First, I went to this website and ordered got 10mil gil. YAY! Right? Yep, dam rite. But my guy (Ladiouse) is only level 14/7 , so not muc hI can get with the GIL... lol. I guess it was worth it because the site explained it so well.
Now... for the part... I actually got FFXI to work on the Xbox... not the 360, the origional... I emulated windows and it actually ran the game! but I cant get the content downloaded... lol. Im gonna keep ya updated on what happens next.
Marry Xmas!
Link to a site that has a link to World of Warcraft GOLD page
REMOVED (again)
use at your own risk
Now... for the part... I actually got FFXI to work on the Xbox... not the 360, the origional... I emulated windows and it actually ran the game! but I cant get the content downloaded... lol. Im gonna keep ya updated on what happens next.
Marry Xmas!
Link to a site that has a link to World of Warcraft GOLD page
REMOVED (again)
use at your own risk