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Legends Football League

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  • #46
    re: Legends Football League

    Originally posted by Armando View Post
    I'm sure there's practical reasons for most sport uniforms. Football is a full-contact sport with a high injury rate. Sexism aside, do you really think being half-naked is safe? It's as bad as boxers not wearing headgear.
    That's what protections are for, including the padding on the pants they use, yes, but the rest of it is just for show. Just look at how uniform styles have changed over the years for no other purpose than to be attractive, it's extremely easy to see which parts are there for practical protection and which are there just for show.

    And about playing American Football half naked I take you've never played... I don't know how they call it in Puerto Rico, but we used to call it "Tochito" back in Highschool. Which is American Football without protection played by silly kids at the park on the grass. But anyway, the point is many times you ended up playing without your shirt (damn sun thing heating everything up) and nothing ever happened due to lack of shirts, because fabric offers no protection whatsoever against the really harmful things.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #47
      re: Legends Football League

      Fair point. It's still sexist as fuck and so is defending it.


      • #48
        re: Legends Football League

        Whether it's sexist or not depends on how they are portraying the women playing the game.

        Football (Soccer) has guys showing their legs, swimming had guys showing almost everything while women usually covered more until the cool full body performance-enhancing swimsuits arrived. Was swimming sexist? Baseball players use those tight uniforms women often comment about. Are they sexing the "sport"? Should we stop calling baseball a sport now or should we look at the context?

        So my question is: Are they selling their looks over their game or are they using their looks in addition to their game to bring attention to the sport? And, is it different from what they do in other sports using the athlete's image to sell the event? If you can objectively say they are then yes LF is sexist, but if they aren't then it all comes down to how competitive their league actually is, cultural shock aside.

        That's all I'm saying.

        - - - Updated - - -

        PS > Also good to keep in mind that ALL Televised sports are a show. People may be more invested in some more than others, but at the end of the day it's about having people watching the ads and paying for the tickets to watch the game. If it was about the sport itself people would be outside playing themselves instead of watching others play.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #49
          re: Legends Football League

          Whether it's sexist or not depends on how they are portraying the women playing the game.

          Sexism, when it comes to clothing, is when anyone - man or woman - tells a woman what she should wear. People running the league are telling these women how to present themselves, therefore, its sexism. Its really just that simple.

          Allow me to clarify - Radical feminists are often sexist toward younger modern feminists. Today's feminists are told by these fossils that wearing bras, using make-up and dressing sexy hinders the cause of women's rights. You know, because burning bras, not using make-up and dressing like men were the things that got women more rights and better treatment in the workplace. Or maybe it was just remaining undaunted by failure and that they kept pressing forward with those issues until changes had to be made in the workplace and elsewhere.

          Yeah, I think it was actually that persistence thing that was more effective. So telling a woman that wants to use lipstick that she's not a feminist for doing so would be incredibly sexist. Sexism in presentation is all about telling other people how they "should" present themselves.


          • #50
            re: Legends Football League

            PS > Also good to keep in mind that ALL Televised sports are a show.
            The difference is that there's real skill displayed, and that's the focal point of the show. LFL is about objectifying women's bodies - which is something even Olympic athletes can't escape.
            If it was about the sport itself people would be outside playing themselves instead of watching others play.
            I don't know about you but I'm not a professional or olympic athlete. Nothing I do in the field is going to compare to what the pros can pull off - and if you do play the sport, then you stand to benefit from watching people that are better than you.
            Last edited by Armando; 09-08-2012, 06:56 PM.


            • #51
              re: Legends Football League

              LFL is not about objectifying bodies, it's about getting LFL's women's football level acceptance, success and popularity as high as it can go, nationally and globally (which it is already successfully doing). If anyone objectifies women, it isn't the LFL, it's the men in the world that do not see women as equals. If they would only watch women's football if they dress like they do in the LFL, then it's a win/win/win/win situation for athletes, pervs, sports fans, and the league's expansion. Here is BC Angels vs. Saskatoon Sirens!! Amazing results!!!!


              • #52
                re: Legends Football League

                That looks like the cover to a porn video.


                • #53
                  re: Legends Football League

                  There is no such thing as bad publicity.

                  Can people just stop giving this horrible excuse for a sport publicity and let the thread die?
                  Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                  Reiko Takahashi
                  - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                  Haters Gonna Hate


                  • #54
                    re: Legends Football League

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	the-avengers-sexy-pose_o_312311.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	310.4 KB
ID:	1475065


                    • #55
                      re: Legends Football League

                      OH MEW!!!! o.o

                      This is the most epic game so far!!!! 0.0 The heroes and villains clash like a epic rpg!! O.O The struggle, the passion, the determination!!!! ^.^

                      You have to admit after watching this one, is very emotional and profound team moments, mew!!

                      What struggle!! what heroism against all odds!!


                      • #56
                        re: Legends Football League

                        Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                        I don't think you know what that word means.

                        Then again I don't think you know what words mean in general.
                        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                        Name: Drjones
                        Blog: Mediocre Mage


                        • #57
                          re: Legends Football League

                          What we see:

                          What J9 sees:


                          • #58
                            re: Legends Football League

                            Oh mew this is like arguing with conservatives.

                            Anyway, here is the new game for those interested, mew.


                            • #59
                              re: Legends Football League

                              J9, I'm going to be constructive here.

                              I think your posting style, which largely consists of "Shit none of us care about," is best suited to Facebook or Twitter. It goes right along with "Yet another picture of my cat," worthless personal anecdotes, the "awesome vacation you're not having" photos and "inspirational" posts that I tend to find there. I encourage you to make an account with these social networks, find people who might actually come close to caring but really don't and hype each up over games you'll never play and entertainment programming you don't actually watch.


                              • #60
                                re: Legends Football League

                                Honestly, why do you insist on updating us about things none of us care about and many of us are actively hostile to? Naive ignorance was already a weak excuse for starting the thread knowing how your women's MMA thread went, but by the time you were updating the thread the second and third time "for those interested" (again, name a single person) you really should have known better.

                                It's hard to see this as anything but trolling for hate posts.
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

