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Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

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  • #31
    Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

    How do the elderly, the disabled, hospitalized, and the children deserve this?

    Also, yes they saw it coming. There were articles from 2002 stating what would happen if a category 4 or 5 hurricane hit the area. But, the govt. cut funding to projects to strengthen the levvies. That's not the fault of the ppl who stayed and couldn't leave tho.

    Title: Sergeant Major
    SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
    Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
    Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
    Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


    • #32
      Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

      No, its not the fault of the people living in N.O. What I dont like are the mayor and governor putting all the blame on the federal government when they were in the best positions to see that more was done beforehand. Its just the overall mindset of "it cant be my fault, it has to be someone else's" Everyone refuses to take any blame for anything that happens, they just keep pointing at the person higher on the ladder until there's noone higher to point at.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #33
        Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

        Either I expressed my opinion wrong, or I'm an ass. My apologies. >_<


        • #34
          Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

          Originally posted by fastcart
          How do the elderly, the disabled, hospitalized, and the children deserve this?
          of course, none of these people deserved this. If a a person who was responsible for the well being of such person and able to vacate the city and chose not to for whatever reason, fired from thier job, as an example. that person deserves this, and they deserve more than can happen and live thru it. people tend to forget in situations like this, thier ignorant decisions can affect the lives of thier supposed loved ones, ie parents are expected to love thier children but some of these seem not to. those parents i've seen on TV that have told thier starving, otherwise horribly off children to get away from rescue workers then slam the door on said workers, while the parents deserve to die there, unfortunately the kids will die first leaving no one worth rescuing.

          for the people who were incapable or otherwise unable to leave but wanted/tried to/too young to, I do feel compassion for those, but those who chose to stay, deserve to be left. since we'll never know who chose what, the only thing we can do is try to help those who are in need.

          as for the delayed gov response, who really knew, anticipated, expected that there'd be +250k people who would need evacuation from N.O. that did not obey the "mandatory evacuation?" who knew that rescue heloicopters would need an armed escort?
          they probably figured that there'd be <10k stuck and able to get to and rescue quickly.

          all i know is if i lived in NO, knowing all my life that the levees were capable of handling a cat.3 hurricane when they were brand new (old/cracked = less capable) and a cat.5 was comming, I'd risk loosing my job to get me, my family, parents out of there and find a place i can stay at for awhile waiting for the storm to pass.

          like one person said to me in rl, "if someone got AIDS not thru a transfusion but actively sharing needles, sleeping around w/ any/everyone they could without taking any precautions what so ever, sure you'd feel sorry for them, but would you feel compassion and feel that they shouldn't have to deal with anything bad in thier life?"

          responsibility and prevention. an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of the cure. how much of this +250k person relocation could have prevented if people took responsibility over thier own life instead of demnding the Gov. to do everything for them?
          Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
          G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
          San Doria Rank 6
          ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

          Which FF Character Are You?

          a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

          #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


          • #35
            Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

            Originally posted by Enialas

            for the people who were incapable or otherwise unable to leave but wanted/tried to/too young to, I do feel compassion for those, but those who chose to stay, deserve to be left. since we'll never know who chose what, the only thing we can do is try to help those who are in need.

            as for the delayed gov response, who really knew, anticipated, expected that there'd be +250k people who would need evacuation from N.O. that did not obey the "mandatory evacuation?" who knew that rescue heloicopters would need an armed escort?
            they probably figured that there'd be <10k stuck and able to get to and rescue quickly.

            all i know is if i lived in NO, knowing all my life that the levees were capable of handling a cat.3 hurricane when they were brand new (old/cracked = less capable) and a cat.5 was comming, I'd risk loosing my job to get me, my family, parents out of there and find a place i can stay at for awhile waiting for the storm to pass.

            like one person said to me in rl, "if someone got AIDS not thru a transfusion but actively sharing needles, sleeping around w/ any/everyone they could without taking any precautions what so ever, sure you'd feel sorry for them, but would you feel compassion and feel that they shouldn't have to deal with anything bad in thier life?"
            Wow......just wow.....

            It's funny how people judge others without walking a mile in their shoes. My husband often comes home and talks to me about the daily news. He'll voice his opinion and then ask me what I think. More often than not, all I can say is "I don't know dear. I'm not him/her/them. I've never endured something like that and I wouldn't know how I would respond to it until I do." I think people need to take a step back here.

