Hey guys listen im the proud father of an Eleven year old girl. I love her to death but for the life of me I can't figure out what to get her for christmas.
We're gonna go to Japan next spring for the Sakura Matsuri for her birthday, but thats not the only gift I can think of that will be cool.
Problem is she's a tween and im confused now lol.
I got her mother something nice and her brother some Gi joes and Star wars stuff.
She's into video games, likes dolls, J-pop, some cartoons, planes(sh'es been wanting to be a pilot since the age of 5 ), clothes like all girls and cell phones( like all girls ><)
Cellie is a nono, to young an Im a hater of anything having to do with Bratz toys.
Please help me out^^
The fate of the world is at hand.
We're gonna go to Japan next spring for the Sakura Matsuri for her birthday, but thats not the only gift I can think of that will be cool.
Problem is she's a tween and im confused now lol.
I got her mother something nice and her brother some Gi joes and Star wars stuff.
She's into video games, likes dolls, J-pop, some cartoons, planes(sh'es been wanting to be a pilot since the age of 5 ), clothes like all girls and cell phones( like all girls ><)
Cellie is a nono, to young an Im a hater of anything having to do with Bratz toys.
Please help me out^^
The fate of the world is at hand.