hey people just wondering if theres any other way to make gil for the game other than posting or stealing because boy my level 8 drk needs better armor >.< lol also anything else u might know for helpful hints could u post xD like when to i get magic or how ... and umm whats the pp the limit and stuff the little let your appoinent know ur mad button ... lol just need like a walkthru almost xD also i made a clan XdeathwarriorsX because i thought it might help .... but i dunno what else to do lol ya so annyyyywayyyysss any1 that can answers some questions for me i'd be very grateful
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Site game
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Re: Site game
woohooo number 2 in the site game for stats ..... i still don't know like when i get magic as a drk knight and stuff so if any1 has any info please post lol just hit level 10 was expecting to get like a poison spell or something but still nothing .... so just wandering what the pp limit and ma is gunna be for lol make a post if you know :-D thanx
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