            Most of us do not live in hurricane plagued areas. After years of living there, you get desensitized every time there is a tropical storm/hurricane headed your way. I live in a tornado zone. I know when I hear the sirens go off here I might take a peek outside but usually just go about my business. After hearing the warnings season after season, year after year, and nothing happens you just take it with a grain of salt. I think many of the people there felt that way.

            Another thing to understand to is that with natural disasters, it brings out the worst in people. Many people have evacuted in areas only to come back to find their homes looted. When your poor the little bit that you have is very very precious to you. I'm sure some stayed behind believing it wouldn't be as bad as they were predicting and did not want to come home to find someone took what little they did have.

            And yes, there are just the incredibly stupid. But even they do not deserve what has happened. No living breathing entity on this planet deserves it. Try to remember that we are all human, we all make mistakes, we all make poor judgements, and the most important thing of all is that we learn from them. Let's hope out government learns that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If they had given the funding needed to build the preventative measures the city needed they wouldn't have their butts in all this hot water.
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • #36
              Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

              yes, if they fixed the levees this particular situation would have been avoided, well... not really, the water would not be there, but the water actually has saved some buildings from the wind (i'm guessing) too bad you have to decide which is the lesser of the 2, home rotted but you might be able to salvage something (in 9 mos probably) or not have a home or anything you can salvage (wind damage.)

              but even if NO was completely saved and left unscathed, Enviromentalists forecast NO to be under the Gulf by the end of the century b/c of soil erosion. Unless something drastic is done and/or they build a dome over the whole city, why rebuild to have your kids have to move out forever, and force them to go thru what you just went thru?

              I met someone yesterday who was in NO the night Katrina blew in, his wife save his and thier daughter's life, he was from Florida and she N.O. she woke him up and said:
              her: we've got to go now
              him: nah, it'll pass
              her: it's a cat.5 we've got to go

              hastily packing some clothes, thier 15mo child, so hurriedly they forgot thier cell phone, when they realized it, they decided the phone was not worth thier lives and they went to a town (20 min drive normally, forgot the name he said) took 6hrs in the weather and arrived there as N.O. went under water. they lost everything not in thier car. I feel for him and his family, I really do, the reason I knew this is because he's looking for a job and came into my store. he's also the type who would have kicked his own butt for not making a smart decision, had he stayed and survived and not have bashed the govt for not rescueing him in a very quick manner. and had the other 2 not have survived that decision, he feels he would have deserved to be left there.

              it may be your home, it may be everything you've worked for, but it's pride that causes people to go down. like a capt going down with the ship, but unlike a capt, who lets his crew abandon ship, unlike many people in NO who wants everyone to die with them.

              desensitized, unprepared, goverments fault, unexpected.... no matter the reason, no matter who/what people blame, the truth of the matter is, it's like living in a wood, terramite infested building. yes, you know the danger's there. it didn't fall down yesterday, didnt fall down today. it might not fall down for five years from now. but when that day happens, who's fault is it if you're in there when it falls on your head as caused by terramites (as opposed to bombs, fires, sewage plubming failure.) the goverments?

              isnt there such things as petitions? couldn't someone start a "levee repair fund?" if there were people who cared enough, the goverment would have not had to spend a dime. Do you want your city underwater? prepare, move or accept the consquences.
              in N.O.: not enough people cared (see i didnt say no one cared, just not enough,) only few prepared, no telling who moved away since the population kept getting bigger, but no one was willing to accept the consequences.

              1) Life isn't FAIR
              2) Life can suck

              are you just going to lie on the ground demanding everyone to do everything for you or are you going to do something about it?

              harsh? probably, but with my upbringing, I don't get handouts, I don't borrow money. I do everything on my own if I have to. If it came to the point, If i didnt get help i was going to die or end up in a hospital or something, I would get help, but If I chose (one way or another) to not make sure I had enough for food after payday. I deserved to starve the next week, because doing so I made sure I won't buy that new videogame when I can't afford it otherwise. people who beg, get handouts, have a habbit of borrow, seem to never have anything better. borrow from one friend to pay another back... the cycle continues and gets worse.
              there are exceptions, but those people have a high WIL err MND and probably has something that is rare/ex Common sense
              Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
              G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
              San Doria Rank 6
              ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

              Which FF Character Are You?

              a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

              #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


              • #37
                Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                Using your logic we can apply it to people living in tornado prone areas, areas with volcanic activity, areas prone to earthquakes, etc. There just is no safe place to live and people are human, they make bad judgements or mistakes.

