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Metal and Blind Guardian

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  • Metal and Blind Guardian

    I know there's a few Blind Guardian fans in here... Do any of you have The Bard's Song (In The Forest) single yet? I don't know why I love it so much, I mean, it's an old song played over and over, but it's all I've been listening to the last week. As for the movie that comes along with it, I think they did a job well done, seeing as they aren't millionares and it's not really a music video (haha, if any of you have seen their actual music video of the studio version, talk about low quality).
    Doubtless, I'll be getting Live when it comes out, whenever that may be.

    In other news, what do any of you think of Matt Barlow leaving Iced Earth? Frankly, I'm pissed, but Matt seems happy and so I guess I'm fine with that. It'd be different if he was just quitting because he got bored... but he has a good reason.

  • #2
    Yeah, The Bard's Song (ITF) is pretty cool. I've been listening to the single a lot recently too. I got "Live" last week, and it is an excellent album. However, I prefer Nightfall At The Opera (Bootleg, Germany 2002) for some reason. I just got the bootleg last week too.

    Also, it's a shame that Matt is leaving Iced Earth. I just hope they continue to produce the same quality of music as they did when Matt was a member.


    • #3
      Well, the closest they can get back to Barlow would be Winterfell, who is quite awesome I asure you. Still, I wouldn't want a Barlow clone I think.

      Where did you buy Live? I get all my records from The End Records, cheap, and free shipping, but they don't have it yet.


      • #4
        I get all my imports from an independent record store in my city, which is in the UK. The guys that work there are all metal fans, so they get the releases I'm interested in pretty quickly.


        • #5
          I get all my imports from an independent record store in my city, which is in the UK. The guys that work there are all metal fans, so they get the releases I'm interested in pretty quickly.


          • #6
            I get all my imports from an independent record store in my city, which is in the UK. The guys that work there are all metal fans, so they get the releases I'm interested in pretty quickly.


            • #7
              I get all my imports from an independent record store in my city, which is in the UK. The guys that work there are all metal fans, so they get the releases I'm interested in pretty quickly.


              • #8
                You can order the Bards Song from CDuniverse.


                • #9
                  You can order the Bards Song from CDuniverse.


                  • #10
                    You can order the Bards Song from CDuniverse.


                    • #11
                      You can order the Bards Song from CDuniverse.

