Oh mew!! I didn't know until recently about the trailer, mew!! =0.0= Hmm what if people were to watch Hobbit trilogy and LOTR trilogy back to back, mew?
Maybe that would be like 18 hours, which is actually not much compared to peoples Counterstrike playtimes on PC, mew.
Anyone interested in this? I dunno about following the updates because the making of stuff might spoil some things. I actually enjoyed the LOTR movies more not having read the books (although the books are very cool for those that like that stuff) =^.^=
oh ya seeing those journey parts, it reminds me of the time our party would travel on chocobos in Vana'diel far and wide to other towns and stuff. Though I'm sure on Middle Earth they don't need a horse license.
Well it might be interesting how that journey unfolds, mew.

oh ya seeing those journey parts, it reminds me of the time our party would travel on chocobos in Vana'diel far and wide to other towns and stuff. Though I'm sure on Middle Earth they don't need a horse license.
