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Poor china

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  • Poor china

    (no not in a racist way i mean like in a sad way) found this on another fansite posted by someone else.

    I read an interesting article on about the People's Republic of China creating new regulations to limit Online Gameplay. They went into effect today.

    Basically the gist is that if you play for more than 3 hours without taking a mandatory 2 hour break, penalties will be imposed upon your character (losing experience, items, weapons). Play longer than 5 hours? Your character will be reset to the lowest level in the game, often zero. Incredibly, these regulations are targeted to a group of games, WoW being one of them. The PRC wants to extend this to all online games in the future.

    Obviously, this makes many MMORPG's nigh unplayable, especially MMO's like FFXI where team play is needed. I was pretty shocked to hear this frankly...this wipes out a huge area of the Gaming Market. I mean seriously...only 3 hours to play an online game? Who does that?

    What do you think? What if you had this kind of a restriction placed on you?

    Like most gamers I imagine, I find this completely absurd. The regulations aren't targetted to any age group either. Mind you I don't play games 24/7, but occasionally I'll go a marathon stretch of a few hours.

    I know that people need to play responsibly, especially young kids, but give me a break...why don't they just tell people what they can and can't eat?

    Article on Chinese news site (it's in English though)

    You can also find it a little ways down on:

    PS: Please do not make this thread about gil selling or anything stupid.

    Edited, Fri Oct 21 16:02:11 2005 by Stunted

  • #2
    Re: Poor china

    I don't believe FFXI was effected. They said a list awhile back, and FFXI wasn't on it. FFXI isn't big in China compared to games like WoW or Asia-onry games.

