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This Administration sucks

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  • #61
    Re: This Administration sucks

    i heard that the air is unsafe to breathe now -.-

    Aren't we supposed to make the terrorists live in fear of US?!?!
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #62
      Re: This Administration sucks

      Originally posted by WishMaster3K
      Aren't we supposed to make the terrorists live in fear of US?!?!
      Seriously, we have a blood irradiator at work for blood donations. It kills the white cells with a small piece of Cesium, like pebble size. They just put in a door with a keypad and a video camera b/c they're afraid terrorists will come steal it and make a dirty bomb. Please....the stuff is worthless for terrorist activities. This is the panic striken bull crap I have to put up with.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #63
        Re: This Administration sucks

        Taking this further, America is a country beyond anything Greece could have ever been, so it is unlikely that if every citizen of qualifying merit got their say, anything would get done.
        Where the hell do you think Western civilization and democracy came from?
        what about living in columbia or bolivia? where you can get shot on someones front lawn and no one does anything?
        What about Rodney King? You think justice would be served if it wasn't filmed?
        what about thailand and how prostitution is supposed to be illegal but officials look the other way.
        What, that doesn't happen in America? Please... Las Vegas? The Sunset Strip?
        what about all the countries that have legitimate votes over turned because the losing party isnt happy? (ie: the recent election in palastine with the losing party refusing to cooperate) what about the rampant voter fraud in other countries? what about what about? the list goes on and on.
        What about the country that has legitimate votes over turned because the losing party isnt happy? (ie: The recent election in Florida, USA, where thousands of votes were overturned, changing the outcome of the Federal election)

        You yanks have your heads so far up your arses. Your pathetic xenophobic attempts to demonize the outside world while turning a blind eye to your own faults and failings makes the outside world believe you are ignorant, close-minded bigots. They are right.

        Oh, and on Iraq..
        WMD's: They're not localized to nuclear weapons. Chemical agents are also considered WMD's and plenty of those were found in Iraq. My friend works for the ACLJ and read a book about everything thats been found in the last 3 years. If you want I'll call him and find out who wrote it and everything.
        They are not localized to nuclear weapons. Iraq wasn't even suspected of having nuclear weapons.

        They are localised to weapons, though.. Did they find missiles? Warheads? Bombs? Oh, worse, they found chemical agents.. well that sure proves they had weapons, doesn't it?

        The only country I would accuse of mass weapons of destruction harbouring and use is.... America! Oh, you don't use nukes, sure, just 20-000 kiloton bombs, tens of thousands of 'conventional' weapons targeting major population centres? Or was Baghdad was a military target, not civilian... You don' t use nukes, you just dump TONS of depleted uranium.. Guess what, fission-grade uranium takes tens of thousands of years to 'deplete'. It's still potently radioactive. You are the worst mass murderers on the planet today. Get off your high horse.

        Sorry for the rant, Americans are great individuals, freedom loving, speak their mind, generally peaceful folk.. It's their administration and foriegn policies I have real issue with, but I get worked up.. so sorry if I called you all bigoted fools there, that's just how your leaders come across.


        • #64
          Re: This Administration sucks

          Thank you for that last paragraph, because I would have rebutted with what you said within it. I personally do not consider any other sentient country a threat to the world-order that has been painstakingly put into place. But concordingly, I am an American citizen.

          Where the hell do you think Western civilization and democracy came from?
          What that was in response to looked like it was written by me, and sounds like something I would write, but it's am, so I'm not 100% sure. I'll respond to it anyway.

          What you quoted wasn't implying that the Greeks did not have a hand in the way Western Democracy was formed, rather, the meaning was that this type of democracy is so different and above anything the Greeks did.

          In my observation, if all 300 million Americans had their say in every single law, policy and doctrine, then, as the quote stated, nothing would get done. Unlike in Greece where everyone of "Qualifying Merit" (usually male, non-slave, property owning) had their say in a vote, to do so in America would be catastrophic due to the overwhelming fact that:
          A) 300 million is a lot of votes.
          B) The vast majority of American's are retards (ie: Election 2004).
          C) The vast majority of Americans can't point Iraq out on a map, yet everyone has their own opinion.
          D) The vast majority of college students don't even know who the first 10 presidents were.