                What if your friend had decided to go back for that cell? Think about it. It's pretty logical. Your travelling in a storm with an infant, if you were to go off the road, get into an accident, etc., as a responsible parent, you would want that phone. Yet going back for that phone could have cost him and/or his family their lives. So some people would say he was stupid for leaving the phone in case of an emergency and some would say that he did the right thing. Who is right?

                We can not put ourselves in others places and judge them without knowing each individuals details. Different people look at things differently. Different ages do things differently. Are we to say that an elderly man who decided he was to old to be moved about and this had been his home all his life so he stayed deserved it? He decided to stay since he'd seen hurricanes come and go. He's an old man and his time is near anyways, he thinks. But when the hurricane hits, he realizes that he wants to live and now he needs help. He should just sit there and die and not ask for help for making a wrong decision? A mistake? He deserves that? No, not at all. If I saw someone dash across the street and get hit by a car, I would not think that they deserved it because they didn't cross at the corner and look both ways. I would not stand there and not offer my assistance. No one deserves to suffer but we all deserve understanding, compassion, and help.

                As for the preventative measures, thats what I pay city, state, and federal taxes for. For them to get off their dead behinds and make good decisions to protect me and my family. They failed miserably at that in N.O. The people in N.O. can't afford to donate and build their own system. That would take millions if not billions of dollars and the majority of them don't have a pot to piss in. The government dropped the ball by not doing what we pay them to do. Would you get mad if you paid at one drive through window for your food and at the pick up window they refused to give it to you? Oh hell ya! The people of N.O. have a good reason to complain and we should support them. Our government is going to hell in a hand basket and all people do is sit around and make excuses for them or let them pass the buck to someone else. The buck stops here! Stand up and take it like a man Bush!
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #38
                  Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                  you do make a very valid discussion...

                  I just dont like taxes and everytime the govt does anything, heck they'll probably tax gas to $10 a gallon to push the "govt limited gas pricing" bill, if there ever will be one.

                  without a radical movement, we'll never get rid of greedy people and idiots out of our government.

                  senate proposal: Increase wages of each senate member by 200M/yr
                  for: ALL (who would be against? vote against your own raise?)

                  that's all it takes, all it has taken.

                  strange how a senator can vote themselves a raise that's 500x more than the presidents yearly salary. how does the president handle it if they have no other official income, being the least paid National Official? are they just a figure head? or are they really the one with power? questions to ponder
                  Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                  G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                  San Doria Rank 6
                  ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                  Which FF Character Are You?

                  a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                  #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                  • #39
                    Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                    Originally posted by Enialas

                    strange how a senator can vote themselves a raise that's 500x more than the presidents yearly salary. how does the president handle it if they have no other official income, being the least paid National Official? are they just a figure head? or are they really the one with power? questions to ponder
                    And the nice sneaky way they vote an increase in their salaries too! Then they wonder why politicians are considered sleazy! PFFT! The pres doesn't need the bucks. Ever wondered why modern day presidents come from rich families? ;P Power and and power....
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #40
                      Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                      How I see it, right now, is that anyone who wants to evacuate, is top-priority in getting out of New Orleans. Those who refuse to evacuate, can be left there to die. I'm sorry, I have my feelings but it's wasteless breath to try and evacuate the unwilling when we can just execute them or carpet-bomb New Orleans. I'm just sicken tired of all the politicians (Bush and the governor of LA and mayor of NO) doing nothing.

                      Originally posted by Caspian
                      Humanity at its finest moment. Solution, have a military chopper follow the rescue helicopter, put a .50 cal on the side of the military one and just start picking off anyone stupid enough to shoot. Blame the bodies on the hurricane.
                      Agreed. Anyone who shoots at another helicopter that's there to rescue should be shot on site, no remorse, no regrets, whatsoever.

                      Also, heard they've seen sharks and alligators in the city (curious though, sharks are saltwater and alligators are freshwater....which one will survive????)
                      Some alligator breeds can survive in both saltwater and freshwater. Neither will survive though, not in the contaminated waters of NO.

                      Originally posted by Caspian
                      /sarcasm..Knock me over with a feather, I didnt see that one coming.

