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Legends Football League
Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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re: Legends Football League
This topic has over 984 views, mew!!People that visit here obviously care even though they might not post, mew.
I'm sure the community as a whole counts the people that might not even be registered but still visit these boards for entertainment, information and other things.
Wouldn't you agree this community includes people that don't post? I'm sure their opinions and interests count too. If it weren't for this topic, they might not even have been aware of the latest news, mew.
As for the exploitation argument, you might as well mention things like how UPS exploits people's spines to move boxes. Exploitation is everywhere but that's just how industries work. Would there even be industries without exploitation (using people for profit)?
Looking on both viewpoints, the athletes benefit as much as the league does, they enjoy it more than anyone!
So it's really not a one-sided business, mew.
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re: Legends Football League
I like to think we can accurately gauge the level of bullshit in a J9 post based on how many emoticons it contains.
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Originally posted by jenova_9 View PostWouldn't you agree this community includes people that don't post?
No I would not.Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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re: Legends Football League
Your argument is invalid six ways from Sunday.
First of all, every time someone loads the thread, that's a view. 62 posts x 15 people checking the thread when there's a new post = 930 views right there. There are not nearly 1000 people who are excited about the LFL but not excited enough to post. There's you, a contrarian stirring the pot, and about a dozen people who do care, but not in the way that you think. We care in the same way that we would care of someone spat in our hamburger.
Also, you're confusing view count with positive feedback. Remember this video of Miss South Carolina talking about "the Iraq everywhere like such as?" It has 55 million views. I guarantee you that doesn't represent 55 million people that thought that was a great answer and are so excited about geography. Think about why a video of someone making a fool of themselves would get a ton of views, and think again about whether your thread getting views is really something you should be proud of.
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re: Legends Football League
I haven't implied proudness about topic posting, mew.But oh well, I get the point the people here are getting across, so I won't post updates here since it's clear no one here is interested, ok mew?
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re: Legends Football League
Also stop spamming the Atlus USA forums. It's provoking the same reactions.
Lingerie Football League Canada season open September 15, 2012 - Page 2 - Atlus U.S.A. Forums
At least GamerEscape's low traffic spares them from you making posts there.
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re: Legends Football League
Originally posted by jenova_9 View PostBut oh well, I get the point the people here are getting across, so I won't post updates here since it's clear no one here is interested, ok mew?
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re: Legends Football League
I feel dirty for reviving this thread, but I felt this was perhaps worthy of brief discussion and it's a very similar story.
So here we have women choosing to wear garments that are repressive of women in the exact opposite way from the LFL uniform in order to play a sport. The difference being that rather than being a new league where all women are required to wear a hijab, this is the existing league accomodating people who are already culturally required to wear a hijab so that they can play the sport. So is this genuinely empowering of women in the way that the LFL is not, or is it enabling oppression of women by providing another venue where women can be required to conform in a way that is dissonant with western values?
Or if you're one of the people that feels the LFL really is empowering to women, do you think this is the same? Better? Worse?Last edited by Taskmage; 10-02-2012, 10:06 AM.
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re: Legends Football League
Originally posted by TaskmageSo is this genuinely empowering of women in the way that the LFL is not, or is it enabling oppression of women by providing another venue where women can be required to conform in a way that is dissonant with western values?
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re: Legends Football League
Same as before - Let the woman decide what is sexist. So long as other women in the league aren't forced to conform to the religion of temper tantrums when they're the visiting team, its perfectly fine if Muslim women want to wear it if its how she expresses her faith.
Even if it makes them look like they showed up for a swim meet. Though I should point out other players often leave their crucifixes and other religious garb in their lockers for their potential to be obstructive to the sport. They do this as a courtesy.
The problem begins when Muslims start to insist women of other cultures wear it.Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-02-2012, 10:56 AM.
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re: Legends Football League
The whole hajib deal is a religious issue and not one in which society at large has any moral highroad on it. Kind of like a Kippah ... and if a hard right theocracy ruled Israel you can bet the farm that they would impose all males to wear that. Or catholic nuns and their habits. You get the picture.
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re: Legends Football League
My personal opinion is that there's nothing wrong with wearing a hajib so long as the woman chooses to wear it freely based on her own values rather than for fear of retribution. If I had such a woman in front of me who I thought would respond well, I might challenge her beliefs on that, because I disagree with the premise as I understand it, but again so long as it's her choice and values, good for her.
I think it's great that FIFA is accommodating the culture of these women who want to participate in the sport. I just thought there was an interesting parallel here and thought it might spark some discussion.
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re: Legends Football League
Well this article has many valid points and positive things that LFL brings.If people need to make comparisons between different region cultures, other sports ethics, and ethical thoughts of what garments "should" be worn, but the LFL is its own culture, and understanding it is really not hard if people don't simply accept how their culture made them think, and be more open minded .
The athletes have dedicated their interest and effort in the LFL, so they are okay with it (otherwise they wouldn't be there), everyone else should be okay with it too.LFL does more positive things and unique presentation of sport that no other sports league can match. A women's football league can't succeed as rapidly or expand as much any other way, that's just how society sees women's sports leagues. But exposed beauty + athletism can peak interest while providing a real sport and hard hitting competition.
LFL is not only elevating football's popularity (in more countries too) but also convincing more people to watch women play arena football at professional levels, and at the sametime more people realize these women not only can play football, but they also have bravery and heart and great effort and dedicated passion towards the sport and the league, while reminding people to respect their character as a person and as an athlete instead of judging people and the league based on what they wear. People with mature attitude can understand the LFL and take it more seriously and respectfully instead of acting like a fussy insecure teen towards it, while thinking of themselves as "classy" based on what they wear.
Clothes don't make a person,
that's just what society fools itself into believing, just like delusional people that wear a crown, badge or receive a title from "official royalty or authority" makes them believe they are something of higher class or something.
There are really no class or ranks, just people's perception treats those illusions as real. Like names, which are also imaginary labels that are simply used to make things like identification and organization easier.
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
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10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
10 Reasons to Support LFL Canada | Bleacher Report
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re: Legends Football League
Originally posted by Balfree View PostCan we please have a male only Jockstrap Football Leage too?
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