This is getting really annoying 
It's been 2 weeks now. My DSL just goes dead every day starting from 8PM.
While this problem accures, I am not disconnected. I stay connected the whole
time but I can't reliably download upload/download anything.
When i keep trying I might get a minute or 2 of good connection and then it goes dead again.
Sometimes this problem last only a few minutes but sometimes it lasts until after mid night.
And man, I call the tech support and he didn't even following what I'm saying and I'm very frustrated talking to him. He tried to send me through trouble shooting on my side but all I want to know is what is wrong with his side. He told me to disable firewall and antivirus, delete cookies and etc but those don't work, I know they won't since the internet works the whole day.
Anyway, anyone else using DSL and having this kind of problem? I talked to some guys in game and they mentioned about DSL line being attacked in NY too. I'm wondering if I just cancel this stupid SBC and get cable comcast would be better or worse.

It's been 2 weeks now. My DSL just goes dead every day starting from 8PM.
While this problem accures, I am not disconnected. I stay connected the whole
time but I can't reliably download upload/download anything.
When i keep trying I might get a minute or 2 of good connection and then it goes dead again.
Sometimes this problem last only a few minutes but sometimes it lasts until after mid night.
And man, I call the tech support and he didn't even following what I'm saying and I'm very frustrated talking to him. He tried to send me through trouble shooting on my side but all I want to know is what is wrong with his side. He told me to disable firewall and antivirus, delete cookies and etc but those don't work, I know they won't since the internet works the whole day.
Anyway, anyone else using DSL and having this kind of problem? I talked to some guys in game and they mentioned about DSL line being attacked in NY too. I'm wondering if I just cancel this stupid SBC and get cable comcast would be better or worse.