In honer of Darkages/Rhysdavis/bikkebakka, i present to you, ??????boredom V 2.0!!! ( for! the! extremely! bored! only! )!!!!!!
Heres what were going to do. As a community, or 4 or 5 people, were going to make a poem dedicated to Darkages/Rhysdavis/bikkebakka . Im going to start off with first line, then whoever posts next, copies whats down so far and adds a line... fun if your bored i guess .. right ^_^; ?
Darkages Darkages, what a poor man!
Heres what were going to do. As a community, or 4 or 5 people, were going to make a poem dedicated to Darkages/Rhysdavis/bikkebakka . Im going to start off with first line, then whoever posts next, copies whats down so far and adds a line... fun if your bored i guess .. right ^_^; ?
Darkages Darkages, what a poor man!