          So, as the quote implied, this representative government is a far cry beyond what would have been possible in Ancient (very much so) Greece.

          Also, there was no justice in the Rodney King case. The cops went off scott-free. That's why there were riots. Maybe you should have done a bit more nosing around before you critisize us Yanks ._.

          Damn Brits and your lifts and your fags.

          And your roundabouts.

          And your drive-by arguments.

          And your Grey Poupon.

          And your god damn sexy-ass Aston Martins >.<
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #65
            Re: This Administration sucks

            Originally posted by Caspian
            I really think I'm the only conservative on this whole forum. Le sigh.
            I'm not picking on you. But, aren't most forums like these mostly liberal? I mean it's gotta be hard finding like-minded conservatives on game forums. Not like there are a lot of political discussions though...

            Btw, I can get away with just using Fast Cart as my name. I get snail-mail (regular mail) addressed to Fast Cart. Therefore, the United States government declares me to be Fast Cart. Thanks "Miracle on 34th Street!"

            Of course, this is the same government that declared Bush a winner in 2000...

            Title: Sergeant Major
            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


            • #66
              Re: This Administration sucks

              Originally posted by WishMaster3K
              D) The vast majority of college students don't even know who the first 10 presidents were.
              You show me how that has any relevance to the ability to having an opinion that doesn't suck, and then I may go and learn the presidents. Until then, I'll keep the waste of 5 minutes it would be to memorize them and sleep it off.

              As people, they don't matter. It is the actions they did that do matter. Also, I'm conservative Caspian, but as FC said, most game forums are liberal and I've just decided it isn't worth the time.


              • #67
                Re: This Administration sucks

                Originally posted by Omniblast
                ##### Encrypted: decrypt with
                ##### End encrypted message


                I'm gonna stop trying now.

                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                • #68
                  Re: This Administration sucks

                  Ok fine, then ask American students the names of the first FIVE presidents. The point is, that as a majority, there is a lack of caring when education is involved. The POINT of my post was to illustrate how bad of a government it would be if everyone had their say.

                  Name 10 countries on a map of the middle east, and don't be suprised if you can't. We've been dealing with this area for an excess of 4 years and every American has their say on the matter. But for such a hot topic, you'd figure that your average citizen would know the region inside and out, know the heritage and know the moral values of the nations that their home country is fighting against.

                  In a country where there are people who didn't vote in the 2004 election but tune into American Idol every night, a country where half the budget goes to militaristic powers while less than 7% goes to education, in a country where 13.5 million American households are dealing with food insecurity while we drop packages in Iraq and Afghanistan before we carpet bomb them. . .

                  The POINT is, all this is going on, and as Americans we can get together and say, "Hey, Government, stop that shit. You're pissing the world off, and we can't travel without citizens from other countries hating us," but we don't.

                  That type of ignorance is not what is needed. It's bad enough that the Republicans own congress and there is a Republican in the White House. No wonder jack shit is getting done domestically.

                  "No Child Left Behind" HA! My ass.
                  The Tao of Ren
                  FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                  If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                  Originally posted by Kaeko
                  As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                  • #69
                    Re: This Administration sucks

                    Once again, I ask where naming presidents has anything to do with anything. It takes a few minutes to memorize a set of names, and nothing more. We shouldn't be conscerned with teaching the kids straight facts, but how to think and discern things on their own, to be individuals with the ability to think and not do what P. Diddy (or is it just Diddy now? I forget) says just because he's on MTV.

                    I agree people should know more about the Middle East, but it's not going to happen. People are dumb, and that's all there is to say about that. Every shmuch on the street thinks his opinion matters and thus he expresses it. But why do you keep insulting Americans as a whole, and then keep saying you want them to tell the government off? I don't mind having the people who would rather watch American Idle than vote. Makes things better for other people to not have to counter the dumb votes, and American Idle is far more entertaining than Kerry vs. Bush. Bush sounds like an idiot when he talks, but Kerry said the same drivel over and over. Kellie Pickler is far better looking and captivating than either of them and will keep the fools away.

