And further more, why hasn't anyone from DiV provided some rep? We're a premire site, right? 
I don't have a transcript of the report, and just about everything I know you can hear over at Pet Food Alpha, but here's everything I took note of. (If someone else here has more information, feel free to post it. Also, do not make trolling comments if you feel everybody knows this already, I merely felt a thread concerning it was in the obligatory category.)
Before we get to FFXI, of note is the fact that S-E's new MMO will not be a part of PlayOnline, however, you will have the ability to retain your PlayOnline Friend List. Neat, I guess? S-E's development team are said to be getting to work on it the moment FFXIII is finished (iirc, XIII was supposed to be the last in the series, or at least, the last before a hiatus).
Back to FFXI, I'm sure everybody's exited about the new Relic Weapons and the new Relic Weaponskills. As it turns out, while the Nyzul Isle Weapons will be among the most difficult to obtain, and thus worthy of the title "Relic," no weapon is necessary to get the new Weaponskills, and S-E themselves said that, whereas the Nyzul Weapons will be rightly difficult to obtain, the Weaponskills will be available to the masses, and should be doable by even the casual player.
However, there will be one unique to each job, and they will correspond with the Nyzul Weapons in another way: using the new JSWS SWAG while equipped with a Nyzul Weapon will give you the status buff of "Aftermath," which can give you a variety of the bonuses dependent on the weapon (and thus, dependent of the Weaponskill and Job).
And, for those interested in obtaining said weapons, S-E has figured out that 50,000 Alexandrites at their current drop rates was a little on the unreasonable side, and are planning on adjusting both for the easier.
You know what we all knew was coming? Final Fantasy XI Fan Festival 2008. And, well, Square Enix finally decided to confirm it for themselves. Expect it towards the end of the year, or at least between the next update and the one after that. All of us interested parties on the East Coast should probably think it wise to save our pennies for plane tickets, too, if things go predictably . . .
This has been discussed before, but ToAU Relic is coming in the September Update, and it has been indicated that little picture of the PLD and PUP in Dynamis was supposed to be a "hint" as to how it would be obtained. Let the whining from the Malacite party commence! As for the rest of us, I really don't think we cared so much how the Relic was implemented so much more than the fact that it was, for the sake of completion.
Speaking of Dynamis, S-E reminded us that reduced costs for Dynamis and increased drop rates for Northlands is coming sometime. They feel since it will be cheaper to get in to Dynamis, this will affect the costs for Ancient Currency, and made a side remark that this might make obtaining existing Relic Weapons a little bit easier.
Oh, and I remember what Cotners said in one thread . . .
You may want to take back that curse, as S-E is *ABSOLUTELY* certain that the key is right there. 
Oh, but it may be worth watching the video over again after considering the following change in perspective. S-E insists that even after the key is found out, this is still going to be one of the more difficult fights in the game, and not to mention one of the longest, and by that, I mean: Does "18-FLIPPING-HOUR-LONG-FIGHT" mean anything to you?! I mean, sure, they conceded it may reduced to 10 hours long if you're lucky, but, still, something to chew on for a little.
While watching the video again, you may want to consider that everybody involved had access to about nine two-hour abilities in that time period, and, due to an all-too-human need for sleep, there could have been only an alliance fighting at any given time, but any extra people can be explained with person 1: "Oh, hey, I have to go, you mind taking my place for the next 4 hours?" person 20: "Sure, dude, go get some rest." /logout person 1, /invite person 20. So, while defeating AV is certainly possible, you may want to rethink the entire thing. I mean, really, {Holy}18{Hour}{Long time}{Battle}{bat}{man}!
So, as I close this thread, I have to ask again: why wasn't there anybody from DiV to provide all of this information for us!?!

I don't have a transcript of the report, and just about everything I know you can hear over at Pet Food Alpha, but here's everything I took note of. (If someone else here has more information, feel free to post it. Also, do not make trolling comments if you feel everybody knows this already, I merely felt a thread concerning it was in the obligatory category.)
Before we get to FFXI, of note is the fact that S-E's new MMO will not be a part of PlayOnline, however, you will have the ability to retain your PlayOnline Friend List. Neat, I guess? S-E's development team are said to be getting to work on it the moment FFXIII is finished (iirc, XIII was supposed to be the last in the series, or at least, the last before a hiatus).
Back to FFXI, I'm sure everybody's exited about the new Relic Weapons and the new Relic Weaponskills. As it turns out, while the Nyzul Isle Weapons will be among the most difficult to obtain, and thus worthy of the title "Relic," no weapon is necessary to get the new Weaponskills, and S-E themselves said that, whereas the Nyzul Weapons will be rightly difficult to obtain, the Weaponskills will be available to the masses, and should be doable by even the casual player.
However, there will be one unique to each job, and they will correspond with the Nyzul Weapons in another way: using the new JSWS SWAG while equipped with a Nyzul Weapon will give you the status buff of "Aftermath," which can give you a variety of the bonuses dependent on the weapon (and thus, dependent of the Weaponskill and Job).
And, for those interested in obtaining said weapons, S-E has figured out that 50,000 Alexandrites at their current drop rates was a little on the unreasonable side, and are planning on adjusting both for the easier.
You know what we all knew was coming? Final Fantasy XI Fan Festival 2008. And, well, Square Enix finally decided to confirm it for themselves. Expect it towards the end of the year, or at least between the next update and the one after that. All of us interested parties on the East Coast should probably think it wise to save our pennies for plane tickets, too, if things go predictably . . .
This has been discussed before, but ToAU Relic is coming in the September Update, and it has been indicated that little picture of the PLD and PUP in Dynamis was supposed to be a "hint" as to how it would be obtained. Let the whining from the Malacite party commence! As for the rest of us, I really don't think we cared so much how the Relic was implemented so much more than the fact that it was, for the sake of completion.
Speaking of Dynamis, S-E reminded us that reduced costs for Dynamis and increased drop rates for Northlands is coming sometime. They feel since it will be cheaper to get in to Dynamis, this will affect the costs for Ancient Currency, and made a side remark that this might make obtaining existing Relic Weapons a little bit easier.
Oh, and I remember what Cotners said in one thread . . .
Originally posted by Cotners
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Oh, but it may be worth watching the video over again after considering the following change in perspective. S-E insists that even after the key is found out, this is still going to be one of the more difficult fights in the game, and not to mention one of the longest, and by that, I mean: Does "18-FLIPPING-HOUR-LONG-FIGHT" mean anything to you?! I mean, sure, they conceded it may reduced to 10 hours long if you're lucky, but, still, something to chew on for a little.
While watching the video again, you may want to consider that everybody involved had access to about nine two-hour abilities in that time period, and, due to an all-too-human need for sleep, there could have been only an alliance fighting at any given time, but any extra people can be explained with person 1: "Oh, hey, I have to go, you mind taking my place for the next 4 hours?" person 20: "Sure, dude, go get some rest." /logout person 1, /invite person 20. So, while defeating AV is certainly possible, you may want to rethink the entire thing. I mean, really, {Holy}18{Hour}{Long time}{Battle}{bat}{man}!
So, as I close this thread, I have to ask again: why wasn't there anybody from DiV to provide all of this information for us!?!