                      No, stealing is ok if you really want the new tv. Granted they'll only be alive for a few months before all the disease and crap in the water kills them. I also seeing on tv today that they are sending huge amounts of food and water down there. Along with a few hundred red cross workers, and like a thousand nationwide city energy employess to help get power back up.
                      So true. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, nor the others I guess are seeing the big-inch television sets, even though they're right there infront of the camera. I mean, I'm pretty sure I saw people stealing television sets on CNN and FNC alike, unless someone doctored it. Which, is, a freaking joke considering they were running live at the first moment.

                      Originally posted by DieselBoy09
                      I'm suprised no one has cried terrorism on the "muslims" yet for the shootings.

                      I quoted muslims in a comment earlier that my mother had made, saying that it was muslims that are terrorists and constantly fighting and killing.. I mean yes, they make up a portion of it, but in no way should muslims be represented as a whole by faction that makes up less that half.
                      Unless I could see some clear reason to call any of them terrorists down there-not just criminals-I am going to call them criminals. While I don't care for Islam and I believe it's wrong, I do know Muslims are sincere people and the extremists such as Osama bin Laden make fun of Islam every chance they get.

                      [QUOTE=Kutch]With so many days of warning, where is the military to help evacuate people and ensure order? Why's Bush off on some sponsorship party the day after the catastrophe, instead of flying directly to New Orleans to care for his people?[QUOTE]

                      The United States Navy moved on its own (without permission from any official in the government at that) soon as Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. For the USN, it was a simple matter of getting to LA in the first place.

                      Originally posted by Enialas
                      of course, none of these people deserved this. If a a person who was responsible for the well being of such person and able to vacate the city and chose not to for whatever reason, fired from thier job, as an example. that person deserves this, and they deserve more than can happen and live thru it. people tend to forget in situations like this, thier ignorant decisions can affect the lives of thier supposed loved ones, ie parents are expected to love thier children but some of these seem not to. those parents i've seen on TV that have told thier starving, otherwise horribly off children to get away from rescue workers then slam the door on said workers, while the parents deserve to die there, unfortunately the kids will die first leaving no one worth rescuing.

                      for the people who were incapable or otherwise unable to leave but wanted/tried to/too young to, I do feel compassion for those, but those who chose to stay, deserve to be left. since we'll never know who chose what, the only thing we can do is try to help those who are in need.

                      as for the delayed gov response, who really knew, anticipated, expected that there'd be +250k people who would need evacuation from N.O. that did not obey the "mandatory evacuation?" who knew that rescue heloicopters would need an armed escort?
                      they probably figured that there'd be <10k stuck and able to get to and rescue quickly.

                      all i know is if i lived in NO, knowing all my life that the levees were capable of handling a cat.3 hurricane when they were brand new (old/cracked = less capable) and a cat.5 was comming, I'd risk loosing my job to get me, my family, parents out of there and find a place i can stay at for awhile waiting for the storm to pass.

                      like one person said to me in rl, "if someone got AIDS not thru a transfusion but actively sharing needles, sleeping around w/ any/everyone they could without taking any precautions what so ever, sure you'd feel sorry for them, but would you feel compassion and feel that they shouldn't have to deal with anything bad in thier life?"

                      responsibility and prevention. an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of the cure. how much of this +250k person relocation could have prevented if people took responsibility over thier own life instead of demnding the Gov. to do everything for them?
                      My words exactly. The people who chose to stay there and were capable of leaving (by their own, another's, or the govt. transportation-evacuation system), probably did deserve what they got.

                      Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                      And the nice sneaky way they vote an increase in their salaries too! Then they wonder why politicians are considered sleazy! PFFT! The pres doesn't need the bucks. Ever wondered why modern day presidents come from rich families? ;P Power and and power....
                      Being a politician isn't the 2nd-oldest job in the world for nothing!


                      • #41
                        Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                        'Nuf said...

                        Title: Sergeant Major
                        SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                        Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                        Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                        Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                        • #42
                          Re: Wow, SO messed up! People Shooting at rescue teams?

                          ladies and gents
                          i like how some of you think, and how some of you don't think hahah
                          do not under any circumstance just follow the "news"
                          if you want to know what's really going on, go down there
                          talk to people who are down there
                          anyway F U to anybody that had anything to say about anybody
                          "no matter where you go you are what you are playa
                          and you can try to change but that's just the top layer
                 was who you was when you got here"