                    Then again, this kind of ignorance is only possible because we are Americans. Gotta love it. Also, not all foreigners hate us. The French people use to not like us, then tourism dropped and they lost a lot of money. They don't mind us as much anymore. But in the end, they're french so who cares.

                    And my stance on education in general? Stop making it seem like college is the only choice. Put kids through vocational school. It'll get 'em started on a trade early so that teachers can focus more on the kids who deserve a better education because they have a far better shot at life, and it's not like vocational school means a poor life. It just means the person will have to work a bit harder to get to the same point in life (which he'd have to do in college anyways, but at least he's more useful fixing my car instead of slowing down my lectures).

                    Just for fun, reference pics: Kellie Pickler vs. Bush vs. Kerry. Which would you rather pay attention to if you were a nitwit?
                    Last edited by Siber; 04-08-2006, 10:55 AM.


                    • #70
                      Re: This Administration sucks

                      Well, seeing how this forum is my first experience in a gaming thread, I really didn't know how liberal or conservative it would be. One thing it has done is killed my "give a shit" meter. It gets tiring trying to talk to some people about politics, knowing they will stay adamant in their opinions and not even listen to you. (I'm not speaking about anyone here so don't freak out.) One thing I genuinely don't like is all the conspiracy theory bullshit. Clinton was president during the 2000 election. Does anyone honestly think if there was something he could have done to make Gore president he wouldn't have done it? Just realize it was one hell of a close election and it could have gone either way.
                      As for the Rodney King stuff: Did the police go too far? Yes. But, lets not pretend like he was some innocent bystander that they just decided to randomly pull over. He was going like 100 mph down a road, drunk and high as a kite. They try to arrest him and he attacks the cops. The cops screwed up, but so did he. As for the riots, when I was little I was taught you don't throw a temper tantrum when you don't get what you want. Much less breaking into stores, burning buildings and cars, and stealing things from people who had absolutely nothing to do with the court case. Thats just plain ignorant. If it had been towards the cops themselves, the precinct they were from, or the judge himself, I could possibly see an inkling of why it happened. Otherwise there is no excuse whatsoever for what they did.
                      Finally, I do find it interesting that the president who set a record for the highest approval rating a few years ago, is close to setting a record for the lowest approval rating now. Just strikes me as funny.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #71
                        Re: This Administration sucks

                        Let me fall back a bit and apoligize to you, Siber, for I got a little hot-headed. You do speak of things of merit, and you are a parent yourself, so I'll respect your point of view. But I suppose Iwas trying to say that as a whole, we are nothing more than sheep. I think that would be the easiest way to describe the American Masses.

                        And the riots in LA had so much more to do than the Rodney King verdict. Granted, he was breaking the law, but even Police are assaulted by criminals all the time, it's in their line of work. With R.K., there was an excessive use of violence.

                        The verdict was merely a spark that finally lit a powder keg that was waiting to happen.

                        One remarkable thing that I've come to love and hate about this country is the staunchly different sides two people can take, and how we view the same event differs.

                        If I ask a Conservative what they think of Bill Clinton, I'll get a different response than what I get from a Liberal. Conservatives might focus on the fact that the national surplus was only good because Clinton came into an Administration with good timing and coordination with the stock market. They also might focus on the fact that he adamantly lied to the American people and lied under oath, but had nothing done to him.

                        Granted, I feel that the Monica Lewinsky ordeal was completely blown out of proportion. There is no way that ugly bitch deserved to be on Oprah, write a book and get famous. But leave it to the American Media.

                        Maybe I should ask to have the name of this thread changed to "This Nation's Media Sucks."

                        I am 100% in support of the fact that if the media wasn't so out of control, we'd have no gd violence in the country and democrats and republicans would actually get along.
                        The Tao of Ren
                        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                        Originally posted by Kaeko
                        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                        • #72
                          Re: This Administration sucks

