Still don't quite know how to feel about a "dark" Superman movie, much less what appears to another origin story. It also bugs me that they're still trying so hard to pick actors that are in the ballpark of Christopher Reeve and Margo Kidder because they feel it won't be good if they don't.
Maybe if it starts dark but ends up a bit more sunny I can be content with that. Zack Snyder is a hit or miss director and to be fair he got The Watchmen and 300 right, just sidestepping a subplot here or there. Christopher Nolan likes to write dark, cerebral and realistic characters but also writes in junk science. That's not to say his Batman movies or Inception didn't have uplifting, heartwarming or happy moments - they were there- but they can't be in as short supply for Superman.
I was content with The Dark Knight Rises, but it was more Inception's level thanBatman Begins, The Dark Knight and Memento were. I think he does better work on a tighter budget. Here he has the Zack Snyder budget.