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If u want a sig...

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  • #61
    aight ill give it a shot when i get hoem today i still have 3 sigz to complete but i work fast. :D


    there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


    • #62
      /cheer no rush at all, I appriciate you doing this


      • #63
        FFXI freak ur sig is done i done a vegeta ..tried to get sum good pics ... with a background with radial blur and plastic wrap.

        Hop eu like

        next on the list


        there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


        • #64
          i would like a new sig also i would like the main color themes to be Black and green and with the words "lifes a bitch and then you die so fuck the world and lets get high" my quote and like someon getting his head blown off or getting decapetaited

          PLZ and thanks sorry if this is offensive im just brutal


          • #65
            Originally posted by RogueWolf

            I got Immersion and Ipsen's Sigsz. 2 samurais so i tried to do em with different colors.. so i went for a warm and a cold color. hope u like. Thank Nodachi for much supoort in findin these pics.

            Till next update .. =D
            Hmm, he looks quite familiar.... oh wait, those are my pics, lol
            Tiberion: Bastokan (Rank 10) on Asura Tiamet Trouncer

            SAM-60, WAR-30, BRD-75, WHM-38, BLM-17, MNK-15, THF-37,
            BST-12, DRK-1, RNG-37, DRG-2, RDM-1, NIN-37, PAL-1, SMN-10


            • #66
              Wassup rogue

              This is glenn here, I would like you to do a sig with an elvaan

              using a bow on one half and on the other the same elvaan

              dualwielding or holding two weapons, and in the background, I

              would like something like gambits eyes(The red glow). The colour

              scheme is up to you, but thanks alot man...

              you'r a genius.

              Btw an elvaan male..please put in my name gleneasy


              • #67
                Hey man... your sigs are really good work.... my favorite right now is the one you did for Netrus. Anyway, If you ever find the time to do another one, it would be much appreciated. I am a White Mage/Black Mage taru... name is Ryte. Uh... yeah... I will PM you some pics of my character... thanks


                • #68
                  did you think that was a joke or what????


                  • #69
                    nah i dont , imma start workin on em this week, sry coudltn get any work done this week end was out ALL week end i dont even remember where i slept lol..... thats why i say , KIDS drugz are bad :D


                    there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


                    • #70
                      ok thats kool no body posted that way i thought peopel thought it was a joke lol yea drugs arent bad but if you dont know where you slept thats bad cause who knows what you did


                      • #71
                        ok so the list goes liek this


                        i have my work cut out for me....

                        o well ill get started when i have time i will really try my best guyz :D

                        till next update

                        there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.


                        • #72
                          really appriciate you doin this


                          • #73
                            To start off i have to say the work you do with sigs is very impressive i was wondering if you could make me one? I'd like it to be a Hume Darkknight with glowing red eyes, in Full artifact armor with a scythe in one hand and a greatsword in the other if possible. I dont care what pose hes in or where he is(i bet you can think of something)and could you put my name on it anywhere that looks nice in black or red writing(i really like black and red). Tyvm i know its gonna be awesome!


                            • #74
                              yea thnx man i think you did my other one to if im not mistaken


                              • #75
                                Wow dude awesome stuff...
                                Its so nice when people do stuff like this just outta kindness.

                                Well id hate to give an overworked man more work:angel: but...
                                If possible could you make me a Elvaan(the one with grey shaggy hair lol) Samurai with Jujistsu Gi on in a battle pose just being cool. Hehe the Elvaans name is Grev.
                                Thanks for your time man ^^
                                your a good guy.
                                Grever---Bard 32, War 30, Rdm 20, Pal 15, Mnk 10, Rng 25, Thf 15....most others around lvl 7.
                                AIM= Johnnyramonex4

