame wars starting over was some player named... Arvy? and some guy who charged people to tank Avatars with his PLD (he never heard the end of it especially after he bailed on a run). This was back when you couldnt get all the avatars until your 60s. This really came to head when a SMN on this board managed to leech the avatars on their low level SMN and people went off on them. (There was a period of time when people felt SMN was one of those jobs you had to earn through leveling another job into the 60s to get the avatars, otherwise you were just endangering others needlessly.)
              I Agree there was a time when FFXIonline became a flame spot, Mainly on ragnarok server forums. Simply because a lot of new and old importers went there.
              They just seemed to not be able to get along. Alot of those players then spilled over into other threads. But eventually went elsewhere. But I do remember Randomly finding this site early 2002, before JP beta. When I joine dit was highly informative and the only import forum for ffxi. Things were very pleasant until as you say the NA release. then for about 5 months things went to s#$!. Then that calmed down and We've been pretty calm ever since.
              It's Official Promathia Hates me....
              それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
              A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

              BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


              • #22
                Re: killingifrit?

                Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                I KI's Midgardsormr. FFXIOnline used to be very active, and full of idiots
                You and Chronic make the Midgard forums on KI worth reading just because everyone else is that dumb. Don't know how you really feel about Chronic, but I love a good troll. By the way, Zeph really wasn't kidding =/ He was just trying to cover his ass; what a fool.

                And I miss the days when FFXIO was more active, even if it did have the idiots. I may have been a lurker and still am, but now... this board seems comparitevly dead. I'd rather have a few trolls that make topics more interesting to read than not have them and just get 2-4 posts a day, rarely breaming with any new info. Yes the mods are always on top of their game, no doubt, but it seems a little rough at times. The fact that this board has no trolls kind of makes me want to be one, but then I realize that I'll be banned within two days for doing it, even by Pai (much Pai =P).

                And the guys from Ragnarok were retarded. Their MSPaint sigs were retarded (not poorly drawn, because that's expected, but just plain retarded). I may not have liked them, but they made for fun topics. Now, the only thing that ever creates any sort of disagreement is the discussion of 3rd party programs, and we know who feels what about which side.

                I miss how this board use to be, but by not allowing for any bullshit whatsoever, this board will never grow much bigger. That's how I feel about it, at least.


                • #23
                  Re: killingifrit?

                  Only time I ever read or post on KI is at night, when I'm at home and see an interesting thread in the Ranger section.
                  Its funny though, people who used to post here that I thought were morons seem so much more intelligent on those forums.
                  I posted on the Fariy boards for about a week, until I got sick and tired of the same old
                  "STFU & GTFO" repeatedly, on every thread by every poster for an entire page. People acting like complete retards.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #24
                    Re: killingifrit?

                    Originally posted by Caspian
                    I posted on the Fariy boards for about a week, until I got sick and tired of the same old
                    "STFU & GTFO" repeatedly, on every thread by every poster for an entire page. People acting like complete retards.
                    They were saying that to you?

                    Which FF Character Are You?

                    And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                    • #25
                      Re: killingifrit?

                      No, just to whoever was in there. I only posted once or twice and those times were talking to people I knew ingame. STFU and GTFO were usually directed at eachother or people from other servers.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #26
                        Re: killingifrit?

                        oh i was going to say why would people say that to someone they dont even know lol

                        Which FF Character Are You?

                        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


                        • #27
                          Re: killingifrit?

                          I'm all the troll this website needs.


                          • #28
                            Re: killingifrit?

                            Originally posted by Deltran
                            oh i was going to say why would people say that to someone they dont even know lol
                            Sometimes it is to people they don't know, in which case I'll refer to my previous statement that they're morons.

                            Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                            I'm all the troll this website needs.
                            Any more of you and I'd prolly go crazy.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #29
                              Re: killingifrit?

                              Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                              I'm all the troll this website needs.
                              You're the King Troll BRP. All the KI losers are just pale reflections of the artfully sarcastic and O.G. BRP. Bow before him BioTachi's.


                              Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                              • #30
                                Re: killingifrit?

                                Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                                I'm all the troll this website needs.
                                You hacked my soul.

