I've been wandering around in a community college for the past four years and was getting real fed up with it. I was ready to say the hell with it when I saw a commercial on Adult Swim for DeVry University. It seemed like a good way to finish my degree for Computer Programming (at least this is the degree I thought I wanted). I had wanted to make games for awhile now so I went to community college in hopes of transfering to a state university to get my bachleors. Well I just spoke with someone at DeVry at they helped me pick the correct major (games and simulation programing (GSP)) and this school seems a hell of a lot better then another university. So I was wondering, has anyone here gone to DeVry (I'm going to Orlando campus but anywhere will do) and do they have opinions on it? Also does anyone have any knowledge on GSP and like to share information on it? Thanks for the info and comments.
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Games and Simulation Programming
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