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I hate WoW fanboys...

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  • #16
    Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

    I hate WoW fanboys for different reasons, but yea they can be pretty to really rude. I think I've listed my reasons for disliking WoW all over the place and it keeps getting me dirty looks from certain other people. >_>

    Anyways, I'm having trouble figuring out why people love that game. When I ask them, I get flamed, when I inquire as politely as I possibly can I'm flamed even still. Ask me why I'm a FFXI fanboy and I'll list off reasons as fast as you can read them. I'm in a class about the gaming industry and I'm the only one there who doesn't play it, and it's depressing. Even the teacher plays, and I wont even ask her because I'm afraid I'll mysteriously fail the class. The other students are your average Revenge of Nerds looking kids that are seemingly brainwashed by the game. The only reason I can think of why so many people play WoW is because it's easy. Simple as that, it's incredibly easy. I'd replace play with enjoy but I see enough complaining on their forums.

    I suppose when you've got such an easy game the people playing it aren't going to be of the highest caliber. I'll step away from the mic now, before somebody gets upset.


    • #17
      Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

      I know I had less fun playing WoW than I do playing FF XI.


      • #18
        Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

        Originally posted by Impaction
        Anyways, I'm having trouble figuring out why people love that game.


        The only reason I can think of why so many people play WoW is because it's easy. Simple as that, it's incredibly easy. I'd replace play with enjoy but I see enough complaining on their forums.
        You pretty much answered your own question. That's what keeps them coming in and staying. The bulk of WoW's content is accessible to players who can't commit themselves enough to meet the demands of a "harder" game. Also, any forum where players know the developers (or their representatives) are reading and responding is going to be full of complaints and whining. Which attracts trolls of course.

        I'd like to add...

        WoW has fast gameplay. Aside from the quick level gain, you also use abilities and slay enemies at a faster rate. I know a lot of players who got bored of FFXI's "Assist and AFK" formula for melee.

        WoW has open PK on PvP servers, which draws an entirely different crowd than a strictly PvE game like FFXI. There are some who would ignore PvE entirely if they could.

        WoW has a unique style and atmosphere. Fluff does count for a lot to some, especially in this genre since you're immersed in it for so long.

        In WoW you never fight junk like rabbits. It's a bit dissapointing to find your high level group takes 1-2 minutes to kill a single bunny or crab.
        Last edited by Coinspinner; 10-19-2005, 11:47 PM.


        • #19
          Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

          Originally posted by Coinspinner
          The bulk of WoW's content is accessible to players who can't commit themselves enough to meet the demands of a "harder" game.
          Sorry to continue the derail but I really don't consider FFXI to be a hard game. I've played EQ, WoW and FFXI so I can comment on this with fairly good authority. Just because it takes 2-5 minutes to kill an xp mob as opposed to 1-2 minutes is not a reflection of difficulty, moreso an example of timesink programming.

          If a game makes me trek for 15 minutes from point A to point B as in the Mhaura ferry, assuming you didn't miss it and have to wait 15 minutes additionally, compared to being able to take a griffon and make the journey in 2 minutes in WoW or use the Nexus Spires/Plane of Knowledge Stones in EQ doesn't mean FFXI is "harder".


          • #20
            Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

            Originally posted by Ockman
            I started out the topic like that, because I knew I'd get responces like that. Trying to tell people that I DON"T CARE about their opinions, and that they can post em all they want, and they mean jack to me.
            Back on track.

            If you're posting asking people for help on something you might want to do so with a less abrasive and arrogant attitude in future. If you honestly can't understand why you received the responses you did then I fear you're a lost cause.


            • #21
              Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

              Understandable. There are a lot of them out there that have never even tried or seen ffxi and say that it is a horrible game. Can you say retarded? I have some friends that play it a lot and they say that it is really good though.


              • #22
                Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
                Sorry to continue the derail but I really don't consider FFXI to be a hard game. I've played EQ, WoW and FFXI so I can comment on this with fairly good authority. Just because it takes 2-5 minutes to kill an xp mob as opposed to 1-2 minutes is not a reflection of difficulty, moreso an example of timesink programming.

                If a game makes me trek for 15 minutes from point A to point B as in the Mhaura ferry, assuming you didn't miss it and have to wait 15 minutes additionally, compared to being able to take a griffon and make the journey in 2 minutes in WoW or use the Nexus Spires/Plane of Knowledge Stones in EQ doesn't mean FFXI is "harder".
                The word "harder" is in quotation marks for a reason. And timesinks aren't what makes FFXI "harder" anyway. Compare the crafting system of WoW to FFXI's abusive system, with it's Moon and Day effects, moghancement, that ridiculous "compass" so many players swear by, and lovely invisible harvesting skills. Compare FFXI's NM camping to WoW's instances as a way to aquire equipment. Forced grouping vs solo questing and grinding.


                • #23
                  Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                  FFXI traveling system isn't so bad, tendious maybe... one of the things made a lot better with a good, talkative LS.


                  • #24
                    Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                    just to comment on WoW, i played it for a couple of months and i found that it really is a pretty fun game. i'm not playing it anymore though because i prefer ffxi, but even so WoW is pretty fun. it was very accesible and i didn't have to devote much time to it (i didn't have to, but i did hehe). i'm not gonna bash it.

                    except for the community. i'll bash that. i mean, when a server is explicitly labeled a "role-playing server" and people go there without heed to it's title, then what the heck? the rules aren't enforced, but c'mon, at least have some respect for those who are rp'ing.


                    • #25
                      Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                      I played WoW for 9 months. Born + raised on Laughing Skull Server entitled me to a vast birthplace of guild drama.

                      I picked up FFXI and was surprised how people help each other along.

                      FFXI definately has a better community, only because the game doesn't revolve around PvP.

                      Competition isn't a huge factor in FFXI as in WoW.

                      They're both great games, both have completetly different play styles.
                      Last edited by Byakko; 11-02-2005, 02:35 PM.
                      You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper......


                      • #26
                        Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                        ive been playing wow for half a year now and i quit playing cos of the community. its the worst ive ever seen. many many 10 year old kids who can only say: "WOW IS TEH ROXXZ0RZ REST IS TEH SUXZ0RZ!"

                        i have friends who are totally addicted to the game wow and their pretty much fanboys theirselves and almost force me to buy wow all they can say: how can u like ffxi? its so gay. when i ask them why is it gay? they only say: it just is, buy wow u nabhead.
                        In the name of god, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into enternal damnation! Amen.


                        • #27
                          Re: I hate WoW fanboys...

                          I just leveled a priest to 60 without ever having healed a fucking person except myself.
                          Those words, from an old EQ guildmate of mine, sum up perfectly my feelings on WoW after playing it just under two months.