                          Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                          And the riots in LA had so much more to do than the Rodney King verdict. Granted, he was breaking the law, but even Police are assaulted by criminals all the time, it's in their line of work. With R.K., there was an excessive use of violence.
                          I totally agree they went overboard. I really wonder what would have happened if it had only been one or maybe two cops on the scene. Its much easier to do something you know you shouldn't when one of your peers goes ahead and starts it. They all probably knew they shouldn't have, but one of them started. (Not making excuses for them, just making supposition.) My comments were more for the people who in the past I've heard act like the riots were some sort of justification for the verdict and was something honorable. (I don't understand that at all.)
                          Originally posted by WishMaster3k
                          If I ask a Conservative what they think of Bill Clinton, I'll get a different response than what I get from a Liberal. Conservatives might focus on the fact that the national surplus was only good because Clinton came into an Administration with good timing and coordination with the stock market. They also might focus on the fact that he adamantly lied to the American people and lied under oath, but had nothing done to him.
                          As a president, I think Clinton did a lot of good things. He really wasn't that bad, but his presidency was marred by the whole scandal, then him lying about it and such.
                          Originally posted by WishMaster3k
                          Maybe I should ask to have the name of this thread changed to "This Nation's Media Sucks."

                          I am 100% in support of the fact that if the media wasn't so out of control, we'd have no gd violence in the country and democrats and republicans would actually get along.
                          I think if you look at a lot of it, Bush and Clinton did a lot of the same things. War in Iraq vs. Somalia. Some of the circumstances are different, but not enough to warrant the media just absolutely blasting it from the very beginning. I also think Bush has been in a lot of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" positions. No matter what decision he makes, he's gonna take hell for it. Why? Because he's a Republican. 99% of the media is so incredibly liberal that it makes it hard to watch and not start thinking exactly the same way they want you to. (Good god I hate MTV for this.)

                          Edit: Fixed your quotes. Was bugging the hell out of me.
                          Last edited by Taskmage; 04-08-2006, 04:34 PM.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #73
                            Re: This Administration sucks

                            Originally posted by WishMaster3K
                            Let me fall back a bit and apoligize to you, Siber, for I got a little hot-headed. You do speak of things of merit, and you are a parent yourself, so I'll respect your point of view. But I suppose Iwas trying to say that as a whole, we are nothing more than sheep. I think that would be the easiest way to describe the American Masses.
                            You fail sir, but only on 1 point... I am no parent; I am a 19 year old college student who, because of the lack of women here, has not even a girlfriend. Most are bitches, and I'd rather not touch them. About the sheep thing, just one word: "duh."

                            Caspian, how can you hate on MTV when it produces oh-so wonderful, absolutely wonderful!, shows like Parental Control or Made?! Come on! ;D The shows are retarded, but they're sooooo funny because of that. One episode of Made, a girl wasn't popular in school so she took up wake boarding to hopefully become popular. The kids at her school spray-painted her goat with the initials of the high-school plus "'05." I didn't watch the whole thing, but she ended up getting a job at the marina cleaning toilets for the very same people that didn't like her. I just hope someone at the end said "I respect her ability to wakeboard, but she's still fails at life."
                            Last edited by Siber; 04-08-2006, 03:28 PM.


                            • #74
                              Re: This Administration sucks

                              Originally posted by Siber
                              Caspian, how can you hate on MTV when it produces oh-so wonderful, absolutely wonderful!, shows like Parental Control or Made?! Come on! ;D
                              Lol, b/c they've also helped give rise to the many many boybands and their absolutely god awful and horribly unintelligent MTV News segments.
                              "Hmm, we want to give people actual news, but we don't want our apparently stupid audience to have to think at all. How can we spell it out for them so that it sounds like something a second grader could have written?"
                              I remember back at the very beginning of the war, they were talking about Saddam and Iraq. Their key points were:
                              Saddam is the president of Iraq.
                              Iraq is a country in the middle east.
                              The middle east is largely a desert region.
                              I'm probably making this up, but for some reason I remember: "Saddam is bad." I think I made that up though, since thats what sounded like should be point number 4.
                              Not sure what I should expect though, when newspapers are written at a 4th grade level.
                              Reminds me of something Carlos Mencia said. "We cater to ignorance and stupidity. We don't call on our children or our peers to excel anymore."
                              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                              PSN: Caspian


                              • #75
                                Re: This Administration sucks

                                Everything produced in the American music industry is fake, and this is because of MTV, VH1, and the like. Music should be produced out of expression, not the need to make millions of dollars and be on TV.

